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Craig H

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Posts posted by Craig H

  1. Take the Shock Top and throw it in the trash, and go find yourself some Bell's Oberon before it's too late (it's usually off the shelves around October). A close second to that, as far as recognizable beers go, is the Sam Adams Summertime. Although, if you're into sweeter, less hoppy beers, I bet you would love Leinenkugel. 


    Honestly, the best thing you can do is find a grocery store or liquor store that will let you put your own 6 pack together and just pick stuff out that you think looks good or interesting. World Market, if you have one near you, has that kind of setup as well, but their's is solely craft beers. 


    This website will also be useful for you: http://lifehacker.com/learn-a-little-beer-lingo-for-easier-ordering-509836289

  2. Favorite VEEP line off the top of my head:


    "We're at Defcon Fuck!"


    That's a good one. I think my favorite episode is still the one where you find out Jonah is into the hardcore punk scene and Dan is somewhat mortified to be hanging out with him.


    You're just ignoring how into HHH vs Taker the people were?  The first Brock/HHH match did very well too.


    There's a whole generation of WWE fans that have never seen Austin wrestle except on DVD's.


    You guys have such a narrow perspective on things, and it's just unreal. You're a bunch of guys who've been watching wrestling for 20+ years. Your perspective on Triple H, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan etc is not the same as the vast majority of the 5 million or so that watch every week.



    This is absolutely hilarious coming from you considering that you, or this character you play, can't escape an early to mid 2000s mindset for what is good. You're still advocating HHH going over just about everyone when no one wants to see that and pretending that TV ratings are the be all, end all as far as indicating what people want. If that were the case, why are live shows packed full of people wearing Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and John Cena merch. What, those shirts were the only ones that were clean when they were on their way to Raw to watch the legends of the early 2000s? Maybe the reason why those guys shirts sell out first is because they're just that eye catching? Raw, SD, PPVs, whatever need two things to be functional: People watching at home and people showing up to the arena. If CM Punk were this massive turnoff that you claim he is because your narrow perspective, then, gee, you would think there wouldn't be so many CM Punk fans buying a ticket to the show.


    Your troll game is strong as of late, that's for sure.

    • Like 1

    I just wanted to say that it took me 2 years, but I finally watched Super 8.  How I avoided spoilers that long is beyond me, but I wish someone had just said to me "dude, it's a wonderful film".  I know there are people that disliked it, but I couldn't love the movie any more.


    I liked it a lot as well.



    Same here. It filled a much needed void for me because you never see movies like The Goonies, ET, etc. anymore. It was the best of those 80s movies that did such a great job at capturing the imagination and sense of wonderment that kids can have and it played out on screen perfectly. I probably spent the whole movie with a huge grin plastered on my face. Love that movie a ton. Plus, it had Coach in it.

  5. The story with Masuka and his daughter has to be leading somewhere. Why introduce this in the last season and spend so much time with it if it doesn't lead anywhere? She has to be involved somehow.


    Doubt it. Probably just a way to wrap up that character. That whole plotline is beyond creepy as all I can think of is how Masuka is going to wind up hounding his own "daughter."


    I thought about something else too, regarding EVA's comment about there being no urgency, despite this being the last season. There was a template for the showrunners of Dexter to follow to bring this series to a conclusion, and I feel that was The Shield. Dexter could never come close to touching the quality of The Shield, which may be as close to a perfect show as you can get, but with this final season meandering to a close, I can't help thinking that the final season of Dexter should have been similar in tone, pacing, and direction to the final season of The Shield. On the surface, Dexter gaining immunity at the expense of others only to then be locked into an existence where eyes are on him at all times preventing him from killing again seems like the appropriate end and punishment for that character.



    Assuming the plan for Mania is still Austin with Vince vs. HHH (which incidentally is a terrible idea) I can't wait to see how they turn Vince.


    Wait, what? What do you mean "still?" This is the first I've seen of such a plan.


    Meltzer or someone said a couple of months ago they were trying desperately to pay Austin enough to do one more match, to that date, they weren't close.  The apparent idea was Austin (as a proxy for Vince) vs. HHH (as a proxy for Stephanie & himself) for control of the company. 


    There was much gnashing of teeth at this prospect. 



    This is...this is so beyond stupid. No way could this have been real. Dave had to have been worked again by someone from the company.

