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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Another factoid about that theme is that it’s...I don’t know the word but I bet there’s a word that means what this was...recorded into the VHS version of GAB 90 like music on a music video tape. Most of WCW’s themes were just there however loud they happened to be on camera. 

    I should add that when I said “WCW” I was referring to the time Jimmy Hart was doing themes. The mid90s stuff with the house band wasn’t to bad (Steiner Line, The Man Called Sting, etc). And WCW from 88-90 was the GOAT theme music. It stinks that they had to scrap name brand music because they had a bunch of good themes nailed down character wise.

  2. I don’t remember the other name but I know that happened. The singles matches in squashes part I might have dreamed up. 


    Came along a little to late. They would have been gold in the old days. I used to have the bad assest pic of them in an old magazine whose name escapes me. It was the coolest pic right up there with the Freebirds painted up pic, Savage elbow pic etc.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:


    I haven’t seen any of Marty’s ECW matches but he was still good in WCW so they’re probably worth checking out if he ever wrestled anybody any good. ECW in 1995 hadn’t quite shifted toward better wrestling just yet. Lots of hardcore and brawling which was fun but probably nothing Marty went out and was great in.

    I also remember a good Dean Malenko vs Brad Armstrong match from Nitro in 1997 that was a good mat wrestling match. Obviously Brad was always good but I would have guessed that he would have moved as crisply on the mat as Dean for 10 whole minutes.

    Nitro is also loaded fun inside gems that I probably haven’t discovered. 1 example is Nash’s Master Blaster’s reference during a Goldberg squash vs Al Green. I was to say the Texas Hangmen wrestled 3 times in 1 night but I can’t find verification anywhere. They wrestled as the Hangmen, some other thrown together tag team with masks, and as each other in squashes. And somewhere in the middle Bobby Heenan was making jokes about it.


  4. I think Mankind vs The Undertaker HIAC belongs on both lists. It wasn’t a death match but because somebody almost died twice it was the greatest death match. It wasn’t the greatest match in the history of wrestling but because it was the the greatest death match it was the greatest match in the history of wrestling. That makes sense as long as I don’t have to explain it lol!

    But really I feel the same way everybody else does about that match. We all had our bloodthirsty streak which in hindsight had more to do with coming of age than it did what we were watching. The 2 things just mixed together crazy like and what you got was a rabid wrestling fan. Now we distance ourselves from that match because we’re all grown up.  Some of that is maturity and some of that is peer pressure (I thought we were grown lol) whether people admit it or not. To admit you’re a fan of the match gets some people all stirred up about many sensitive subjects. I don’t know if I buy them either, like people think they have to be offended and stuff but anyway that’s the final result sincere or not. 

    Now the other side of that story is that that was the greatest match ever using the most basic formula and I don’t know how people can ignore it. The heat was off the charts for that match. They built towards it, promoted it and everything perfectly. Then they did the same thing in the actual match. They built towards the 2 bumps and they delivered at the perfect times...like in a properly worked wrestling match. Everybody thought Cactus Jack was dead. That’s what wrestlers have tried to sell since forever. It doesn’t sound good saying it flat out considering some of the accidents that have happed but it’s the truth and they did it.  



  5. I was searching for something randomly and found this thread. I read the first page and I remember the WCW All Nighter. That was a rare well done look back by WCW who hardly ever did such and butchered it when they did. And the comedy mentioned in between was actually funny. 

    I don’t remember Joe Leduc but I learned about him in a funny way. My old boss used to call me that because he said I looked like him. I checked and...yep lol! Then I found the axe blood promo lol!

    I have a ton of stuff running around in my head that belongs here. I’ve posted some of it in the Old School Questions thread like the NWF stuff.

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  6. Florida blazed more Sports Entertainment trails than many people remember and I think at this point it’s the best stuff WWE has that isn’t represented correctly. My old man swore Pak Song vs Dusty Rhodes was the best match ever and while I haven’t seen it yet, I’ve obviously read up it. Their matches were definitely wild at the time and I also obviously learned that Dusty in FL was the equivalent of Hogan in NY. The Kevin Sullivan feud just wow. I’d give anything for that comp. Matches with Terry Funk. And a midcard that included Windham, Muta, Lugar, all the good southern tag teams etc and a ton more. 

    I haven’t seen the Crockett Cup 88 but it’s 1 unedited Holy Grail show I’m still hoping for. You could argue that it was the beginning of what we knew as WCW with Luger joining Sting at the last minute and them beating the Horsemen. Granted that’s an accolade that could be spun into a negative more than a few ways but I can’t wait to either see the show 1 day or see what’s out there. I was recently told that the edits were a rare case of WCW editing wisely and including the best matches. 

