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Posts posted by MORELOCK

  1. 13 minutes ago, Greggulator said:

    Becky/Sasha could very well end up headlining a PPV, and they will probably have a few big matches along the way before heading to a blow-off match of some kind at Survivor Series. Who else could they put in for a quick one-match feud that wouldn't just waste them for a  better opportunity in a few months? Sarah Logan? Another match with Lacey Evans?

    You're assuming they're holding people off for a more serious program down the line. I will be surprised if we ever get that with Asuka, who everyone still wants to see get her rematch. It would have been easy to insert her here and address that Rumble win - it's not like she was busy doing anything else, and the roster split is mostly meaningless at this point.

    But even if you confine it to RAW Women who aren't already involved in an angle: Naomi has had five televised matches since April, all of them losing efforts. Most of them she was just used to pad out multi-woman matches. I think she would have been a fresher choice, and at least as credible as Nattie. She's been given far, far fewer chances than Nattie over the years to be involved in a high-profile angle. And not that I believe the ridiculous "Vince will only push blondes" talking point, but as far as optics go, it would have *looked* way better to give the slot to a black woman instead of a white blonde (who has somehow been taking up valuable roster space for over a decade despite never excelling at anything).

    And, I mean, yeah, please put Sarah Logan on TV. Please put everyone on TV. It's doing a lot of damage seeing the same small group of people making TV every week while dozens go unused or are sent to the Negative Zone that is Main Event. I would gladly have taken a Sarah Logan match just to shake things up.

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  2. This argument was done to death in the lead-up to the Mania main event, but: it's very important for the person chosen to be the next champion that Shayna be beaten one-on-one. And I think it really showed in the post-Mania main roster stuff just how much Becky was hurt by not getting to beat Ronda one-on-one.

    Mia would have been the wrong choice.

  3. 2 hours ago, Greggulator said:

    Nattie can be really irritating as a face. She has her strengths


    Does she, though? The things I can think of that she's good at are 1. Being a Hart, and 2. Being Canadian. Seemingly every single thing of note that she's ever done has sprung from those two things.

    Her flaws are a lot more glaring when several talented and fresh women are being kept off TV so she can get another shot that no one was all that excited to see.

  4. 7 hours ago, DreamBroken said:

    I know most people love the Fiend, but to me it's, as expected, still just Bray Wyatt in a mask. Same basic entrance with a lantern, same song just a different band, same moves in the ring. And that's all a bit corny to me, so I don't really care for it at all.

    I find it interesting that they went to all the trouble of redesigning the aesthetic of everything, and yet the basic character and booking is exactly the same. Bray rambles on saying spooky stuff and has unclear motivations, meandering from feud to feud with what appears to be no goal or purpose other than to freak out the normies. They've already rehashed one feud for no reason. How is this not just leading into more of the same?

    • Like 1
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  5. 8 minutes ago, Raziel said:

    Seth get's 2 clean as a sheet Coronations over Brock in 4 months

    Low blows aren't clean as a sheet. This is the kind of win he needed back at Mania.


    My friend and I both observed that the crowd was dead silent for Rollins for the entrance/introduction. They did wake up eventually. 

  6. If anything the board has been too easy on Mauro. I feel like until now I've been one of the only ones talking about how much he can detract from the shows.

    Come to think of it - I felt like I was on an island with my views on Gargano and the staleness of the brand, too. Feeling pretty vindicated, though I would much rather have seen an entertaining, fresh wrestling show than be proven right - whoever proposed all the titles changing hands before the next Takeover is on the right track. 

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Gonzo said:

    And I know the man has dealt with some stuff, so I want to try to be delicate about saying this, but. . .at this point Mauro Ranallo takes more away from the show than he adds to it. For me he does, anyway.

    Way, way past the time for being delicate. Everyone loses their shit about Graves's Vince-produced stuff, but Mauro been the worst commentator on WWE TV by a country mile for years now.

    DELIGHTED that they didn't run the stupid "UE wins all the titles" stuff and make the brand even more stagnant than it already is.

    • Like 6
  8. 28 minutes ago, AxB said:

    Latina Floppies is a misquote. He actually said "Foppies". and "Bacon Stip".

    Guess you spell things wrong, when you type one-handed.

    Mark Hunt was really pissed off about Brock juicing when they fought, because he (Hunt) wasn't juicing even when it was basically legal in fighting (when he started in K-1, he asked about steroid testing and was told "You can do whatever you want"), but he figured he'd made it through that era with his health intact, and now everyone fights clean or doesn't fight at all. Then Lesnar fails his pre-fight drug test and they let him get in the Octagon anyway. Not that he actually hurt Hunt, but it was shady as hell. Besides which, Hunt is friends with Gary Goodridge who has dementia pugilistica now, and considers fighting in the steroid era to be a big part of the reason why.

    ...but are you going to show us your forearms?

    • Haha 3
  9. 1 hour ago, AxB said:

    Being on TV and winning matches?

    So you're expecting the article to kayfabe us?

    How much money does Moose make vs. the WWE guys? How many people watch Impact vs. NXT? There's a little more to it than that. Neither ESPN nor their readers are approaching the article from the perspective of "yeah, but how many titles has he won?" Only wrestling fans care about that. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Eivion said:

    Ali coming down to stand up for Rey was nice. Could have done w/o Dolph beating him clean, especially since Dolph is getting squashed on Sunday.

    The idea is to build Dolph for Goldberg. Ali going over would have made zero booking sense.

  11. I enjoyed the Perfect-Flair Loser Leaves Town match a lot at one point, but it's been a looooong time since I've seen it. Perfect-era Hennig essentially got me into wrestling, so I'm probably biased.



    I remember Stevie Ray catching a whole lot of shit for Martel's career-ending injury at the time. The IWC turned on him, even through the hilarious nWo B-Team stuff, until he started doing commentary.

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