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Posts posted by Eoae

  1. 18 hours ago, John E. Dynamite said:

    True tales from mid-stage retro collection - I finally buckled and bought those Gamecube bongo controllers.  

    I feel ridiculous every time I use the bongos to play Jungle Beat, but the game's not nearly as fun without them (for me, anyway)

    Question: Is the Xbox Series X/S eventually going to be compatible with all original Xbox games.  The initial compatibility list only includes 39 og Xbox games (the games currently available on XBL basically).  Microsoft has said they're going to be adding to it, so I'm assuming a good chunk of Xbox titles will eventually be compatible.

    Mostly just wondering if I'll want a Series X optical drive for older titles.  I'm assuming Microsoft isn't going to upload the complete Xbox catalog to XBL.

  2. 1 hour ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    The story will always remain the same: You get as much leash as Vince gives you. If he loves the character, then he will run with it. Then once he falls out of love, that's it for you.

    So what you're saying is that Hillbilly Jim and the family got over because they reminded Vince of growing up in North Carolina?

    • Haha 1
  3. 14 hours ago, The Green Meanie said:

    2) Byron saying Ali was the leader all along is verrrry problematic. Like, where is he getting this from exactly? Joe was correct in saying he had joined, then (when it was apparent) asked how long he had been involved. Byron going all-out and announcing the he had been leading from the beginning was reckless.

    I'm assuming Ali is the leader because he seemingly gave the signal to attack the Hurt Business and he's the only unmasked wrestler in the faction.  Not really logical, I know,but that's how wrestling works.

    I'm wondering if Ali was supposed to be the leader (?) all along?  Knowing Vince, he just came up with this angle yesterday afternoon, but who knows.  There were a couple bigger names rumored to be leader (Keith Lee).  The afternoon they taped the first Retribution segment, WWE put out a statement saying it was just going to be a wrestling angle, not a political statement, so maybe they planned Antifa association from the start.  Honestly, their statement gave the idea Retribution were probably going to be African-American heels who shouted BLM slogans.  Vince doesn't do subtlety well.

  4. 21 hours ago, Pete said:

    Came across Harlem Nights yesterday morning for the first time in years. It's the only movie Eddie Murphy directed (he also starred, wrote the script and executive produced), and it isn't... particularly... good... although there's some fun bits with him, Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx and Della Reese all having a big ol' time playing off each other. You can already see Pryor dealing with the onset of MS, although mentally he's sharp as a tack and still Richard muhfuggin' Pryor.

      Reveal hidden contents

    "How was your date?" "I killed her." "Tore the pussy up, huh?" "No, man, I killed her." "What the fuck you talking about? Was the pussy that bad, man?"

    There's a beautiful shot of Murphy, Pryor and Foxx together at the very end... really lovely and poignant in retrospect. It reminded me of the end to The Shootist for similar real-life reasons.

    I don't remember liking Harlem Nights much, but I do remember thinking Murphy would probably make a good movie eventually.

  5. Regal is also shutting down all cinemas in the US and UK until... whenever.  I mean, I'm kinda guessing Regal and AMC go under before Covid is dealt with and people actually start going to movies again, but we'll see.  There's not really a lot of reason to keep a theater open when the rest of the year is practically a blank slate for new releases.  I think Hocus Pocus was the top grossing film in the US last week?  It's also on Freeform this month, so....

  6. 1 hour ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    A lot of this is on Dusty because it was Dusty's creation. Dusty use to go up to people and adamantly be like, "Doesn't he look like Little Richard?"

    I don't think Dusty really gave a shit because (1) 91 was his first year back as WCW booker, (2) in the same year you got PN News, (3) Herd really loved over-the-top corny gimmicks, and (4) Dusty fashioned himself as a white man acting black and got it over. He probably told Marc how to act and portray the character in the first place.

    I actually think Johnny B. Badd would have been huge on late 80's/early 90's WWF.  So many of the guys that got over did so playing these outsized, larger-than-life gimmicks.  Basically, they had personalities you could pair with an over-the-top gimmick and dial it up to 11.  I can imagine Ted DiBiase the Mid-South wrestler getting lost in the shuffle without the Million Dollar Man gimmick and DiBiase's memorable heel laugh.