    I haven’t seen the Sheephearders match that’s highly regarded either but I have seen some of their stuff. They weren’t technical masterminds or anything but they were wild brawlers who made fans think the faces were in real danger when they wrestled. Got heat, looked tough and got it done. 

  7. Broadcast WCW TV had been on an extended squash match exclusive streak for a long time until Brian Pillman started wrestling Horsemen members seemingly every week. Definitely gave me a boost as a youngun. 

    Flair/Fujinami from SB was bad. Really bad. Not only was it pointless, Flair goofed the whole thing, and goofing up with the blade is something he never did however bad he got in a few other areas. It’s a shame to because their match from the NJPW/WCW Supershow was good. I’d go as far as to say that it’s in Flair’s top 10 postprime singles matches. 

  8. This thread has reminded me of something I learned not to terribly long ago, but not recently either. I haven’t seen most matches on any greatest matches in history ballot even though I’ve seen a ton of wrestling. When I first started collecting I spent all of my time tracking down stuff that I didn’t think would always be available like TV matches and...well TV matches. Unfortunately collecting didn’t last for the typical reasons it didn’t last for anybody else. I still have my collection and all but haven’t added to it in forever except for the occasional WWE DVD.

    Here’s a short list of some of the GOAT TV matches I’ve seen.

    Ric Flair vs Ted Dibiase Murdoch Incident

    Both Midnight Express vs Fantastics matches from WCW TV

    The Rock n Roll Express vs the Russians from the 1st ever episode of Worldwide

    Tons of Puerto Rico TV and old Japan TV with Flair, The Steiners, Wild Pegasus etc.




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  9. Sure they were. Flair was also getting cheered against Tatsumi Fujinami even though he’d beat Sting. I’m talking tweener, not face. Obviously there were boo birds and examples where they were hated like Arn vs Bobby Eaton. 

    BB it looks like I was mixed up about Brian Pillman. The Loser Leaves Town and Yellow Dog storyline, and Pillman’s contract behind the scenes were actually the same thing as the whole storyline happened to comply with his decision to stay or leave as his contract was up. I just looked it up though and that didn’t happen until after Superbrawl.  

  10. I’ve never seen a WWC match that wasn’t amazing lol! If Brody hadn’t happened there it would be remembered so much better.

    Did they actually call the FMW match a Texas Street Fight?

    There’s a match out of this mold that I saw live at a TV Taping between Doom and Arn and Barry. I can’t find it on YouTube but it had to have been on TV because if it wasn’t then they had the match for no reason before the feud was a thing. I remember being confused that the heels were fighting but it was just the craziest brawl after they’d all been working as heels all night against everybody else.


  11. I’ve seen alot of people referring to Windham as a face and Luger as a heel since GAB 91 over the years. They’d started trying to turn Barry subtle like since before GAB 91 but it never worked. The Horsemen were actually tweeters at worst, feuding with Doom. Brian Pillman’s contract and that whole thing happened so they had to have their rematch at Superbrawl in spite of everything, and Barry went over clean. He was a heel after doing that no matter what WCW tried to come up with. 

    As for Luger I could see it coming as a fan getting older and everything but he was still getting cheered after GAB 91. The double whammy only finally happened when Luger rubbed Barry’s face into the concrete on WCW TV.

  12. I remain fascinated by anything Muta and Sting. Is there a shoot or anything where they talk about each other? They’ve worked together their whole lives similar to say Sting and Flair but it was minus the fluff. Every match they ever had against each other meant something, and that was the case at the beginning of their careers when they wrestled every night at the end of the era where every match every night was important. So they’re a rare case of 2 guys who wrestled every night yet didn’t just do it by the numbers, and never had a meaningless match. 

    Sting has never done a shoot and seems to keep many opinions to himself on WWE shoots. Muta’s English is spotty or brilliant depending on who you ask. There’s probably something out there that he’s done that I don’t know about though. 

  13. I love Muta, Gary Capetta, Jim Ross and Missy. They were just great. Even though there are no NWA Champions or anything in that list, you can’t talk about the old NWA without talking about them. They were each part of the glue that held it together.

    Missy was always working out there, not just standing there, and she was good at it. I want to say there was a hilarious skit on ECW TV that climaxed (no pun intended) with the kind of joke @Jingus is talking about. I can’t find it on YouTube but it involved Tajiri complete with his hilarious facial expressions lol!

    Jim Cornette said they actually considered turning Muta face for a second after the reaction he got at Clash 10. That wasn’t all Muta though, as that reaction was for everybody against the Horsemen after what they did to Sting similar to what Dick Murdoch did to Ted Dibiase. BUT...Muta definitely had his fans and I was 1 of them! The first time I saw him was on TV in a squash and he did a spinning karate kick and the mist. I got VERY UPSET when he went on to wrestle Sting lol!

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