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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. 30 minutes ago, gordi said:

    Somebody help me out here. Does anyone else remember when pro wrestling was a pleasant diversion from everything going to shit? It seems like it wasn't all that long ago, but it also seems like it was years and years ago.

    It was that even before things went to shit. I had a great childhood. Good parents. Good grandparents. Just a freaking good life. But even back then wrestling was an hour long fantasy trip to another world somehow. That was the best part. 

    • Like 1
  2. Florida is 1 of the hardest things to find stuff from, but my old man used to go to all of their shows so he would always chuckle at Kevin Sullivan and mark out but pretend he wasn’t at Dusty Rhodes. On top of that as senile as he was, Crimson Mask from Wrestling Classics was a Florida vault. His mind was to Florida what Jim Cornette’s is to Memphis. I’m assuming he has passed but that where I always found Florida information.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, damnnearfonzie said:

    Oh yeah...then there was that time when Kevin Sullivan was using his crazy ass Satanic Cult/worshipper persons and I'd just turned the dial on the tv to watch some wrasslin, when literal pandemonium was breaking loose inside the wrestling arena, Sullivan was scaring the white out of the fans in attendance, he'd bloodied his opponent with a brilliant blade job and the creshendo which topped everything off was the moment the entire wrestling area's lights were extinguished and the arena was pitch black!!! I can only imagine what kids my age were feeling like, stuck inside a n arena with no lights, and a devilworshipping madman who was wielding a bloody ice pick running loose!

    When the announcers came back on They EXPLAINED that Kevin Sullivan had turned the lights off with his MIND!!!

    Anyone else recall this?!kevin-sullivan-picture-18_crop_north.jpg

    In Florida?

  4. I agree that Bobby was pretty good on the mic. I read somewhere that the Midnight Express of course had Jim had their talker, but for no bad reason. Managers just did the talking. Then they did a classic manager is talking and wrestler snatches the mic from him mad heel promo somewhere and he messed it up, so he never talked again. I don’t know how true that is and I haven’t found the promo either.

    Jim Cornette managing a champion wow how great would that have been. He’s 1 of my favorites as I’ve said many times. I know he managed Yoko but that wasn’t the same.

    So does anybody have the Bobby Eaton face turn or am I mistaken and they just piped in chants? They did that back then? Lol!

    As for the heel turn that match jogged my memory. I don’t remember seeing the whole match but I remember seeing Dustin mad at getting tagged, getting beat up then the shoulder breaker now. I’m guessing I saw clips in the following weeks or on whatever else was on that weekend. Maybe that Worldwide was preempted by baseball or something.


  5. I clearly remember Bobby over as a face big time, down to the commentary JR did when he was walking the aisle at Superbrawl. He talked about how he’s the 1 man with no manager, no partner, no stable etc coming to fight. This came after weeks of TV where he was basically the temporary Tommy Rich who had became Thomas Rich. What I mean by that is that he was the good guy in the B TV main events lol! And it was extra fun because he actually won matches. I also remember him winning that Superbrawl match being a mark out moment but that might have been because that was the first time I’d ever seen Arn lose that belt, after all the times I’d seen him cheat to keep it. I’ll also confess to that match not being very good upon rewatching but that really doesn’t matter.

    I clearly remember all of that like I clearly remember everything else I watched as a youngun. The problem I have recalling things is different - I only had broadcast TV. No WCWSN or COTC except for tapes my Uncle sometimes made. That Superbrawl was actually my first ppv that my father arranged for me to watch at our friend’s house. 

    I also remember him losing the belt to Steve Austin on regular TV and being VERY upset, so there had to be atleast a window of time between the belt and the turn. But I can’t say that I remember it.

    So anyway I don’t remember the face turn or the heel turn. I just assumed they both happened somewhere just as Ricky Morton’s did when his tag team abruptly ended similarly.


  6. LOL Virgil. He was a good worker I thought when he was young in Memphis. I also recently learned he was a good amateur. I guess he mailed it in after being in the WWF so long. 

    The NWO B team could have worked imo, similar to how all the TV shows with more characters than others work when done right. It was so poorly done though and worse so obviously thrown together just because those guys sucked so bad. 

    I actually remember a low point in 1998 or 99. Virgil hadn’t wrestled since his WCWSN main event match against DDP in 1997 I think, and he comes out for the token Goldberg squash on Nitro. And he he never wrestled again to my knowledge (granted I abandoned ship in mid99 and I do remember reading he got a new gimmick...maybe he wrestled with it). If there was ever a moment that gave away exactly what they didn’t want to give away. Goldberg vs Virgil basically spelled out that this guy in the top group is expendable, which is why he’s in the B team, but we can’t give away that it’s a B team so we didn’t pick anybody else. And as for Goldberg you already know what we’re doing with him. Stay tuned for Bobby Blaze next week.

  7. Pretty freaking good stuff there. The HBK IYH promo would have been epic because they would have done it right. “Stick it” was just fucking weak. I know they were still working within the confines of many things but that really keeps that from being perhaps best complete heel turn of all time imo. And they kept repeating it for the next 3 years like it was their equivalent to Austin 3:16 or something. Ugh...

    • Like 1
  8. Not bad work there by Tim Horner and Black Bart lol! I remember Disco Inferno’s first win came against Bart on WCWSN. I don’t remember him making any other appearances and I had to Google Star Blazer tbh.

    At about 3:47...they got real like that all the time on WCW prime. I mentioned it earlier in reference to the historical references they often made! I bet they would have gotten in trouble for it had anybody bothered to review those shows lol!


