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Posts posted by HarryArchieGus

  1. 43 minutes ago, alstein said:

    He had a great run in the New Japan Cup this year and got over with the NJPW crowd.  He's been splitting commentary and wrestling until he got hurt this summer.  He was on one of the hottest streaks of his career until the injury.  I suspect he'll be part of WK this year in a 6-man match or rumble.

    Great to hear.  Seems insane that ROH doesn't use an actual over and charismatic performer like Colt.  Especially at this stage.  Yeah, Punk whatever, license the Manilow jam, and bring Cabana out at All Out.  Let him pipe bomb on Punker.  That'd be as good as Punk debut for me.  Sorta.

  2. 4 hours ago, alstein said:

    A big reason why I don't want AEW Punk is it will kill any chance of AEW Colt.  Colt > Punk in 2019.

    Yeah, I’m a bit confused having been out of the game for so many years.  Back when I was paying closer attention I thought Cabana was fantastic and on the rise.  I read of him being wasted in the New York territory.  But what’s happened since?  I see he’s worked for the lowly NWA and some indies, but why is he sitting in the commentary booth?  Especially since (I love Colt but) he’s a pretty weak colour man.  Is he on a career downturn?  

    I will never forget being there live for his ROH title shot against Austin Aries in Buffalo. Crowd was solidly behind Colt and it felt like maybe this was the night.  I recently rewatched it and i think it held up.  I say think because I was distracted by Sapolsky’s next level bad commentary.  

  3. I'm into this card, but they could have went a bunch of different ways and I'd likely feel the same.  The level of passion and determination within this talented young roster right now is the selling point for me.  And I like that things have enough purpose.  There's spots to fill in the top of the card, so to speak, and titles to be had.  No need for any more angles than they've presented.  I just need a reason to think the competition of the match actually matters.  And that's how I feel about every match on the card.  Everybody has something to prove, and again it has me looking forward to Saturday night.    

    I don't really know Pac all that well, but I gather he's going to match up nicely with Omega.  Kenny's promo (and watching a bunch of his NJ classics) has me thinking he's going to steal the show on Saturday.  I'm also stoked for Cody-Spears.  I truly believe Spears is going to answer the critics, and Cody's leading this charge in every way.  

    • Like 1
  4. I’m hoping we get another Omega promo pre-all out to address this Pac character.  As fantastic as that promo addressing Moxley was we didn’t really get his feelings on his opponent.  

    I’d also like to check in with Cody, Spears and Tully.  Maybe just a quick look at Tully teaching Shawn the slingshot suplex.  Bout time somebody brought that back.

    Yeah, expectations are probably too high for the ppv going in, but I still expect it’ll be their best show yet.  

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    AEW still doesn't hire you. He's so sad.

    Ha, I really enjoyed hearing him talk about AEW v NXT.  He seems to want to side with AEW, rather than his former employer's 3rd brand. Hearing him mention that he would first hire different people reminds one that Jim is a mediocre talent scout, and a mediocre creative talent. I'm sure glad he is not the guy hiring the talent nor booking the angles.    

    • Like 1
  6. I’m not about to tell anybody not to eat meat, but have a look into the pork, beef and poultry industries.  Get to know how that meat gets to your plate.  You might confirm your ideas that ‘random meat product’ is awesome or maybe.... not.  

    Edit: I'm all for ethical meat production, who am I to say otherwise, but the fast food and slightly less fast food chains are not participants in anything resembling ethics.  

  7. Okay, so Schiavone is taking on an interview/control center-like position or is set to be part of a three man team?  I thought I read the commentary team would be Schiavone, Ross and Excalibur?  Now I'm seeing Goldenboy instead?  Truthfully, I think ppl r forgetting how utterly terrible Tony Schiavone was for so many years.  I like JCP Tony, but late 90s Tony was incredibly irritating.  Granted he was calling a horribly booked promotion, but even during their winning streak he was just terrible.  Hilariously terrible sometimes, but mostly just plain go away-terrible.  Further, he sounds like the same old idiot on the MLW broadcasts I've seen.  All that said, I like him in the interviewer role, so I'm really hoping that's the case. 

    Darby Allin and Joey Janela facing one another on a national PPV sounds like potential for serious injuries.  I really hope they keep them in check.  I like both of them and want to see them progress. 

  8. 1 hour ago, JonnyLaw said:

    Cesaro’s going to do down as one of the best tag guys in WWE history.

