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Posts posted by Shartnado

  1. 13 minutes ago, Jiji said:

    That match seemingly went on forever. 21 minutes according to cagematch. They didn't have great chemistry for whatever reason. Was the In Your House match they had while Austin was still a heel any good? I don't really remember it. 

    On the smoking skull sessions with Taker they talked about this match and Austin said he smacked his face on Taker's skull on some pedesterian spot early on and has no recollection of the rest of the match. So Taker was bottlefeeding him just like Foley during the HitC! That may have something to do with the lack of chemistry. I liked this match better than I did the Cold Day In Hell IYH match, but that's neither here nor there.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

    Was watching Starrcade '87 again earlier...  mostly for one of my favorite matches of all time Ron Garvin defending the NWA title against Ric Flair in a cage match.  The two of them beat the shit out of each other from the opening bell and never let up.  Such a hard hitting contest.  I always get a kick out of the "Garvin sucks!" chants,  I understand Flair was the man in them days and maybe Garvin was a bit dry on personality but he was a great fucking worker. 

    Road Warriors challenging Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson in their hometown Chicago is another great match..  I always hate the finish but damn are all four men on their A game here.  Hawk and Animal throwing them both around like they're toddlers and then you have Arn and Tully pulling out all the stops cheating their ass off,  working over Hawk's leg, capitalizing on every little opportunity..   it's always a shame how it finished both teams worked so well together. 

    The pop for Nikita is amazing on this show too.  He was so over.   Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone are on commentary and they are great, it's a really fun show. 

    This would be a good idea for later in the night, but the cool thing about '87 JCP was the fact that guys like the US-tag champs Barry Windham & Ronnie Garvin still had their own singles shit going WHILE being tag champs. Barry was credible enough to be challening Flair and later on in the year it was GARVIN who actually won the title. We all know the circumstances surrounding the title change, but in kayfabe, it's still a very cool story and a F'n stiff match!

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Andy in Kansas said:


    We have seen Eddie's kid can take a hell of a beating, but is this really a good idea? I mean it is possible the match will rock and with the stipulation there is plenty of room of bells and whistles, but it will most likely be closer to a trainwreck than a class... erm, an ok match. But hey, Seth Rollins is there to save the day. I mean no offence to Seth, but this is not going to be all that pretty.

  4. 42 minutes ago, The Natural said:

    The Velveteen Dream back...


    I'm sorry, but you really shouldn't be surprised about this BS, because as someone already said it, WWE will not release people who they feel can make them money, unless they absolutely have to. They had no problem firing Ligero, Travis Banks and the not-so Gentleman Jack Gallagher (because c'mon), but bigger names will be protected until they have no other alternative. I mean even Joe Coffey only got "suspended" (is that where they draw the line? Gee, seems kinda arbitrary). But yeah, I feel ya, bro!

  5. Albino rhino gyno I know is also a wino! Thanks to this board I became aware of this show and when I finally got Netflix subscription, (after few other shows )I got around to this one and I'm midway through season 3 and it has been amazing so far.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Jiji said:

    Definitely agree that Rey is The Godfather of wrestling.

    Rey's selling is very good but I don't think it's top tier. It's totally passive. I like my big time sellers to have some passion in it like Kawada, Hokuto, Juice.

    Papa Shango may have a thing or two to say about that first remark.

    I remember there being discussion /general opinion of the exact opposite some 10(-ish?) years ago. The strong opinion was that Rey was pretty much the best babyface worker / storyteller of the time. I have no strong opinion one way or the other but this discussion is surprising to me as well.

  7. 15 minutes ago, BurningBeard said:

    Marcus Alexander Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio are the most underrated tag team of all time. Discuss...

    Underrated for sure! Scorpio was awesome from day 1 and I've always liked Bagwell's work until the neck injury. They had a bunch of good teams to work with and could definitely have gone further than they did, if not for the implosion. I wish there was more of their matches available than there already is (on the WWE Network).