  9. 8 hours ago, Ramo2653 said:

    Worldwide came on at noon on Saturdays for the longest here. I have memories of watching cartoons all morning, then Worldwide then playing video games after since it was the video car lot show came on at 1.

    Then by the end it got moved to midnight or 1AM and I stopped watching.

    That was fun stuff right there - watching cartoons all morning then ramping it up at 12 or 1 for warfare! It was Florida State football for me on Saturdays. 

    Then on Sundays it was 3 or 4 hours of rasslin on Sunday afternoons on Fox. We had a giant antenna that you had to manually turn like the Tea Cup ride at the fair and I’d turn it until my sister said the TV was less grainy that it was. I didn’t watch wrestling on Sunday through a clear TV until Worldwide popped back up on NBC at 7PM on Saturdays in 1994. On Saturdays though it was Worldwide, the Pro, and 2 regional shows that I clearly remember. Over the years there might have been more for all I know. I think 1 of the regional shows was Mid-Atlantic Wrestling and the other was 1 that I’ve posted looking for info on many times. NWF wrestling seems to be it but I don’t know for sure. Then NWA or WCW wrestling came on Sunday nights on CBS every now and then. I’m guessing it was preempted by football usually.

  10. I’m behind on everything and don’t even know how Podcasts work ?

    EDIT: I just found it on YouTube. I didn’t know many of those shoots were Podcasts. I thought they were just regular shoots.

    Anyway Arn was right. My favorite part of it was this quote, following an example he made through commentary. “There’s so many ways to put your opponent over without demeaning your self.”


  11. There was nothing better than shitty old wrestling of any kind. If there was 1 thing better than shitty old wrestling of any kind it was good old wrestling of any kind. Really been missing it all lately. Being stuck here in the rain is part of it but it’s always been a tad more dramatic for me as the NWA/WCW rose and fell right in line with me coming of age, all the way down to that last Nitro ending the March after I’d graduated.

  12. 1 week ago today in the darkest hour of rain I popped in the Sting DVD set and watched the doc if you remember. I went ahead and watched the HHH match today. Pretty stupid. Not all bad but...ugh. Maybe it was all bad Idk.

    What was that HHH entrance a 1970s sitcom intro? Or early 80s as Lemmy and Arnold weren’t both famous yet in the 70s. I thought Lemmy was about to bust out YOU’RE GONNA MAKE IT AFTER ALL when the Golden Gate Bridge that looked like the 1 from that show came up lol!

    I expected that much from the match honestly. They did a good job wrestling, and the crowd was all in. When they were quiet they were Japan quiet not boring TV quiet. HHH winning wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened, and it wasn’t clean even though they tried to sell it as clean. Nobody bought it, and I think it would have been taken to task in Sting’s WWE run had he not gotten hurt. 

    The NWO rescuing Sting was stupid. I guess they were in better shape than Luger and Flair though, and of course The Steiners aren’t allowed in WWE lol! The sad truth is that probably was their thinking. 2 of those guys might not have made the walk down the aisle. The NWO did manage that in 3rd gear.

    The announcing was shit. Sting must have fucked JBL’s mother. Then if you can wrap your mind around all that being a work then it wasn’t a very good one. Lee Marshall and drunk Bobby Heenan could have done a better job calling that match than those 3 did.

    It’s to bad he got hurt. I’m telling myself they would have righted some wrongs but instead this is what we got.

  13. He would have messed it up or his attitude would have gotten him in trouble. I have good memories of Tony because I bled WCW but he sucked tbh.

    I came here to post a very well done troll topic that I saw on another forum. It said, in more words for well done trolling that people can’t help but bite on effect, that Bobby Eaton should have ended Goldberg’s streak. I don’t know what the long term effects would have been but I know all the people still believing in the delusion of Chris Benoit becoming WCW champion would have popped big time lol!

  14. I’ve seen many old WCW snippets used in sports highlights over the years. I say snippets because while some of them were themes, most of them were fade in/out music, commercial music, etc from WCW TV. Obviously that stuff probably went better as background music over announcers than the Big Bossman Theme lol!

    Luger was just as good as everybody else once he learned, which was pretty quick. I saw a match against Kareem Mohammad in FL where he was working his butt off and the crowd was nuts. I also saw him look about as bad as Sting and the Warrior at first so obviously he was good as time went on as far back as FL. I don’t think I ever saw Lex look bad in WCW in the early days.

    He carried Brian Pillman more than Pillman carried him. (runs)


  15. 10 minutes ago, Death From Above said:

    Was that around the time Bischoff sent him to New Japan without consulting him to do Black Tiger for one show, and he got really pissed off he missed his kid's birthday?

    I feel like there are probably a lot of occasions Eddie had cause to be mad about how he was being used, so this could be off by years.

    Gosh only knows. In the meantime I was looking it up and apparently him and Eric fought almost as bad as Flair and Eric. So who knows.

  16. It’s still fucking raining.

    Does anybody remember 2 weird Eddie Guerrero matches on Nitro?  I remember he’d been out several weeks then wrestled 2 matches in 2 or 3 weeks before missing time again. And he wasn’t his cheerful self that he always was since his debut. 

    I think this was in between his face run (debut) and his reluctant heel turn but I could be wrong about that part. Alot of people forget he was a reluctant heel at first, being accused of trying to steal Jericho’s Cruiserweight belt when he was only trying to protect it from Syxx for him.

    Maybe they were testing the waters for a heel turn in 2 matches before going through with it. 

  17. It looks like they made the set right there after every Nitro or Thunder when the announcers sat. Were those credits with the inside joke just a 1 time thing for the last show? I think Worldwide came on at like 6AM Saturdays since about 1997. I didn’t get to watch any since then but Worldwide was my jam for a long time. 

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