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  1. Does anyone have any advice on quitting following Joshi cold turkey. I just haven't been enjoying any of the shows or matches . there's no story lines, barley any feuds, and the innovation that I use to associate with Joshi just isn't there anymore. My problem is that t was such big part of my wrestling fandom it's hard to stop and not check in on it. But really I watch a show and feel as though I've wasted 1-2 hours on something pointless.
  2. i hope she gets some lucha training too, could be another Hamada type hybrid wrestler. Although Hamada has/had elite level athleticism + Mariko Yoshida and Aja Kong as her Japanese trainers .
  3. So good news Kagetsu is back in Stardom. Bad news she is back with Oedi Tai. I am really really sick of Oedi Tai, it ran it's course a while ago and honestly their comedic hijinks limit Kagetsu's matches. I remember a high speed tittle match against Mayu, and another match against Io that were hurt by too much interference. Also Matsumoto , Kyona, Yoneyama, and Natsuko Tora mad e a stable called Team Jungle . I can only hope this means they will book Yoneyama in a more serious role.
  4. So If this is true ( which seems likely) if your Stardom how long do you run with Mayu as double champ (assming she beats Io which also seems likely if Io is in the tourney) ? One one hand the white belt has just had two relatively long runs , and the red belt obviously is currently in the middle of a year + Io reign so shorter reigns for Mayu would make sense . On the other hand if Stardom intends to push Mayu as the top star of the promotion they can't really have her lose either belt too quickly , or to, too low a rank wrestler.
  5. How wouldn't people get confused ? Usually when an announcement is made that someone is leaving someplace, they usually leave relatively close to the announcement . It seems pretty logical for people to assume that she would be leaving in the west few weeks at least, even if that is not the case.
  6. Goddamnit I really wanted to see Kairi and Io in the WWE, and now with Kairi retaining over Konami, and no announcement in sight I doubt it's happening . It was really something I was looking forward to, now I wish there was never any reports from Meltzer this second time, at least then I wouldn't have got my hopes up.
  7. So is Konami in a similar position as Yuhi was with Stardom? Not technically signed to the roster, but primarily works there and is allowed to compete for singles belts. They seem to be booking her more like a Stardom talent than say Yoneyama, or Kagetsu.
  8. I actually think Havok is pretty overrated, and slow+ boring. So no it d doesn't.
  9. So it looks like Stardom is bringing in Rebel formerly from TNA. If you look at their twitter page she's on the banner at the top. https://twitter.com/wwr_stardom She's probably best known for this match. Both her and Tessa touring at the same time lol.
  10. I mean there's not really anything a relatively small promotion like Stardom can do to compete with the prospects of of wrestling stardom, and potentially high salary that WWE offers . All Stardom could really offer Io and Kairi was guaranteed top of the card booking, and the familiarity and safety of their home country. Stardom really can't afford to get in a bidding war for both of them. Theres not really much they could/can do.
  11. In this respect it seems like Mayu deciding on retiring/leaving for Seadlinning really screwed Rossy over. Jeez and with Bito and Momo hurt the cards will be really light especially if Io and Kairi leave in April. I wonder if they'll put the belt on Mayu for a short transitional reign until Yoko gets back? Kyona isn't ready really. I guess Storm would be the only other option.
  12. So umm from WON......... If this is true ouch.... Would it even be possible for Stardom to recover from losing Io, Kairi, and Mayu? I guess maybe by signing Konami and Kagetsu to the roster, and running with a Bito, Kyona, Kagetsu, and Konami core?
  13. I apologize if this sounds stupid but In all honesty in some ways it seems like Io staying was bad for Stardom in some ways. When it looked like Io was leaving Stardom actually seemed to have some direction and urgency , with Io turning heel, and Mayu being positioned to beat her in the spring. Now that Io is staying for the foreseeable future, they seem to have fallen back into a rut of Io's directionless title reign, and queen's quest hasn't really done anything and aren't even really heels.
  14. In less promising news they only drew 730 fans for their show . Now I know it's only one show on a weekday but the show had 4 title matches, and they've done okay on weekdays before.
  15. Problem with a lot of the ROH girls specifically the heels like Hendrix and Havok is that they rely a lot on their personality , and trash talking the crowd to get over and mask their in ring deficiencies . Which as we saw with Blanchard doesn't really work with the Japanese joshi crowd.
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