    Interesting. Truthfully, I'm going by what I've read and the highlights I've seen more than actually tuning into to WWE programming, so I'll have to take the word of a regular viewer.  From an outsider perspective getting a run with the tag titles seems akin to being the European Champion in the time I was last invested.  I've long admired Cesaro's work, and feel like with the right booking regime he has potential to be a big money player.  I get that he doesn't have 'fire' promo ability, but his charisma matched with the right manager/mouthpiece (I've always kinda wondered what happened with the Heyman run?), or just keeping the promos short, seems like it would be enough with a competent or quality booker.

    And what he said...

    19 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    Cesaro is so astonishingly high level in the ring at this point, that it's almost criminal he's not pushed higher in the last few years than random tag guy.


  9. Does anybody know the contract status of Chris Hero, or Cassius Ono, and Cesaro?  These guys have to be two of the all time most misused talents in the long terrible history of titan sports.  Obviously I, like most, look forward to the day they make a move elsewhere.  

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  10. 13 minutes ago, KidNatural said:

    I'm sure Styles, Bryan, the Revival, Sasha Banks, Nak, Balor, Rusev and Harper all came up as well... Harper seems to be the only flight risk currently.

    None of those names are free agents.  That’s not realistic.  There seems to be little question that both Harper and Revival will jump when their contracts expire.  Rusev seems to be a possibility- when of course his contract expires.  Is Sasha Banks a real get?  I’ve honestly never seen her.  And Danielson and Balor are locked in, but I’m sure if aew pull off their mission, come free agency both will be weighing their options.  Again I don’t think they failed on this front in any way but fan fantasy booking.

    Edit: further, I like the roster.  I see lots of potential with what they have.  

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  11. 6 hours ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    Agreed. To me though, Jarrett was kinda the right guy, really wrong era. By 2000, I got tired of this motherfucker bouncing back between promotions being repackaged every other year and it not working. Is he suppose to be Stone Cold 2.0? Why is he coming out to a midi version of a Kid Rock song? Why is he making semi-shoot comments? What the fuck is up with him saying slapnuts? His work was never good enough to be the top guy, which was never the WCW criteria from 1994 on but in an era where the guys who can work are leaving a sinking ship, that worked heavily against him. He has a great match with Chris Benoit at Starrcade 99 and then Chris Benoit leaves WCW 3 or 4 weeks later. Jarrett felt like he got the role because everyone worth a damn had already left (or sat at home collecting paychecks), WCW's overall ineptness, and the godawful booking. It was so hard to buy him as being the guy because most of the stuff they had him do was so contrived.


    3 hours ago, SorceressKnight said:

    Agreed with the second, but I think it changes the right guy, wrong era thing on Jarrett.

    Jeff Jarrett is a great example of the Peter Principle more than "right guy, wrong era", and main eventer in the national era happens to be Jarrett's level of incompetence. On the regional scene he's a perfectly acceptable top guy. On a national promotion, he's an absolutely capable midcarder...but try him in the main event, he's going to be terrible. And do a damn fool thing like building the whole promotion around him? You get WCW in 2000 and TNA in its early run.


    3 hours ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    You don't want to be the top guy in a dying promotion especially one where is there is no sign of hope anytime soon. That's going to have a lasting impact on your legacy. If they had a booker who was willing to turn it into JCP circa 1983 or Memphis when Lawler was getting hot and the talent was there, Jarrett wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb. However, with WCW being in the shape it was in and Jarrett already having that stigma and stench of repeated failed gimmicks over and over, they weren't going to get a proper handle on what he was suppose to be. So he comes off like this cartoony ECW lite manifestation, but in the ring, the same Jeff Jarrett we've always known but with 150% more random guitar shots. 

    Jeff Jarrett was capable on the mic and in ring.  He was simply put a casualty of terrible booking.  Both his pal Russo’s and his own.  Worse performers have been crowned world champions.  WCW had such a laundry list of bad booking that it’s hard to even remember what Jerry’s kid was even involved in.  His legacy was made off of booking himself as a lame duck champion.  Endlessly running bad angles and finishes to hold his own company’s title.  He was in the position not unlike where AEW is now and he completely squandered it because he couldn’t see the errors of his and his booking committee’s ways.  And made clear his ego was not able to be kept in check.  I didn’t endure that smelly brown streak that was his TNA run but I read about it and completely get the hate ppl have for him.  But again, in the right hands Jarrett was very capable.  Just not a main event draw - few are.

