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Phantom Lord

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Posts posted by Phantom Lord

  1. It's amazing that two of the WWE's potential MOTC's are women's matches and from NXT no less. Man that Sasha/Charlotte match was really good. I honestly hadn't been sold on Sasha but tonight she delivered and than some. I can't wait till Charlotte, Sasha, Bailey, Alexa, and Becky are called up to the main roster and not just because Total Diva's needs someone new in the cast.


    As for Sami/Nevelle that was a great match. Just about perfect from start to finish and I loved the post match celebration with Pat Patterson in the ring. If reports are correct, he's been championing Sami to Vince for a while now and Vince has been ignorming him because "he just does flippy shit". If those reports are true, I hope Pat was on the phone and like "see I fucking told you". I also look forward to NXT eventually redoing Steen/Generico which I hope they did some subtle seed work with the hug at the end.

  2. Thinking about it just now, I think the problem is Wrestlemania is during the first third of the year. In traditional wrestling, you always built up your long feuds for the end of the year. I'd much rather see Rusev beat Cena now and "injure" him so he's out for a while and then Cena can come back and do his superman act.


    Rusev just being fed to Cena much like Bray was last year at Wrestlemania will do nothing for him. Rusev as the new Nikita Koloff is too good ti ruin like that.


    I was watching Ready to Rumble last week (and no I'm not ashamed to admit I love that movie) and that reminds me of this exchange:


    Sean Dawkins: According to his authorized biography, Jimmy King worked very hard in high school. And after you died in the plane crash, he went to community college and supported you while he held two jobs!

    Fred King: I oughta kick yer ass! Freak!

    Jane King: We saw him last week. He came and borrowed our motor home. We haven't seen him since. The big shit!



    I assume this exchange makes some sense if you've seen the movie?



    Ready To Rumble is the best movie you'll ever see about Jerry Lawler.

  4. I was thinking about the whole nerd/gamer thing yesterday with the WWE. The New Day was supposed to be three gamer/nerd guys coming together. I bet after five seconds of trying to explain Dragonball Z to Vince he was like WHAT IS THIS SHIT. Then he was like YOU KNOW, WE HAVEN'T HAD A PREACHER GROUP THAT'S TAKEN OFF.


    This followed Vince doing a full on half hour of black baptist preaching. DO YA FEEL THE POWAH???


    Seriously though with Vince at the helm, the WWE misses so many trends and when they do finally get on board one its usually years after it was relevant.

  5. RAW completely sapped what energy I had and I just woke up from the coma it put me in. I skipped the last hour because God this show was so boring outside of Mizdow being so awesome. Miz claiming the award and being a complete asshole and Mizdow miming him had me laughing so hard.


    I was plesantly surprised to see Charlotte on RAW. Confused by her losing, but Tyson celebrating like he just won and Nattie just going with it made up for it.


    Dean's magical mystery ambulance was great. I love how the WWE always uses the same shitty ambulance wav file for any ambulance they bring into an arena. Then it being all smoke filled and back lit was just too damn funny. I'm surprised no one mentioned how Dean chucked a chair into the ring and the leg smacked Bray right in the head like a dart. I'm interested in seeing their match even if it has no meaning what so ever.


    So Reigns won superstar of the year. Figures they would do that. He's gonna be getting DIE ROMAN DIE chants around Wrestlemania if they're stupid enough to do him vs. Brock for the title.


    LoL brass ring.

    • Like 3
  6. Punk made serious accusations about WWE's backstage procedures. I think it's worthwhile to discuss that.


    At the very least Punk brought to light that the WWE has been doing what we know all wrestling companies have always done. Telling guys with serious injuries to man up and keep on going. Because if you don't well unless you're someone the boss like (IE. Reigns), there's no guarantee that you'll have your spot when you come back.


    Bret tells the story in his book when Dino Bravo shoved him off the ring and he hit the guardrails at the Boston Garden chest first and he broke his damn sternum and bruised his heart. He was back on the road I think in ten days because "well, there's no guarentee your spot will be here if you're out for say a month or two".


    Above all else that's the good that's come out of this punk thing. Maybe now guys won't have to fear wrestling with serious injuries just so they can keep their position.

