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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. BPP was awesome in TNA. Jim Cornette was good to. Sting accidentally bleeding buckets every week was good to. Much like WCW though, they didn’t know what to do with good things that happened on purpose or by accident. 


    Here’s the full version of this. I’ve listened to this dozens of time now and I really think Luger says the F word lol! 


  2. I admire the shit out of David Schultz. There were alot of guys out of his mold whose career ended because of that type of a fuck up and they just pissed away. He kept it together and made a life for himself.

    That Nancy Sullivan pic is creepy for a different reason I’ve mentioned before (but not since their death I don’t think and probably shouldn’t now).

    • Like 1
  3. Also I don’t think “fire” is the thing that Bret didn’t have that kept him from wrestling in the NWA or WCW. He might have lacked fire in some situations, but only because he knew a trash heap when he saw one and he just flat out wasn’t 1 to work under disorganized circumstances. The 1 exception is obviously WCW at the end but that didn’t exactly last and that was a desperate reach anyway, and his last. I loved the NWA but on it’s best day it was never as organized as the WWF. And WCW lol yeah right. 

  4. Michael Hayes had IT. 1 of the most underrated guys ever imo. I don’t have all of those dates organized in my head but I think the original Von Erichs/Freebirds feud goes unaffected. Then obviously the second feud doesn’t happen. Unfortunately I don’t know if much changes for the Von Erichs. The territory perhaps dries up without even being salvaged for that short while with Jarrett without the second Freebirds feud to keep it alive. 

    Piper was great but when he lost it in the ring it was a pretty drastic change, not like some of the others from his mold who slowly lost it and worked around it. I could see his career being similar to most guys like him who didn’t get the break in the WWF. A WCW life in limbo, a guy who bounced around, who knows. He’s the wildcard in this what if. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    If you're going to scream your ass in a promo, this is how you do it.

    Man that’s a goodun! That promo could have been plugged in any time Arn Anderson was scheduled to do an interview for the rest of his life. It was his life as a Horsemen in a nutshell. And what a cool shirt. I wonder if there are any left anywhere.

    • Like 1
  6. I don’t claim to remember this but I think I remember this music from somewhere. Any info on it would be appreciated. Literally any...name, production company, where else you heard it etc as I think this might be from another weekly wrestling show that I used to watch but can’t figure out the name of. It’s been 1 of the things I’ve been trying to figure out the most since growing up and trying to piece together these good memories.

  7. 2 hours ago, Death From Above said:

    Random thing I remember no one else does: This. This ruled.


    That. Was. Awesome. 
    That was some of the last good Saturday night wrestling we ever saw. Good main event, good for TV but nothing wasted that should have been on ppv or whatever. Had a TV sized storyline to it and everything. Then they found a way to use the match to promote the ppv without sacrificing the match (something they were bad about doing later on).

    That was WW3 Sting came back right? I’d say that show delivered.

  8. On a different but related note about live action, the gig I worked last night was Styx singer Dennis DeYoung and considering his age and the nature of this show I wasn’t expecting much. It was moved to the nightclub because the park got rained out. 

    Wrong again! He f****** rocked!!!!!! It sounded just like the old band, funny keyboard sounds and all. And he made a bunch of funny jokes in between songs ???

    • Like 1
  9. I recently learned about the Clash of Champions opening riff being used for some video game in the 2000s. YouTube was still burning up with comments from angry fans who want it on a Clash DVD set. The Clashes used the main melody as the theme and it was perfect. Gave me goosebumps when I heard it years later. Perfect music for a rasslin show. 

    So anyway in the meantime people were obsessed with all these themes for years and it turns out they were somewhere in perfect quality for pennies while we were ripping them from VHSs lol!

  10. 4 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    You really should watch Tanaka/Awesome and the main if you ever get a chance. The former is an insane sprint and the latter is a quintessential ECW style tag brawl that works despite being technically face vs. face. I blame the flaming table, which was perfect. The Paul E. shoot is contrived but honest enough, I guess... I mean, he's not gonna throw himself under the bus, is he? 