    If they wanted to point out Mero was white, they could easily have shown him with his mother.  In the sit-down, Mero talks about how much winning the World TV Title meant to him and his family, then talks about about celebrating with his mom after the match.  It really seemed like a natural spot to insert a clip of him and her together, but that would probably give away the gimmick.

  7. 42 minutes ago, Casey said:

    I don't think I've ever seen that Dishonored/Prey collection, but I know the Alt History one is already on the current gen consoles. So this is talking about a free upgrade for Series S/X, and no mention of anything for the PS5, which is interesting. Especially since Fallout 4 is in the PS Plus Collection for the PS5.

    Article I saw earlier made it seem like the new compilations would be Xbox exclusives.

  8. On 9/29/2020 at 4:17 AM, The Natural said:

    Dan Slott’s Spider-Man - The Bad.

    • The Superior Spider-Man ending in early 2014 was the right time or at the very latest, Renew Your Vows (2015) for Dan to go.
    • The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) was bad and The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) made me drop the book. Bloody awful.

    Agreed.  In hindsight, it really seems like the last issue of Superior should have been Slott's jumping off point.  it really paid off much of what Slott had been doing with the character and would have been a organic ending to the ASM/SSM story.  Other than the Spiderverse storyline and maybe Renew Your Vows, I don't think I enjoyed anything after the end of SSM.  Peter Stark-Parker really annoyed me because I never really liked the Horizon Labs stuff.  It wasn't a bad idea (it makes more sense than a guy with a genius iq working as a photographer), but Slott made Pete's transition to "Sooper Scientist" wayyy too easy.  And, really  the character is really more relatable as a everyman photographer.

    Really disliked Slott's FF and Iron Man runs.  Slott's kind of a modern-day Peter David for me.  Both guys wrote a long run on a iconic character that I thought was outstanding.  Both guys made their name off that one run, but then stayed too long on the book.  And then both guys then went on to other projects and did a lot of work that I didn't think measured up to their best work.    

    I think on the whole I'd pick JMS's ASM run over Slott's.  Not sure there's been a better run on Hulk than David's.  Though I feel JMS also stayed too long on the book and did his best work in the front half of the run.  I don't even hold One More Day against JMS.  The scripting was fine, and I don't think he had much control over the plot.  That was an editorial decision, wasn't it?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, Craig H said:

    That's...not remotely the same thing as addressing someone "not being black anymore" or being a person of color to begin with.

    If that footage was supposed to be a subtle way of acknowledging Mero is actually white, it went way over my head.  They did drop a few secs of old footage of Mero's boxing days in the interview, but Mero is fairly swarthy/tan in the clips.  It's not a dramatic difference from his WCW look.  The New York stuff is literally "I grew up in Macon then went to New York."  He may have dropped the accent.  I didn't notice if he did.  His accent in promos was really exaggerated anyway, so I'd kind of expect him to drop it for a sit-down interview.  He's definitely not in character during the segment.  

    I don't think that's what they were going for, but who knows.  If I were running a wrestling company that had a white guy tanning up to pretend to be black, I don't think I'd be wanting reverse course and acknowledge that on camera.  Even in the 1990's. the optics of that would be terrible.

    Was it widely known at the time that Mero was white?  I assume Meltzer knew and discussed it in the Observer, but I read the Observer off-and-on through the 90's and somehow didn't realize exactly what was going on with the gimmick until sometime in the 2000's.

    I kinda groan when I watch Johnny B. Badd matches now because the gimmick is ridiculous and politically incorrect (made all the worse by Badd's *nudge nudge wink wink* "I'm flamboyantly gay" mannerisms), but Mero/Badd was a lot of fun to watch.        

  10. 9 hours ago, LoneWolf&Subs said:

    Huh, did not know they explained away Johnny B. Badd not being black anymore during a puff piece on Saturday Night. 