  8. 25 minutes ago, paintedbynumbers said:

    Classic content to be added monday is WWF Superstars picking up where they left off in 1993.   Not too bad but was hoping for more WCW or some SMW shows. 

    You and me both. I was going to ask if anyone knew what the upcoming classic content was going to be, so thank you for that. Personally, more Prime Time or Saturday Night would have been amazing. 1993 Superstars is not exactly the best of times in the terms of entertainment, although we might be getting some of the first KotR PPV qualifying matches (the ones not on RAW, anyway).

  9. Putting the negative thoughts aside for a minute, a few comments a couple of days late due to time difference and night shift.

    Danny Burch gave Kross almost a better fight than Dijakovic did, which is surprising and cool at the same time. Kross destroying and no-selling everyone on his way to the top reminds me of '91 Undertaker and the matches he had with the midcarders. You didn't think they had a chance, but still wanted to see how much of a fight they are able to put up against him. That's nice.

    Fireballs from within the contract? Does this make Scarlett "Mama Shango" , or is she just so hot that she makes things spontaneously combust by touching them? Actually, I'm willing to buy either of those theories.

    I was surprised that Killian Dain vs Drake Maverick happened, but the reasons for the match taking place became obvious in less than a minute. Too bad.

    McAfee is a douche. By the way, there apparently WAS a character named Pat on Bold and the Beautiful for a few episodes, but I had to scroll the cast all the way back to 1996. So, I guess the stable I suggested would make even more sense.

    Bronson Reed rules! Big win for him, too! I wonder if winning the North American title at Takeover XXX would eclipse his previous career highlight of appearing on Deadpool 2 talking about his "prison wallet", befriending Juggernaut and starting fires with his mind... wait, what?

    Kacy Catanzaro (sp?) is just the best. I'm so glad she came back, although it probably would have been better for her to just run. Run, and never , ever look back. Still, I will never complain about her choice to come back.

    Well, at least Cameron Grimes won. I think there's a decent chance of him walking away with the title at Takeover and I have absolutely no problems with that.

    Io-Kai and Mercedes-Rhea should both rule hard.

    Oh, and I wish Pete Dunne could come back soon. It sucks that he can't be around kicking Thatcher's ass!

    • Like 3
  10. If Sid was on No Holds Barred, would this affect the WrestleMania VI main event? Just based on the notion that Hogan vs Zeus could have been a WM main event, if Zeus found a way not to suck so badly inside the ring. 

    So maybe Sid v Hogan at WM VI, Hogan v Warrior at VII and Hogan v Sid rematch at VIII in accordence with Roland's universe. It's just that if Warrior wins the title in '91, one would assume he wouldn't be fired after SummerSlam'91, right?

    Would this start a chain-reaction that ends up with stuff like Bret jumping to WCW in early '92 and million other things?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, RolandTHTG said:

    Late 90/Early 91 - Lundgren doesn't want to do the sequel. Rather than jump from WCW to WWF, Sid does the sequel. Maybe we get a Sid/Freddie Mercury collaboration.

    Movie makes a modest return and gets relatively good reviews for what it is. Think TMNT II. Probably does well enough off the merchandise points to not need to wrestle again. But importantly the movie does better than Suburban Commando.

    Hogan constantly angles to do business with him. You probably get Sid vs Hogan a year earlier and maybe at 8 anyway. Sid wins the first one and then Hogan gets his win back and retires.

    Sid then goes on to make Sliver instead of Billy Baldwin and ends up having amazing sexual chemistry with Sharon Stone instead of trying to stab Arn Anderson.


    That's such good material, partner!

    Does the sequel contain the line "My goodness, what happened to He-Man? He looks like he ate Prince Adam AND Battle Cat?!" at any point?

    Does Sid go on to claim to be the "Master and Ruler of the UNIVERSE" , instead of just the world?

    How about the late nineties and early 00's, when the famous 80's action stars started to lose their luster for a bit? Good or bad for Sid? Will he be there for Monday Night Wars, Attitude Era or InVasion era (provided the leg injury ends up not happening)?