  7. So earlier I was browsing youtube and this random channel that uploads old WCW shows popped up and it had a WCW World Wide from 91 with Stan Hansen and Sid Vicious as a tag team and they absolutley murdered some jobber tag team. One of the guys was named Keith Hart (I don't think it was THAT Keith Hart) and he took the brunt of the ass whopping including a back drop that sent him a legit 10 feet in the air.


    Anyway it appeared they were building up some United States Tag Title final and implied that Sting/Luger would be facing Hansen/Vicious for the titles at Superbrawl since the Steiners had to vacate them.


    How the hell did they go from possibly doing Sid/Stan vs. Sting/Luger to Freebird/Pistols.


    There's so many possible what if's for this. Was it just another case of Hansen going back to Japan aroun then? He was at Superbrawl but only to literally scare the piss out of Paul E. Dangerously and then do that hilarious locker room skit with Missy Hyatt.

  8. I had no idea Backlund spent so much time in Japan in the late 80's. I remember watching Summerslam 88 when I was a kid and when they did the whole Beefcake injury angle so there was a mystery opponent, my father was like "it would be great if it was Bob Backlund".


    Looking at that TNA footage it's a shame they used him as a comedy act.  I think a serious Backlund run for one last World Title would have been compelling television. I know this is TNA we're talking about. Also still upset we never got Kevin Nash as X Division Champion vs. Bob Backlund with Backlund getting his long over due rematch.

    • Like 1
  9. Pretty sure that's what happened with RVD in TNA.  Of course he was their champion when his dates ran out, because TNA.


    And in typical TNA fashion they had two choices.


    1)Re-do the deal to extend his being there on television and on the road.


    2)Abyss nearly "stabs" him to death with Janice and he's written off for a few months, comes back and doesn't make too big of a deal about it.


    This is TNA so we all know what the logical choice was for them.

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  10. They had Taz with Joe (after a long build up teasing that something would happen, Joe taking backstage advice from someone unseen, then doing Taz spots in matches) as he stepped up to combat the MEM, but then Joe turned and joined the MEM like a fortnight later, and Taz turned with him.


    I liked Taz being with Joe. Joe being the sucessor to Taz's Path of Rage could have been so awesome. I still remember this one match Joe was having with Homicide and Homicide and Taz had words on the floor. If only Taz could still wrestle. I would have loved seeing Taz and Homicide in a wild brawl.


    Taz in TNA has been so forgettable though. His commentary is so phoned in and that whole Aces and Eights thing reeked of "well we wanted someone else but we didn't feel like paying them and the dart hit your name on the board".

  11. Replace "wine maker" with "moonshiner" and I think maybe someone showed Vince one of those moonshiner shows on Discovery. I want to believe they came up with Big Red because Vince loves the gum and he goes through a ten pack during a show.


    Other than that I skipped most of this show cause I was attempting to do a paper. Reading the recap of this show it seems I did not miss much.

  12. I assume they both work face. There's no way Bruno would work heel, even if bitter old man Bruno would've been a great late 80s heel character. 


    Hogan/Warrior was in 90 so Vince would have to run the same formula a couple of years ago. You can run with the ready-made divide of older fans backing Bruno and their kids backing Hogan and even show a couple of cheesy vignettes of dads arguing with their kids about who was better. It'd be like my childhood where no matter who was champion, my dad would swear that Bruno could kick their ass. 


    If they ever ran Hogan vs. Bruno at MSG, the old folks in the crowd would have drowned out all the kids by booing Hogan. God that would have been amazing to see.


    My Uncle Carmine (who hasn't watched wrestling in ages) once said "there hasn't been a good wrestler since Bruno".

  13. You know what still rules? TOTAL RECALL. Consider it a divorce.


    I still haven't watched the new one. Total Recall needs someone like Arnold for it.


    I'm working my way through The Bubsy Berkley collection for a paper. Watched 42nd Street in school. Watched The Gold Diggers of 1933 the other day. Man these Berkely numbers are so amazing and you have to really suspend the belief that all of it is supposed to be on a theater stage and not a movie stage.


    Ruby Keeler is so adorable. Ginger Rogers is stunning.


    Gotta plow through Footlight Parade and Dames by Monday night. The Gold Diggers of 1935 is also in the set, but I'm writing about pre-code movies so I don't have to watch that right away.

  14. Vince's sleep deprived texts at 3 in the morning must be insane.


    "HEY PAL, WHO DO I HAVE TO BLOW TO GET A GOD DAMN STEAK WRAP IN THIS SHITHOLE TOWN". Vince types in all caps because why not.


