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Posts posted by Shartnado

  1. 9 hours ago, Ziggy said:

    I thought the same thing, I don't watch the TV so I wasn't sure about either guy. Gargano is probably at Big Show numbers of heel turns he and Ciampa. It was a really good match, Priest has been very impressive at these Takeovers. He's another one of these guys that have the look Vince like but as we've seen with guys like Keith Lee, that doesn't mean he'll be used correctly on the Main roster.

    T-Bag Dijak has very similar look, physique wise, to Priest and that did not help him at all once he got to the main roster. Priest HAS been very impressive with right opponents, but he will be we well served staying on NXT as long as possible. 

    As far as heel/face allegiance is concerned, I'm guessing he's trying to be a super cocky face, but being such, he indeed needs to face the biggest of douchebags around, so his cockiness won't rub people the wrong way. Actually, I would not be at all surprised if he'd be facing VD for his next program.

  2. 2 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    I definitely caught MVP calling T-Bar "T-Bag" tonight. *chef's kiss* 

    Lee and Strowman steamrolling each other was pretty fucking cool. 

    Well, someone WAS going to use that eventually, so good on MVP to get ahead of the pack, because that was a low hanging fruit, right there!

  3. As I am a sucker for a redemption story, the one thing that I would like to see on season three is at least one solitary redeeming quality in the steaming pile of shit that is Daniel's son! Like just one, please!

  4. Everything was very good. I absolutely had not thought the return could be Ember, but that was a cool surprise and literally a surprise for me!

    Yay, for Toni Storm coming back! Does she live in the US currently, or did she row a boat across the Atlantic and it took her all this time to make the trip?

    Beth Phoenix said getting hit by Kyle O'Reilly is kinda like getting hit by a baseball bat! Did she mean getting hit with a Kyle O'Reilly is kinda like getting hith with something the size of a baseball bat? Great effort, by KOR, nonetheless!

    Wonder if Kushida goes after Legado next? Probably that Adonis dude will, as well!

    Priest and Gargano was very good as was everything else, but it kinda foreshadowed the ending of Io-Candice, as if one of the power couple fails, it was very likely the other one would, as well! Who is next for Priest? Ciampa?

    Fuck yeah for Halloween Havoc, despite the fact that we all know the real reason the show gets that name, but glad to see it back!

    Ridge Holland killing everybody FTW!

  5. 5 hours ago, ohtani's jacket said:

    I didn't like Season 2 quite as much as Season 1. There were a lot of great moments, but too much action and too many fights. I understand why they had to up the ante, but for me, the character moments are what drive my interest. Johnny still rules. 

    Yeah, obviously the best stuff is when the adults reflect on their past and then you see the kids going a bit different route, but still the same.

    There's no beating Season 1, but I did like Season 2 more than I expected, since I had read this thread before watching the series.

    There is too much fighting that happens outside the tournament in Season 2 and I have my doubts that this is about to decrease in upcoming seasons.

    This doesn't take away from the fact that Johnny is indeed awesome and I very much need him to climb out of the deep hole he ended up in at the end of Season 2.

  6. 14 hours ago, Ryan said:

    He's just jealous of him having been married to ScarJo and Blake Lively while he's married to, um, *checks* Deborra-Lee Furness who is an Aussie actress that is, wow, 13 years older than him.

    If there will be a world for long enough for this to happen, by the time Reynolds - Lively children start having kids with the Kardashian/Jenner -new generation, the world WILL not be able to handle how beautiful THOSE children will be!

  7. 9 hours ago, CSC said:

    Well they certainly aren't afraid to put a massive spoiler for anyone who isn't caught up with the series into the thumbnail for the Season 3 date announcement trailer.  


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    Thank the all-mighty Mr. Miagi for the early January release, I could not have waited for very much longer than that!

  8. 6 hours ago, D.Z said:


    When I was a kid in the 80's, people assumed that by the year 2000  (let alone 2020) there would be flying cars. It's pretty safe to guess that THIS is not what they had in mind at the time. It would have been nice to be able to tell them that it had already happened by then  (some 30-40 years prior ).

  9. 24 minutes ago, paintedbynumbers said:

    October classic content is more WWF Superstars.  Looking to be 10-14 episodes.   Not too bad. Would still prefer some WCW or finish the ECW superstars, but it could always be worse. 