    I feel like I’m missing something.  I’ve watched that clip twice and didn’t see anything that I thought addressed “not being black anymore”.  Race doesn’t even come up.  

  11. Quote

    Sony confirmed to AV Watch that the change is being made to avoid having the confirm button being different between the console's menu and in-game controls. In both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, users are able to specify whether the "X" or "O" button would serve as the confirm button (although the consoles would ship with the default depending on region).

    Can you remap the confirm button on the PS3? I'm fairly sure that part is an error.  IIRC, you can remap buttons on the PS4 but not the PS3.  Google is indicating the PS3 users can't remap buttons.  

    I confuse the confirm button frequently, probably because I use my PS3 regularly and the PS3 I've had hooked up is a Japanese model.  

  12. Honestly, I miss lonnggg games.  I understand the complaints because a lot of gamers are older and have to fit around work and family commitments, but there were a lot of 80-100 games during the PS1 era that I enjoyed thoroughly.  I'm still surprised how many triple A, story-driven games come out that can be completed in 20-30 hours or less.

    Nothing wrong with short, story-driven games.  I've played a lot of great indie titles that can be completed in a couple hours.  I just got used to epic RPG's and what-not during the PS1 days.

    Although, my fear is that if we start getting back to 100 hr. rpgs and open-world adventures, it won't be because they're gripping games that deserve that time commitment.  Instead, it will be because developers have a lot of memory and processing power to play with and we start getting bloated, poorly designed epics.  So maybe less really is better.

    I don't try to do every side quest or collect trophies, so I rarely get near 100 hours.  Witcher 3 is the only game I can think of that I've actually played for more than 100 hours in the past 15 years or so.


  13. I wonder if they have long-term plans for Jey as a singles wrestler.  Jey getting destroyed again at Hell in a Cell (or making a better showing but still losing, though that seems a little implausible given how thoroughly dominated him), then building himself up and being a surprise Rumble winner wouldn't be a bad storyline.  I kinda doubt they're penciling in Jey-Roman for WM, but who knows?  I don't think Roman-Rock is happening next year.

    Of course, it could also be that the company is really as short on ideas as we think they are and Vince decided Jey-Roman II was easier than trying to come up with a new idea.

  14. 1 hour ago, Jiji said:

    Forgot to mention that there's a video of a dev kit ps5 that takes 20 seconds to load up. Could be fake and the dev kit may be slower than the final retail version but the XSX takes 10-12 seconds to load up apparently. 

    I'm honestly amazed that this matters to anyone, but apparently gamers are in a tizzy over 10 second load times.

    I am a little put off by the info that the PS5 supposedly has 664 mb of usable storage out of the box.  That's my only real "complaint" about the little bit that's been revealed about next gen consoles so far,  I expected default storage to be larger.  I'd like to get away from having to delete games or buy an external drive to install a new game.  I know cost is a factor, but I expected the PS5 and Xbox Series whatever to launch with at least 2 or 3 GB of usable storage, and I expect later models with have much more storage space.  

    IIRC, PS4 Pro has about 860 GB of storage.  Game sizes will probably increase quite a bit, so losing a third of the hard drive space out of the box is a little disappointing.

    Interestingly, the PS4 edition of Miles Morales is supposedly going to take up more space than the PS5 release (52 MB to 50 MB).


  15. Playing Metal Wolf Chaos for the first time in years.  Yeah, it seems a lot less ridiculous now than it did in 2004.  It probably seems a lot less ridiculous in 2020 than the designers intended.  

    Not an outstanding game, but I recommend it highly.  Honestly, a remake with better voice acting and script would be less fun.  I remembered how bad the English voice acting is, but not how terrible the dialogue is.  A lot of the lines are cringe-inducing.

    I was also pleasantly surprised to discover my Japanese Xbox (OG) still works.  Haven't booted it up since 2010 or 2012.



  16. I really enjoyed Abzu, but what my strongest memory of it is wanting to smash my controller after the first night with it.  I'm not a rage gamer, so games don't usually get to me, but it took me awhile to get the hang of swimming.  First night with the game was mostly spent watching my diver swim to the bottom of the ocean and bump along the ocean floor, repeatedly jamming his head into the ground at an awkward angle that probably should have broken his neck.      