    A bit later still, would he qualify for a role in an Expendables or a Sharknado movie?

    • Like 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, RolandTHTG said:

    Imagine a world where Sid gets cast as He-Man in a major Hollywood blockbuster and becomes the guy in the wrestling business to make it in Hollywood, not the Rock. 

    In this universe, did the '87(?) Dolph Lundgren movie ever happen (and bomb) or would this be the first Masters of the Universe movie made? The earlier this would happen, the more wrestlers could possibly jump into movies and actually succeed.

    If the movie was an actual blockbuster, Sid could end up taking roles from other action stars during the timeframe this was happening and probably wrestle even less, especially if he was still taking the softball seasons off from being an active wrestler.

    Maybe the Arn scissor-incident never happens and IF it does, it would draw way more negative attention to the wrestling industry than it actually did.

    Whether Sid would end up with more or less World title reigns would depend on how long his Hollywood career lasts. If it would fizzle out after considerable initial success, one would have to think that any major company would jump at the chance to have him as their top star.

    Also, maybe he never has that gruesome leg injury, either, if a Hollywood contract prevents him from taking anything more than minimal risks when in the ring, if he ever even gets back into the ring again. Of course, if the acting career has already jumped the shark at that point, maybe Sid still jumps the second rope anyway.

    If the acting career takes him away from wrestling entirely, then who would get the opportunities he got in his place?

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, odessasteps said:

    There’s Global on the network? Didn’t remember that.

    Well, it's Jarrett, Chris Adams, Steve Austin etc. era of Texas USWA (I guess, or World Class, I really don't know) from 1990, rather than the Global you are probably hoping for, but yeah, it's there. Lightning Kid vs Jerry Lynn can be found on Hidden Gems from THAT Global, however.

  14. Wow, I never looked up any further info about the timing of the Demolition title change and had no idea it was this convoluted. Considering there has been that nullified title change with Rockers and Hart Foundation in 1990, it's always a possibility that Vince would have just decided not to air the title change at all, if they came to terms in time. But alas, it was not to be. Sure is interesting, though!

  15. Arn said in his podcast that they gave their notice while still the tag champs, due to not making more money than in JCP, as Vince had originally promised them. After Tully was fired and Arn was teaming with Haku against Demolition etc. he started receiving the most amazing paychecks for shows that didn't do amazing business.

    When he finished up, he actually HAD made more than in JCP. Vince had kept his word and I'm sure it was kind of a reverse FU to Arn for not trusting him when Vince said he would take care of it.

    That was Arn's take on it, I have no clue if it actually happened, but fascinating story, nonetheless.

    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

    They probably didn't tell Tully shit until after the match thinking he'd walk then and there.

    Yeah, wouldn't doubt that for a minute! It's not like they can go "Hey, Tully! Your test came back positive for cocaine, so your ass is fired as of 10 minutes from now! But before that, go out there and make Hellwig look like a million bucks! Thanks!"

    • Haha 3
  17. 12 minutes ago, Death From Above said:

    Wrestling fans having a crazy fetish for thinking wrestlers are extremely tough and killing each other out there is consistent across eras. If I got a dollar for every time a smart fan told me Kawada kicks really hard because the one inch thick foam pad made a noise I'd be doing pretty well.

    People still on Seinfeld's dick in 2020 is the equivalent of running a MASH gimmick on message boards in the late 90's. It's over, guys.

    Obviously, we have no idea of the reality of the situation, but I'm sure thinking that way is part of the fascination. If we were absolutely sure that everything felt like being licked by tiny , fluffy kittens, I think there would be even less wrestling fans left.

    And what do you mean Seinfeld is over? When was this and why was I not notified?

  18. I don't recall the particular NXT match, but somewhere Billie got kicked in the head with a Pele kick of sorts and her selling of it was one of the most legit hilarious things (and I mean intentionally hilarious) things I have seen. I believe that was the specific moment I was sold on those two!

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