    This is good news as far as I'm concerned. It's familiar territory for me, but I bet I there will be a bunch of stuff I have not seen  yet. I used to have a bunch of Wrestling Challenges and All-American Wrestlings from summer of '93 taped from TV, but very few Superstars.

  10. The only genre  (or more accurately a bunch of more or less overlapping genres) that I would feel comfortable enough to do Top 100 albums in would be Goth and I think even that would be shaky at best.

    I'm having so much fun with the ever expanding 80's Playlist at the moment that it will take up most of my music time for now.

    You know,  when I thought that the day wouldn't actually come, I did say that I'm going to try and keep up with modern music  (in the genres I care about) until the end of 2010's , THEN I only start listening to the 80's and complaining that they don't make good music anymore.

    Well, the day has arrived but the problem is I still hear good stuff from 2020 every week in my Spotify suggestions.

    The thing that I find most awesome is the lack of shame in which the current artists mash up everything from different good sounding genres and make stuff that wouldn't be thought of couple of decades ago.

    I mean , for instance, who in their right minds would combine Nordic Power Metal, Italo Disco and American Hard Rock and yet, Beast In Black is a thing and awesome at that!

    • Like 1
  11. Much lighter workout week this time around with only two actual workouts and plenty of rest. So yeah, I officially turned 43 and I suppose I should try to go for some sort of personal bests while I still can, but as far as strength goes, I probably maxed out a while back.

    So, the best I can hope for is to break some max rep records with lighter weights. I do notice some things getting harder to do. For example pull-ups, it feels like I can do less and less of them, despite plenty of arm and upper back training. Push ups on the other hand seem to be staying on course. I was able to do more than 60 in high school at something like 130lbs (it took me longer than the 60 second time limit, so it wasn't official, but I did do it) and can still do it now at 180lbs (as of this morning as a matter of fact), so maybe I could try to go for 100 straight or something? Just so I can say I still broke some of my own records this "late" in the game.

  12. 9 hours ago, Infinit said:

    Damn....Steiners vs Jannetty/123 probably would've been really, really good.

    Yeah, same for Bret/Owen vs Kid/Marty! And if those would have happened they would have ended up on one Colosseum Video or another and the world would be a better place due to it!

    Considering how that RAW match with Kid & Bret and the KOtR semifinal with Kid & Owen turned out, I feel that would have been a legendary match. 

  13. 3 hours ago, RolandTHTG said:

    He also repossessed the headstones of someone related to Taker, and Tatanka's headdress. 

    Probably for tax reasons, too!

    Oh, and that Marty vs Polo was their second match, they had one in late'93, with more cheating and outside interference. Maybe that match had given Polo so much false confidence that he actually thought he could take Marty man to man and believed in it so much that he almost pulled it off?

    • Haha 1
  14. I think Quebecer Jacques was once referred to as " a former intercontinental champion" but that could have been done by Gorilla Monsoon who was at times going into business for himself on commentary. Come to think of it, it was also Gorilla who said something about Raymond being the tough one in the family during the Quebecer era, so yes he was somewhat acknowleged as one and the same. If that's what Vince wanted is anyone's guess, given the circumstances.

    Also, Repo man had already been gone for a good while at that point. That was just about IRS taking Razor's gold chains because he had omitted paying some tax or another on them. Knowing Razor, he probably omitted paying for them altogether, though!

    • Like 1
  15. In which thread was the rather long discussion on Ric Flair's convoluted plans just get to beating up Sting at? Anyway, It just occurred to me that what if he never was "Black Scorpion all along"? What if he and the Horsemen just punked out who ever the guy actually was, and Flair just swooped in at Starrcade, with the off chance that he may beat Sting for the belt that night?

    Then he just said "it was me, all along!" just to mess with Sting's head after losing? As Matt D pointed out, he did regain the title pretty soon after that. He probably would have said it was him all along if he had won the title at Starrcade'90, so no one would question the legitimacy of the signed contract of Sting vs "Black Scorpion". I really had trouble sleeping last night, in case you couldn't tell.

    • Like 3
  16. 1 minute ago, The Natural said:

    Awesome theme.

    Hollywood Rock is the best version of The Rock.

    You're not lying. I just wish there was a way to combine that with his 2000-2002 in ring athleticism and 2013ish Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson physique into a one perfect storm of awesome!

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