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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. I just checked the Rams' site to see if there was a logo change or anything and I got this (tried three different browsers, all the same):



    I guess they're going for a throwback feel, making their site look the way it looked when the Rams were last in LA.

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  2. 1 hour ago, NickMD said:

    That moved to a different site.  http://darkmatterdigitalnetwork.com/shows/after-dark-radio/

    And if you like Karl Stern he has a show called Dragon King Dark that's on the site as well.

    Thanks man, I know that part.  I'm wondering where I can download the shows.  They used to be posted of the After Dark site but there's nothing new there since June.  Have they changed to streaming only?  I don't subscribe to F4W so that's out.

  3. 3 hours ago, Wyld Samurai said:

    Dude. Ron Garvin was legit! It's more like Tommy Rich.

    I liked Ron Garvin's work and but his title reign was bullshit.  They needed a title change for Starrcade and none of the names in the company wanted to carry the belt for a lame duck reign.  Shit, Garvin was a midcarder by then, to boot.

  4. On 7/27/2016 at 10:28 PM, JCM said:

    ZSJ is a cocky shit built like a 12 year old and I want to see him get his face smashed at some point in the turney. Also his selling and facials were bush league. 

    Holy shit.  His bug eyed, surprised sell of a fucking fisherman buster (10:22 into the show if you're a fucking masochist) bugged the living fuck out of me.  It's not just his wrestling style that makes his opponents look beneath him, but this kind of selling, too.

    On 7/27/2016 at 9:56 PM, Smelly McUgly said:

     I couldn't see how Bennett got hurt on the powerslam even with the replay. 


    It looked like he didn't tuck his chin enough on the slam so his head got spiked into the mat.

    On 7/27/2016 at 10:50 PM, El Dragon said:

    I think the criticism is that Sabre Jr's build just doesn't look great by WWE standards. I mean I know WWE isn't land of the giants anymore, but Sabre Jr. just looks scrawny.

    supremebve had a good post about Sabre's build.  He's tall AND skinny, which just accentuates his scrawnyness.  And it's exacerbated by his Easter Island sized head.  He looks like a guy off the street, not a trained athlete.  But like someone else said, a stint at the Performance Center would fix that like it did with Zayn.

    Oh, and facially, the guy looks like Richard from Silicon Valley.

    On 7/28/2016 at 3:43 AM, Go2Sleep said:

    Kendrick pitched in some solid heel work, especially that rope kick that cut up Mendoza's mouth.

    Don't sleep on the ingenious setup for the move: Kendrick held Mendoza's nose so he has to open his mouth the breathe.  I'd rather see well thought out stuff like that than Sabre's masturbatory submission transitions any day.  To borrow an old Dean-ism, the dude nonsensically changes positions more than an inexperienced high school boy.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, RIPPA said:

    New favorite thing

    Davey Boy Smith was one of the greatest technical wizards of the 80s and 90s


    He is best remembered for the SummerSlam main event in London, where he beat Bret Hart in front of about 80,000 countrymen

    LOL where he was all hepped up on goofballs in the biggest match of his career and Bret had to drag him to something resembling a match.



    • Like 2
  6. I had to look it up: Tully and Arn only worked together as a team for a little over two years (mid 1987 - November 1989).  So did they pack an amazing amount of really good matches into that short stint or are we looking at them with rose-coolored glasses a bit?  Right now I'm going to play the little girl in the taco commercials and say, "porque no los dos?"


  7. 19 hours ago, J.T. said:

      I kitted them out with everything including armor and tint and whatnot.  I had Michael take the cars to be tricked out for the job since he has the most money (nearly ten million).

    If you bought the LS Customs out in the desert as Franklin, all that customization would have been free.

  8. On 7/24/2016 at 9:36 PM, Tromatagon said:

    99% sure the answer is no because they're treating it as a reality sports competition show despite being scripted

    So LU is in the same category as American Ninja Warrior and Spartan Race?  There's no kind of governing body or anything that can keep a production from classifying itself any way they feel like it?  Like if I made a sitcom, I could classify it as a reality show to avoid paying actors the union minimum?  The entertainment industry is bizarre. 

  9. I can definitely see Ricochet losing in round 1.  He's probably not long for PWG, he's already won BOLA once, and it looks like Cobb is going to be a featured guy moving forward.

    On the Cobb tip, he's awesome and has fun matches, but the dude needs to get his cardio up.  He was really blown up and moving slow in the Hero match.  Chris Hero was running rings around him, and we all know what Scott Steiner would say about Hero.

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