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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Wow I stand corrected. The Bills have a chance or 2 yet. It’s only because the Dolphins went ultraconservative though. 

    EDIT: punt return for a touchdown! 

  2. Dang it looks like they’re not going to make it. They made a good late season run but they’re just not good enough which is a shame because it wasn’t the players or their will to win. They had a bad offseason, relied on pure talent, seemingly didn’t even coach, and they probably won’t recover now. 

  3. The Bills offense has actually been perfect besides throws to the endzone. The first 2 endzone throws were INTs. The 3rd was a touchdown but only because the Dolphins player who touched it that time didn’t catch it. The 3rd was a dropped touchdown.

    Don’t go to the endzone anymore and you can win Bills. Lol what??? Stick with the slants and the screens down there. And run the ball. And that should be enough to win. 

  4. Allen is great and I’ll say that for atleast 40 more years after watching the TD:INT king not show up in big games. That’s how I want a player to play in big games. 

    That last touchdown was awesome, except for the fact that it pleases Cris Collinsworth. When he smiles I cringe and when he laughs I puke. 

  5. I thought Mariota was going to be good, and I’ll still damage control about a little bit. He’s not bad because he’s not-good. He’s bad because he’s a lazy and doesn’t care. He’s just cared and never cared that he doesn’t care. He’s 1 of those. 

  6. The Saints with Brees were such turd shoveling statpadders and I still hate them for 2009…but ROFL at the Falcon’s coach. That’s not exactly what that was. If you don’t like it stop it. 

    My last take on Bill B is the same. Only his muleheadedness is stopping him. That will be enough to ultimately stop him IMO which is a shame because other than that he’s still the same good coach. He doesn’t-not-know that they suck, and he doesn’t-not-know that his solutions to weekly problems weren’t going to work. But he was the boss and that wasn’t going to change.

    If I were looking for a coach I would get Bill in the office and ask him if he would be interested in coaching Marty Schotty style. If he said no I would say ok how about Bruce Arians? Where you coached and called plays during the game but let the others do work during the week? And I would add that he can’t hire yes men for coaches. That would work IMO. 

  7. The Colt’s coach did a better job than he’ll get credit for yesterday. They were stuffing Taylor every time on 1st down late in that game which is why they ended up in 3rd and 5+ twice in a row. The Colts converted those 3rd down with Taylor because coach knew he could get it as long as the defense wasn’t sold out to the run. Other coaches would have threw it atleast once, and probably twice. They were only in a position to win because of that good X and O coaching. Then came the call which is east to rip in hindsight. I thought it was the right call because the Texans were sold out to the run again. Of course maybe Taylor still could have gotten a yard but they probably had more than a yard and maybe a touchdown had they caught it. I also thought it was a better throw than it looked like. He couldn’t lead him to much with everything being so tight down there. Also, he overadjusted on the try at catching it. All he had to do was catch it. He didn’t have to turn and try to reset his feet. He just had it so easy which is so rare and he screwed up which is what happens in those situations sometimes.

  8. It sounded like the announcers were trolling Pickens to me, but that would probably be a little too clever. It was also realistically game over either way and they had to talk about something.

  9. Willie Taggart is the Raven’s RB coach.

    That is why they can’t hold on to the ball and that is why the Ravens have the worst rushing attack in the league if you don’t count Lamar Jackson’s yards. I appreciate the Peanut Tillman references by the announcers but naw…what I said lol!

  10. Did Watt’s knee bend like they are saying? I thought it just banged the other guy’s knee and that maybe he just got a really bad contusion which hurts but isn’t fatal. I know from experience lol!

  11. Aaron Rodgers is a great teammate when everything is working against some 2010s 2-14 NFCN team, or when he’s able to bask in celebrity who does nothing status. I mean when he’s in a situation like he’s been in this year he’s like a male Mrs Muffet. So nice and sweet as long as he doesn’t have to do anything but look cute.

