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John from Cincinnati

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Posts posted by John from Cincinnati

  1. Just now, L_W_P said:

    Roman making once in a lifetime history is more important than Cody finishing the story at Mania.

    No it’s not. If he’s not gunning for Bruno, this has run out of steam. Even if he is, it’s run out of steam. Nothing about this is important. Roman went last a year ago and went in the cool down spot this year for a reason. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, odessasteps said:

    I would have been more confident on predicting a Bayley win if I thought Sasha was coming back and not taking TK’s money.  But given all her recent injuries, nice she will get a Mania title match (main event?) vs Rhea.  I presume they aren’t going the swerve where she turns face to wrestle her stable mate. 

    Surely the swerve is her facing anyone other than Iyo.

  3. 2 minutes ago, NoFistsJustFlips said:

    I got a crisp fiver saying yes he did. Immediately had a panic huddle with the refs. Favored it the whole match. Clutching it on the floor. I'd chalk up him looking poor in the match to being hurt, but more so than tearing the triceps again he was probably mentally drained knowing instantly it was hurt and all the work and fallout that is in front of him.

    kill me lol 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

    Fans on hard cam getting up for the "hey somebody new is coming in" moment of the Rumble match (at least for the first Rumble) does mean that this card generated more noise than Rays playoff games in front of 15000 people

    Move the team and the Rumble to Montreal! 

  5. As soon as Punk pointed at the Rumble sign, I knew he was doomed. Much better women’s Rumble, with some creative eliminations and outs for some top babyfaces. Good showing for Jordynne, hope she gets a match with Natty or Ivy or someone. The Jade debut couldn’t have been conceived of or executed any better. The Chelsea stuff was amusing. I’m even excited for the Owens-Paul rematch with that out for the babyface. 

    Tired of Roman, but there was even some decently structured stuff in there peaking with AJ on top of the pile. Good show. 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    I think I said in the FIRST iteration (maybe 2nd, who the fuck knows) of this thread several months back: How long does WWE skate by on this was just the old lone maverick line? At some point, you're complicit in the toxic culture that's been built. You cannot have shit like this with folks who have been with the company off and on for years (looking at you Bruce "Vince loves chocolate titties" Prichard), and EVERYONE else keeps their job. If I am Endeavor, I am cleaning house. Maybe old bucktooth Kevin Dunn knew what was up and left while the getting was good.

    Based on what’s in some of the texts, the horses have left the barn on hanging this on one guy. 

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