    • Haha 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, NikoBaltimore said:

    So if regular NXT shows are at the PC now then it sounds like they're either done with Full Sail or just pausing the contract since people can't attend.  I hope it's the latter as once COVID's done having the crowd anywhere but Full Sail will feel weird to me.

    Same.  This feels less like "game changing" and more like "step backwards to save money.".  Hopefully, they go back to Full Sail (or at least somewhere besides the PC) once COVID recedes into the background and they start running shows before crowds again.

    • Like 1
  18. So... if Vince is going to take over the talent's Twitch accounts and take the revenue for himself, and the percentage of revenue the wrestlers do get to keep is going to count against downside guarantee, what is the point of having a Twitch account?  I'm not seeing where the wrestler makes any money off the channels in this scenario.  Vince takes a cut of the revenue and since whatever revenue the wrestler does make counts against the amount the WWE guarantees, the company will ultimately pay them less.  So yeah, talent seems likely to put some effort into their Twitch accounts and make the same amount of money.

    On the one hand, I'm generally pro-business, so if Vince can get people to buy into this idea, good for him.  On the other hand, he's picking an odd time to demoralize the locker room.  I'm guessing flying around during a pandemic to perform in front of empty locker rooms and watch merch sales drop to nothing isn't what people signed on for.   It seems counterproductive to turn the locker room against the company given that you can't run live shows and tv ratings are terrible.  The company's going to remain profitable as long as the current tv contracts are in place, but the long term future is uncertain if they can't go back to their previous business model at some point in 2021 or 22.

    The "WWE owns your real names" thing is silly.  Even if that was stipulated in the contracts -- and I expect Meltzer would have reported on it if that were the case - it's unenforceable.  The only way that claim sticks is if the wrestlers never challenge it.

    Them again, I'd say much the same thing about the independent contractor claim, and wrestlers have never tried hard to challenge that even though they've had a couple decades to do so.   

    • Like 1
  19. The Pathless confirmed as a PS5 launch title.  Also releasing on PS4, PC the same day.


    The Sony Showcase that previewed it a couple months ago certainly gave the impression it was going to be a PS5 exclusive,   So, yeah, Sony has a marketing problem right now.  I imagine all these controversies and discontent will go away once we get a couple years in and Sony has a large roster of exclusives and not-on-Xbox games built up, but right now it Sony is lagging behind Xbox in the PR dept.  I'm more excited about what Xbox and Nintendo are doing but I expect that will change once the games start rolling out.

    For those not familiar, Pathless is the second game from Giant Squid.  Their first game was ABZÛ and the studio head, Matt Nava, was the art director on Flower and Journey.

  20. 3 minutes ago, D.Z said:

    Triple H said the upcoming NXT Take Over will have game changing look and feel.

    I dunno if I'd consider it game changing, but I feel like there's going to be some sort of shake-up/implosion of UE.  Cole seems to be mostly behaving like a babyface since the match with Balor (he did threaten to have UE beat up Austin Theory, but UE never actually showed and Cole wrestled the match like a babyface).  It feels like they're getting ready to split him off or maybe give O'Reilly some sort of big push.  Triple H said they had big plans for KOR anyway, but the pandemic has pushed the timeline up.

    I don't really see much coming of an O'Reilly singles push, but we'll see.  If heel Cole wasn't so played out, I'd guess UE would turn on O'Reilly to cost him the title match since the title "should" be Cole's and that would be the big feud going forward.  Maybe UE implodes and a new heel faction comes out of it?  Honestly, I'd be down with a double turn.  I'd be more interested in a heel faction led by Balor and Strong than anything they've ever done with UE.

    For some reason, I really want a Bronson Reed megapush.  He's looked good of late and seems to have the sort of charisma that might translate to the main roster.  Too bad Vince probably looks at Reed and remembers he's already got a dancing fat guy on the main roster.  I kinda suspect Reed to remain parked in NXT until Otis fails a wellness test.

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