    I like the Memphis highlights and I think his WWF runs were really good.  I thought he was a great mid card heel.  His last run as intercontinental champion, tho very distasteful, was a lot of fun.  Also, dug seeing him pop up in the Harmony Korine summer classic ‘Spring Breakers’.  

  12. It’s better for everybody if AEW is forced to prove themselves before they steamroll these, as you said, non-smarky markets.  They’re selling tickets tho, so there doesn’t really seem to be any reason to worry.  However close they come to selling out will be just fine.

    Not sure what you mean by their friends not jumping aboard?  Other than Gallows/Anderson who did you expect to jump?  


    • Like 1
  13. EYFBO? That doesn't quite have a ring too it.

    27 minutes ago, West Newbury Bad Boy said:

    Cody sounds like he's putting on an act. And not a very good one. I find it near impossible to hear authenticity in his voice. In the content in his words? Maybe when you trim some of the over-dramatic fat, sure. But his voice sounds like he's putting on airs. He speaks the way he hears other actors. 

    Of all the wrestlers you could complain about I think you're stretching your personal hate just a little here.  What you're saying is true of 98% of what I'm seeing of the industry right now, but to my eyes and ears Cody comes off as very natural and relaxed.  He talks without basing everything he's saying on cliches.  In my mind that's reason to cheer not jeer.  To be fair, I pretty much only saw Cody for the first time post-WWE in ROH.  I've seen some work in NJPW, and now AEW.  Perhaps I missed some crappy promos from his WWE run that has influenced your opinion?

  14. That Kenny Omega promo was absolutely fantastic.  I've been catching up with Omega's NJPW run which I'd completely missed. His matches are, of course, spectacular.  But so are a lot of his promos.  He's absolutely hilarious without making himself a goof.  And gets across his determination without looking like a really bad actor.  At least what I've seen.

  15. Apologies, if I missed this being shared...


    PWInsider reports that Impact Wrestling will be keeping the LAX name now that Santana and Ortiz have officially left the company. So wherever they show up, expect them to have a different name. They previously used the name EYFBO on the independent scene.

    PWInsider also reports that even though he had worked as an agent and producer for Impact recently, Lance Storm is not expected to come into the promotion full time. He had previously announced that he will shut down Storm Wrestling Academy and would work full time in wrestling, but Impact is not where he will be going.

    Is Lance still in ring shape?  Any chance he's making a comeback in AEW?  He'd make a great Gino to Chris' Chris.

    Perhaps Santana and Ortiz will benefit from losing that weak acronym.  

    Edit: I mean in 'dynamic duo' theory.  Gino was one of the most charismatic performers in the history of the business, and well, Lance doesn't compare in that regard.  I guess in this silly comparison Chris would be Gino to a Chris Lance, if ya know what I mean.  

  16. 5 minutes ago, Dewar said:

    Never thought a post claiming that Brandi was a better promo than Stephanie would ever see the light of day. This is some amazing Haterade being consumed. 

    Brandi's promo work in AEW has been consistently good (not talking about her ring work) to excellent (see the Road To from a couple weeks back).  Stephanie McMahon is one of the most irritating characters and promos in the history of the industry.  That said, I was a non-viewer for about 15 years, did I miss some promo or hilarious skit from Steph that would suggest I'd missed the boat on her talents? 

  17. 4 hours ago, Technico Support said:

    Yeah, I could pretty much do without both of them.  It's a bummer watching this and getting excited for fresh new company and then we get this monotone charisma vacuum who's just "WWE HHH WWE HHH Dusty Dusty Dusty Dusty" every god damn second.  It's like finding the person of your dreams, just perfect in every way, and you're looking forward to this great life together, and then all they talk about is their ex.

    I understand that pain and rejection can be motivators, but this is a new wrestling company and it's feeling so bogged down by Cody's bullshit and his desperate need to troll the company who saw him as nothing but a midcarder. 