    I expect this Ravens vs Steelers game to get competitive but until then the Ravens look like they’re not even trying and if that doesn’t change well…yeah.

    I don’t even know anything about the Texans and Colts anymore. I was going to watch the game and pull for who I thought deserved it. Do we still root against Irsay just because or is that old potatoes? 

  12. 5 hours ago, Mister TV said:

    Former WCW announcer and anal wart in human form Mark Madden started this rumor.


    I haven’t seen a picture of him in a long time but the last 1 I seen he really did look like an anal wart. Dude is just gross. IIRC Vince Russo has a cousin who’s a local sportswriter or radio host or whatever they call themselves now. He looks more like a talking male body part than he does a wart last I seen him. I think he was on that NFL Top 10 show for a while.

  13. 22 minutes ago, ctapley said:

    Apologies, I don’t understand what you are saying here.  What does “Kirby was in on the take” mean?

    And I am not sure what you are saying in the second paragraph? What is horseshit?  

    It sounds like you understand fine to me. 

  14. 2 enormous mistakes by the Bengals that will go overlooked IMO. The punter kicked an alltime great punt. They had time to jog down there and cover. So when he finally caught it the first guy there went for the missile shot instead of tackling and wrapping. The returner barely even had to sidestep to only get touched by 1 arm and he took off across the field where nobody was because the punt was so good the coverage team didn’t think they had to stay home.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Tabe said:

    What's the reason for pointing the finger at Detroit here? The Lions did not do anything wrong. The ref screwed up. It really is that simple. 

    And the fact that they shouldn’t have tried to be cute is just such a weak try and making it the Lion’s fault, even with hindsight vision. The ref either shouldn’t have screwed up or shouldn’t have been calling a rigged game because that’s what I’d call it before I blamed the Lions for anything.

    • Like 1
  16. I’m the hugest fan of teams winning ugly when they deserve it for refusing to quit. That means the Bills, Lions, 90s Packers before they hit their peak. That doesn’t mean the Chiefs or recent Packers teams. I counted the Eagles with the Bills and co but hearing about today now, I just don’t know. They’ve let it happen 1 to many times and they just don’t look good. 

    So anyway all this mediocre football talk is trash. It’s not mediocre football. It’s teams be each other who aren’t going to just let the other team win as easy as everybody thinks.

    Also I hope Josh Allen didn’t just get hurt holy s*^%.

    • Like 1
  17. Kirby had 0 intentions of letting up because Kirby was in on the take ftw. I’m not a conspiracy person but there’s just no way all those players played for love of the scrimmage

    Saying they would have beat us anyway is just not good enough. Horseshit and everybody knows it.

    Now with all that said and meant, I will meet halfway on something else that’s not getting repeated, that proves I have a clear head about what I’m saying and am not just mad. The problem with FSU was the fact that they were not mentally prepared to play a football game on the night of November 18, 2023 (North Bama). The whole thing started falling apart from the sound of the opening gun of that game. We weren’t ready to play, we didn’t respond to getting hit in the mouth, and the star player got hurt when he tried to be all Brett Favre in a highschool game. I could smell it about to happen. I don’t know if I ever posted that here but I swear to gosh I knew it was coming.

  18. Yeah but the Lions shouldn’t have tried to be cute is…….just not enough to cancel out what happened. They were screwed no matter what yeah but you pull out of your butt.

    Also this stuff being gone over with the refs before the game isn’t something that you hear about alot, but it’s always went on and it’s basic stuff. Some people are talking like they’ve never heard of that type of thing.





  19. 1 minute ago, Mister TV said:

    They showed this on ESPN, Aikman and the ESPN ref said that either the ref didn’t hear #68, or he was trying to be sneaky in how he reported so the Cowboys wouldn’t pick up on it.

    I always thought when someone “reported” they yelled at the ref and brushed the front of their jersey?

    Ok so what I saw with my eyes happened. That’s all I need to see, no pun intended. There’s no way that anybody but him messed that up, and not by failing to see or hear the 2 giant men talking and signaling to him.

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