  7. I wish they would just use a slightly less exaggerated All-Stars style for the character models. It would serve so many different functions in that it finally gives the WWE series a fresh look, the devs aren't stuck with trying to make models that look like their counterparts eliminating the disconnect many people have when the models look nothing like their counterparts, in that same vein you give people an easier time with identifying with a character model when the look of the model is a caricature, moves animations are improved because the devs won't be so restricted to having the move be a 1:1 representation of real life, in game physics would finally have some weight to them and you can pull off size differences better, etc.


    I wouldn't want the WWE series to look so totally arcadey like All-Stars, but there's no reason to not go with caricatures of the wrestlers. They've been trying to pull off this real life look since the first SmackDown! and they're never going to be able to pull that off. There's so much flash and exaggeration in the world of wrestling and I don't think trying to make the WWE series look the same as NBA 2K, Madden, or MLB The Show is the best approach. Hopefully someone, anyone at 2K understands this.

  8. BTW, there used to be so much talk by Vince Russo etc. about tweeners and shades of grey, is John Cena the best tweener of all-time?  He acts like a face, does the right thing, but says enough silly stuff to keep the smark-types against him.  So, they can use Cena to face main-event heels (Punk and Show last year), upper-card heels (Ryback, Henry) but also returning stars (Rock) and upper-card faces who have to at least appear in a main event (Bryan, Orton).  I mean, he really is the all-purpose tweener world champion, because you can program him against ANYONE and he'll make it work.


    Good point. I never thought about this before, but you're right. Makes even more sense about how reluctant the writing staff is with making any dramatic changes to that character because with what you described, he really is more important that anyone else on the roster with how versatile he is.

  9. I'm expecting something closer to the GAB Vader vs. Sting match, and less Brock vs The Rock. I think Punk eats a ton of damage and keeps getting up until he can't do so any more.


    How is Brock's new contract structured anyway? He's on a two year deal, so is it still a very limited number of appearances/matches, or will they possibly be able to use him in a run at the WWE Title?


    And I can't believe there's a chance that we could see Sandow cash in and win at Summerslam and then later take on Cody. The World Title is firmly entrenched as the IC/US title now, and the IC and US titles are sub-Euro and Cruiserweight titles.

  10. I tend to echo much of what has been said here, but I'm a little surprised at the lack of love for the commentary during the Orton vs. Sandow match. Rhodes asking Jerry how he would feel if Jerry were in his shoes and Jackie Fargo pushed him off the ladder was awesome. This Raw was full of many little touches that applied of veneer of the writing staff giving a crap about history, like Cena saying "Benoit" under his breath when going down the list of wrestlers he's faced.


    And I tried to make it through the full three hours and fell asleep multiple times. They have got to cut this show back to two hours.

    • Like 1
  11. I saw Wet Hot American Summer long before my wife got me into Law and Order SVU when we first started dating. I had no idea who Christopher Meloni was. After a couple years of watching SVU, I watched WHAS again and it was awesome realizing that the cafeteria chef was Meloni and he immediately became my favorite part of that movie. That shock/surprise would pop up again in Harold and Kumar when I realized he was Freakshow. Same thing with him playing Keller. For some reason, I could never connect Meloni with any of his previous roles.

  12. I still think it comes down to one of three different scenarios. Either the show ends with Deb on Dexter's table, Deb kills or arrests Dexter, or the two of them kill Vogel and that winds up as Dexter's last kill. I have a hard time seeing them killing off Dexter because it leaves Harrison with Deb of all people to raise him.

  13. I'm telling you ambiguous ending aaaaannnnnd let the movie rumors begin. It'll be interesting to see what Michael C. Hall does post Dexter.


    He was on the Nerdist last week and he sounded like he was very ready to move on. He already has two movies lined up. And I've never heard him on any other podcasts or interviews before, but he was hilarious. I don't think I've laughed that much listening to the Nerdist before. I hope he gets some funnier roles in the future because he definitely has the comedic chops to pull it off.

  14. So, if you want to see what your 25 man lineup would look like if pesky Curt Flood hadn't ruined it for everyone, this guy's put together the All-Homegrown lineup for every team:




    (Craig, you probably don't want to look at what the Cubs look like.)


    Holy shit is that outfield terrible...I shudder to think about an outfield with Sam Fuld AND Tony Campana in it.

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