    Such hate for a worked attempt at declaring war, no?  Isn't it kind of a smart idea to get ppl thinking and talking in this manner?  It may seem far in the past for a contemporary fan, but for some of us Helmsley being force fed as the main star in the early to mid 00s was the end.  If you're trying to bring back the fans that left, and I am one of them, I don't think it's the worst idea to lay a surface level 'worked' attack on the WWE guy who is maybe most visibly responsible for the downfall of WWE (during his time as a performer).  Hunter bored me to tears with his awful promos and pedestrian matches, but also was legit responsible for so many guys hitting the proverbial glass ceiling.  Ultimately it's the Chairman's decision, but Hunter is not without responsibility.  

    And 'monotone charisma vacuum'!? Ha, to each their own. Knowing he, Cody, will be featured heavily I'm happy to be a fan.  I think he does a lot with what he has in the ring, and is tremendous on the mic.  But again to each their own.  If I saw he and Brandi as even remotely as fun-sucking as Steph and Hunter I'd already be tuned out.    

    1 hour ago, Craig H said:

    On the other hand, Brandi I really don't care for. She's not that good in the ring, she's playing the same character Steph plays, and I would almost prefer if she weren't even a character on TV at all. Unfortunately, the women's division for AEW feels pretty threadbare so I suppose you have to keep her around for now.

    Obviously she struggled in ring on that first go, and shows little to no potential of being any better down the road, but her promo ability, if that recent Road to means anything, is far superior to Stephanie.  Brandi is absolutely gorgeous and has at least a modicum of charisma.  Her work as a manager IMO has been excellent.  I'd love to see her stay in that role.  Steph this gal is not.  I'm of the belief that she's going to be busting her ass to not be seen as getting a political ride to the top.  I also believe if she continues to struggle in-ring while others progress that she'll be smart enough to remove herself.  All that said, I could be completely wrong.  Just a feeling.  

    1 hour ago, mattdangerously said:

    DX invading WCW was at least entertaining. Cody smashing a throne with a sledgehammer was goofy and labored.

    I preferred Cody smashing the throne.  I thought it was amusing, and enjoyed the pop.  I've seen that WCW invasion clip more times than I care to remember, and I'm always amazed how such a meh bunch of skits has endured as something special.  In that moment on that Monday night it seemed kind of an exciting thing. Until nothing happened.  Nothing at all.  I never found it quite as hilarious as those who seem to think it was some sort of moment to remember. 

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  18. On 8/21/2019 at 2:42 PM, hammerva said:

    As someone who has seen Low Ki almost his entire career, the sudden knockout gimmick is really bad.  I mean I remember he would shoot knock out people with kicks to the head.  now we are supposed to believe that knees to the chest and stomach does the same thing.  That one in Chicago against Dominguez I think  barely connected and they selling it like he is unconscious 

    This Low Ki run of KOs is ultra wrestlecrap at it's 2019 finest.

    I want to be a fan of MLW - maybe for the well-lit-nice-looking platform it provides alone.  I also think they have a really fantastic roster-especially considering the size of the promotion.  I tune in to their shows and each week I feel like they're only a few moves from really having something.  That said, there is an endless parade of goofy shit on these shows.  Bad acting, bad promos, lame angles, sloppy wrestling, terrible finishes.  

    This week was maybe a little below par. 

    I really hope AEW isn't bringing in Schiavone to call matches.  He certainly isn't the worst, but he's also not remotely believable.  He has a voice, but poor improvisational phrasing skills.

    I like La Parka, and (see great potential) in Jimmy Havoc, but I needed the FFWD during the 'Hardcore!!!' Main Event.  The same can be said for pretty much the entire show.

    It didn't quite work, but I liked the idea of Mance Warner bringing out a chainsaw.  Aligning his image with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a good idea.  I truly believe Mance Warner has the potential to be a big star in the very near future. The chainsaw appearance would have been stronger if he’d been rushed by security and cops and arrested for wielding a chainsaw in a public place with the intent to attack people.  

    The Konnan-Selina shaming nonsense is really lame. 

    Austin Aries continues to look kinda strange to me (maybe it's the new look), but also refreshingly crisp in-ring (love to see him get a run in NJPW).  He has an excellent moveset.  The match didn't really do anything for me.  This Ace Austin cane nonsense is also ultra wrestlecrap.  Aries is a really capable promo, but that was a bit awkward. 

    I really dig the Hammerstone-Savio angle.  Let that be a lesson to them - use legit in ring wrestling to tell a goddamned story.  Simple and effective.

