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Everything posted by DTTW

  1. Being a six foot plus, in shape male, with above average atheltic abilities, having charisma, and being on tv weekly, will do that for people.
  2. Can pop sell them off to another network?
  3. He was always close but he never just broke out. He certainly was very wise to wrestling, but whatever he was missing was usually made up for by the guys he was with. Together him and Nash were magic, but apart, neither was as strong as the combined whole. I like Hall but he was just never going to be the guy for a lot of reasons. I think that was part of why he quit WWF too, something about Vince not offering more money because he wasn't going to get the chance to work with the big draws.
  4. Gonna disagree here. Hall was good and could be great when he was with the right people but Hall could never really stand on his own.
  5. I'm skilled enough to make it if yall raise the money.
  6. Amazing they thought it would be a good fit or it's low ratings would somehow go up.
  7. Are gonna start a pool for when Sasha gets hurt after she gets the title?
  8. Isn't anything the WWE puts their logo on pretty much doomed to fail? XFL, WBF, Ico Pro, WWE New York, WWECW, etc.
  9. I really doubt Walker drew better ratings and sold more merch. Any sources?
  10. What does the merch sales say, because the ratings are likely pointing towards a "they probably were." Were those guys better works, nope. But I can rattle off multiple things said by Godfather and NAO. Can't say the same for Owens, Sami, and Cesaro. I like all three better as wrestlers, but unless things change, they're not going to be remembered fondly, if at all, outside of by the wrestling geeks. Damn shame too, because Cesaro and Owens should be carrying the company right now.
  11. And notice how none of that screams millions of dollars in box office draw.
  12. Things probably were better 20 odd years ago when anything felt possible and they had direction for characters, not just the brand. Austin would be DOA in todays era because that character doesn't look good for a publicly traded company. Ditto for the Rock. Ambiguously gay work rate Shawn would be Ziggler today.
  13. Did you wear a Heros of Wrestling tshirt in a porno by chance? I swear I have seen this. In terms of marketing, how is the WWE not leaving lots of money on the table considering they only seem to market toys, tshirts, and dvds mainly? Just sounds like they aren't even tapping into all the possibilities. Maybe all the over merchandising in the 90's has lead to this core model.
  14. There is a reason he didn't release it. Why could Austin get condoms and some guys can't get tshirts? Is it going to kill WWE to have 500 shirts for everyone that theycould at least offer to sell back to talent if they leave - no. But I'm still dumbfounded how they equate merch sales to popularity and don't even have merch available for some people. Unless of course they are just straight up megalomaniacs, which has certainly been suggested over the years.
  15. Let us remember Austin had to practically beg for merch, ditto for the New Day. The company can creatively prevent anyone from making money simply by not putting out merch.
  16. Who'd have thunk Ryback quitting would lead to such deep discussion about the WWE? Let alone involving some of the same things Punk was mad at.
  17. So while getting my butt kicked in the gym yesterday, I had this idea of King Mo doing a "local" commercial about mattresses and it got me thinking, has there every been any sleep type studies done with fighters?
  18. I'm more thinking in terms of style. Nothing I've seen or heard about Ryback suggest he would be a good fit.
  19. So where could Ryback go? TNA probably won't be around, Japan doesn't seem like a good fit neither does LU, which isn't filming for a while anyways. Mexico is broke from what various guys have said.
  20. I'm still waiting to hear someone freely say they are nice people. Still waiting to hear what good Step has done for the company. HHH is a walking billboard for PED abuse, making him a hypocritice of epic proportions, and when has marrying into a family ever made someone competent to run a business? There's too much shady crap around them for me to believe these are good people and not ruthless individuals willing to do terrible things to maintain power and control. Good for them, but not exactly people I'm gonna be happy for.
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