    EDIT: Tanaka/Awesome is also great for drunk JBL being an asshole in the stands; I think the DVD even has a separate commentary track that's just him and the stooges around him. And of course then he shoot beats the shit out of Blue Meanie in the brawl at the end.

    The Blue Meanie thing holy crap I forgot that was on this show. Spawned 1 of the greatest shoots ever if nothing else (Smothers). It’s on my list of things to watch. I was lucky enough to see Awesome/Tanaka TNN match live at ringside. Mike Awesome’s finisher on a another giant was probably the coolest single thing I ever seen live. That was a hell of a show, and by main event time (this match) I thought O I’ve seen this before, it’ll be good but we might ought to go home and beat the mob. Wrong...they killed it on a show that had a Balls Mahoney match with fire, tacs, and the biggest chairsshot ever. Super Crazy almost killed himself on a table leg, Dusty Rhode’s return to Tallahassee, and a ton of other good matches.

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  11. 2 hours ago, (BP) said:

    I heard a clip from Cornette’s pod on YouTube with a write-in question about Bret nearly signing with WCW before his first WWF title win. For his part, Cornette had no recollection of this and said Bret wasn’t really on his radar and he had no opinion on him until he saw his match with Hennig at Summerslam 91. 

    There’s some confusion about when this was supposed to have happened and the specifics. First they mention 89, then it’s early 92. There’s also supposedly talks Bret had in 91 where Flair promised him money he couldn’t actually deliver on from his bosses. 

    The weirdest part is that Meltzer mentions this in the Observer from January 92 as Bret being ready to not only sign but bring the IC title with him instead of dropping it to The Mountie, ostensibly as a receipt for WWF doing the real world champion deal with Flair. Meltzer said the only reason it fell through was that Bret didn’t realize his contract rolled over and he hadn’t gotten out of it in time. 

    I find the whole thing suspect, especially because I’ve never heard about the IC title thing, and if this was common knowledge Vince and co. definitely would have used this as a defense of why Montreal was a necessity. Does anyone know anything about this? 

    I recently listened to this and that was 1 of the few times Cornette didn’t make alot of sense lol! So we’ll probably never know the answer to this one.

  12. On 2/6/2020 at 10:48 PM, Mike Campbell said:

    Because I'm still pissed off that none of Fit Finlay's UWF matches seem to have made it on tape, even the handhelds that Jeff Lynch has available are Finlay-less ?




    I’m looking for another theme out of this mold. It was an 80s sounding guitar driven theme that somehow got played all over the place in the 90s, not just WCW. The only thing I can name it being used for though was Mike Awesome’s first WCW theme. It was WCWSN jobber music before then and promo music a time or 2, and I heard it here and there out in the world. I’m positive it was Mike’s first WCW theme for a few weeks.

  13. I haven’t seen ECW ONS. I am aware that there are many fans of the show. Heat was off the charts for the whole thing. In spite of the forgettable matches, it basically delivered through the no BS promos alone the way I hear it. 

    Did Eddie and Chris even wrestle in ECW? Dean would have been everybody’s pick for an Eddie match. Chris’s match might have a few wildcard picks but I would think everybody would have wanted Al Snow.

    If I were to make a dream WCW card that would be where Eddie and Chris happened. Those guys were WCW TV. They had more dang good WCW TV matches than Ric Flair had good headlining matches against Dusty, Barry and Ricky Morton combined lol! 

    My favorite was the 1996 match with the armdrag sequence. Only Benoit could make an armdrag stiffer lol! And Eddie went through them like lightning.

  14. I obviously understand Malenko but I always thought that had everybody else did business right that night, he would have to. You had Hogan up and quitting, Nash, and Raven. So Malenko said f*** it me to I’m ready to go home and see my youngun. None of those guys have ever admitted it but they were all in in WCW until that night. 

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