    The Harts are week to week a fascinatingly mostly bad promo.  Teddy is kinda horrible, but also kinda amusingly batshit real.  Harry just needs better direction.  But Pillman Jr is clearly on the rise both in ring and on the mic.  Kind of a shame to see him lowered to the writing of this skit.  There's a shot of a man pissing, and the piss hitting the jacket, and I ask myself: Why am I watching this?

    • Haha 1
  19. AEW being forced to switch up plans and seeing what can occur when talent takes bookings elsewhere are good and necessary challenges.  Welcome to owning your own business!

    P.s. I'd say replacing Moxley with Pac is a pretty solid recovery.

  20. Beale Street was my favorite American movie of this past year, and it's been long enough that I'm gonna take in another viewing shortly.  Care to share a couple of your favorite South Korean titles?  



  21. Ha, okay, interesting.  Both Burning and Shoplifters were excellent - I'm not sure I could decide an order of ranking between the two.  Both were my introductions to the directors as well.  Huge fan of both Kore-eda and Lee Chang Dong (have you seen Oasis?). 

    Be sure to have a look at Beale Street.  Fantastic movie, fantastic soundtrack.  And both seemingly hugely underrated.



  22. I'm hearing a lot about this Ailes film.  I'm most definitely a fan of the work of Ms. Robie and Ms. Kidman.  And Charlize is definitely a capable performer.  But 'directed by Jay Roach' is a tag that has me thinking 'pass'.

    On 8/14/2019 at 1:01 PM, Elsalvajeloco said:

    At this point, if it doesn't win Best Foreign Film, the fix is in.

    Not quite sure you really wanna put that kind of weight on a Oscar nom.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the awards show that celebrated 'Green Book' as it's best of the year.  While almost entirely overlooking 'If Beale Street Could Talk'.  Just a quick recent example.  I certainly understand work or friend groups pooling/betting on the Oscars like sport, for fun, but is it really anything to take seriously?  

    On 8/14/2019 at 1:40 PM, Elsalvajeloco said:

    If someone even TRIES to pick another film, I'm pretty sure that person will be terminated on sight. The only South Korean film to even be shortlisted for Best International Feature Film was Burning, which came out last year. Although the only submission in the last ten years that probably should have been nominated besides Burning was Mother which was directed by...Bong Joon Ho. This is his "The Departed" especially after Memories of Murder wasn't even submitted in 2003.

    This is his Departed?  You mean it's an entertaining movie nowhere near as good as anything he's done previously, but he now, after making all his best work, fits some sorta point of sell that the Academy has decided to award him this year for this film?  

    Wait, Mother is the only South Korean film that SHOULD have been nominated in the last 10 years? Assuming you mean Mother is the only film truly extraordinary enough to receive a nod I have to say 'bold statement'.  Truthfully my favorite movies, namely Lee Chang Dong's Oasis and Secret Sunshine and the films (I've seen) of Hong Sangsoo are actually older than 10 years, so I guess I'll have to take your word for it, but are you sure about that statement?  

  23. I avoid the English commentary on NJPW world, but as much as I love the Japanese commentary I’m curious what is said about Yano’s infamous DVD?  Also, what is chanted during Yano’s multi double thumb RVD taunt?  

    Yano really impressed me, like many of you, in the G1 (twenty nine!!!!) with his winning tactics.


  24. 4 hours ago, Casey said:

    There's zero chance Adam Page gets booed, unless he turns on someone like Cody, the Bucks or Omega.

    Ha, curious how u crunched the numbers to get 0%?  I’m not saying Page is getting the boo birds, but that promo showed a lack of confidence and focus.  Full of cliches the kind of which leads to a pushed baby face getting the jeers.  All that said, I like Page and see a bright future ahead. 

  25. 10 hours ago, Oyaji said:

    Page's slant on this match, his role as the underdog, and how his winning the title would better represent what AEW is than going with the expected, established guy is really smart. 

    I agree, but that promo was pretty cornball. He’s presenting himself like a desperate loser.  I can feel in his voice that he knows he isn’t going to win. Having his parents ringside is like Steamboat brining out his little steamer only to lose.  Page seems capable of talking but they should have tried a few tales. Page is gonna get booed in Chicago if he keeps presenting himself as a loser.

    So to the Bucks promo.  Just as cliched as possible.  Even suggesting a team they’ve pretty much exclusively battled has never been in the ring with a team like them.  Not horrible but certainly a lame duck promo 

    Weak road to this week.

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