    After a day of letting it really set in, I still think the most damning stuff on the interview is everything about hsi health and how horrible the WWE doctors are. Yeah Punk comes off bitchy about the whole WM main event thing but I can see his point of view. If Wrestlemania is his companies super bowl, anything less than the main event is just pre game fluff. The main event is obviously the most money on the card so of course it would be your dream and goal to be in the main event.


    As for the money it self he does have legit gripes about the pay. At his peak he was easily number two behind Cena. He should have been making at least as much as Cena was. If I'm doing the same amount of work as Cena and pulling in just as much money I'd be pissed too if I wasn't getting the right share of what was being pulled in.


    But hey he gets to live the life now. We should all hope and aspire to make a few million and retire at 35.



    Hall was waiting for the Fabulous Ones to come over so they could sauna together, ride motorcycles topless, and do other things that straight guys totally do.



    Jeff Jarrett want's to tag along. He's totally ready for some bro horse riding.





    Also just Dusty for Dusty. Da original Stah Dust if you wheeeeel.


    • Like 1
  16. Well that sure was something. I honestly don't listen to many podcasts because there's just so many of them. I hadn't listened to Colt in a while so I figured I'd give this one a shot. Man we all know that the WWE is run ass backwards at times but how can their doctor be that incompetent to let someone have a giant ball of staph on their back keep wrestling.


    How many Indy guys complain that they get staph because of the shitty rings they wrestle in that are never cleaned. You know how easy it is to spread staph. A few years ago my father almost died from a staph infection he got in a hosptial following a back surgery. He was on an IV for ten weeks to get it out of his system and these idiots were like "oh I can't touch that...ehh its fine".


    If they did that to Punk I really fear for anyone else in the company with a nagging injury of some sort that they say "ehh its fine".

  17. Funny that they beat a team with Titus on it who's the only guy that would make me take this group seriously if he were in it. Titus did excellent work in NXT against Zayn and Neville.


    Well there's always room for more. Wasn't there talk/rumors that Mark Henry would be the  a member or leader of this proposed group?

  18. What if Jake Roberts hadn't left the WWF to go to WCW when he did? With the mass exodus of all the muscle heads because of the steroid investigation, he (arguably) would have been one of their highest profile guys and could have gotten some PPV main events and possibly a world title run out of it. Would he have, or was he too far gone?


    Maybe Intercontinental, but I don't think Vince or his surrogates would have trusted Jake to be a main event guy. Jake rekindling his feud with Savage in 92 would have been amazing though. Maybe it would have led to a cage match at Summerslam 92 instead of Savage/Warrior.


    As long as Ric Flair was there I don't see anyone else being the heel champion of the company. Jake winning the title sometime after Summerslam and then losing the match to Bret could have been interesting though. Did Bret and Jake ever have a one on one ever?

  19. I watched Two Weeks over the weekend for a paper on death and dying that I had to do for a class. Really good indy film with Sally Field who plays a woman dying of cancer and her children come back to see her and as the title implies, she takes a while to die. It's obviously a depressing film and it probably will hit really close to home for anyone who watched a loved one slowly die from any kind of cancer. But it's pretty good none the less if you can find it.


    Also watched The Rules Of The Game today in my film class. How have I never seen this film before today? Anyway it's an amazing film and its one my professor says you have to watch over and over to notice every little thing Jean Renior did. He said he's probably seen it maybe 50 times and he's still noticing little things. I can't imagine this film being made today. My professor (Forster Hirsch..if anyone might have come across his books) is a proponent of long shots and long takes. He really hates todays film style with it all being close up's and rapid editing. Had the party scene been done today it would have been a mess of close up's ruining some amazing one take shots.

  20. I find it bizarre how bent out of shape people are regarding Punk and AJ. 


    Secretly they are upset that she gets to sleep with him. I don't see AJ doing a female version of Punk's schitck. I just see her still doing the crazy chick act when she throws in some "reality" every now and then. I mean it's a PG show so she's probably limited to what she can say about the Bella's. I mean if they wanted to get shooty, AJ would say something like Nikki got her spot because of John Cena.


    AJ's more the snarky nerdy girl we all knew in high school who hates the plastics. She's essentially Lizzy Caplin in Mean Girls just dialed down.

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