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Posts posted by Greggulator

  1. 5 hours ago, For Great Justice said:

    Truth is a shoe-in WWEHOF of course, but I strongly believe he also deserves WONHOF consideration. Former world champion, main evented against John Cena, 54 time 247 champion….

    But more importantly, with a shout out to Yano, Truth’s been the best comedy worker on TV for over a decade. 

    Rey Mysterio was the best flyer in the world for a decade and he’s in. Mick Foley was the best brawler in the world for a decade and he’s in. Ric Flair was the best main event epic worker in the world for a decade and he’s in.

    Why shouldn’t the best comedy worker also be in? If you’re pulling from the past 30 years of wrestlers to book a 3 hour TV show…I kind of feel like Truth has a role on that show?

    To make a baseball HOF analogy, I get that this is kind of like talking about relievers (comedy) vs starters or position players (main event acts, workrate guys) in WONHOF criteria, but insofar as he’s a reliever Truth is Trevor Hoffman out there. 

    Dude is awesome. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

    I'm absolutely with you on comedy workers and premier "mid-card" people getting into the WONHOF. Not everyone is supposed to be a main event talent. But not everyone is also built to be a comedy guy or entertaining non-main event star, either. What's a more important slot on Raw: the main event at 10:40 pm you've been building to all night or the 9:15 slot where there's a bigger audience (due to more kids being awake) and you're trying to keep people invested in staying tuned for what's next? The R-Truth's and Santino's are such a huge part of the show. You absolutely need people like that. John Cena and Roman are the stars, but the best middle card guys are the staple. 

    I kthink the MVPs of the WWE this century have been The New Day. Those three dudes have done everything on the shows for a decade. Comedy heels. Comedy faces. Dominant tag team. From hosting WM to winning the world title at a WM. Even something like Kofi/Ludwig's awesome 15-minute match/segment on Raw last night is so insanely valuable. 

    • Like 3
  2. Draymond is wild. Am I alone in not buying the "I was about to retire, Adam Silver begged me not to" claim? Yeah, okay. "I got told to stop choking other players, I'm going to walk away from $100 million." 

    I also love his whatever back-and-forth with KD. In some point of his rant, he said:

    "I'll tell you it really pissed me off when Kevin Durant said, '[Green] wasn't like that when I was around [him and] I hope he gets the help he needs,'" Green said on his podcast. "And then I start going into this deep dive. ... I went back to Kevin Durant's statement ... as I sat with myself, I said, 'I think it is time that the world gets to know me, who I am. And if I can look at Kevin's statement the right way, through the right mindset, through the right lens, he is acknowledging essentially what I want the world to know about me.'"

    LOL, my dude -- you have a podcast and are one of the biggest media spotlight hoggers in the NBA. I think we all know you. 

  3. We are all going to forget about Kofi/Kaiser in two weeks but WTF??? This is so good. I mean, Kofi and Ludwig are both top quality but I don’t really associate these guys with stuff, hate-filled brawls. I love Kofi but never really think of him as working the most tight style.They are really leaning into it. Great double countout brawl and I want 100 matches between them.

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  4. I used to hang out a lot with Bryce. He was in a sketch comedy group in Philly when he was also working for a Chikara and a bunch of indies. I did stand-up and performed with his group dozens of times. Hung out a lot socially, too. Bryce is a good dude. We drifted apart and I haven’t seen him in ages. But he’s a really nice guy.

    Claudio was living in Philly and he and Sara Del Rey used to come to a lot of our shows. I watched the Phillies win the 2008 WS with a whole bunch of Philly comics and Claudio. Really nice guy. It was right before he signed with the WWE. I met a whole bunch of other Chikara dudes from back then because there was a huge crossover with Philly comedy but I can’t remember any specifics. I spent one truly insane night with Larry Sweeney that involved him defending the Texarkana title against a few recent art school graduates at some hipster loft party.

    I also did a pro wrestling themed comedy show with Bryce. I co-hosted it with Colt Cabana. I forget the exact timeline but at some point in time Colt met by brother (most of you know who my brother is) somehow and they are really close friends. Colt has even met my mom and dad. He’s just absolute aces. 

    I also never met Eddie Kingston but he was on my brother’s old TV show. My brother says he’s a great dude. 

    • Like 9
  5. On 12/25/2023 at 1:04 AM, NikoBaltimore said:

    Thank you, friends. Pretty awesome that I share a birthday with Greg who's pretty damn great.

    Thanks man! I am. 🙂 Happy belated to you -- our birthday traditionally sucks, it's great to comiserate. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. This was an AEW show filled with high-end wrestling, some fun character work, some awful character work, random matchups and general stupidity. This was like a definitive AEW show.

    The Adam Cole stuff is so boring already. Hard pass. The lamest part was Cole saying Wardlaw would eventually surrender the belt to him — it’s just duplicating what Christian just did and looks bad non-kayfabe and even worse kayfabe since The Devil is just taking someone else’s idea already. I like The Acclaimed getting back in the mix and Jay White as the rogue is a good twist but man do we really need another Gunn Family Reunion thing?

    OC/Martin ruled. Just another for the OC Hall of Fame reel. OC is just a genius at laying out matches and knowing how to tell a complete and simple story. This has a fun twist of Martin frustrating Orange. I loved the end with the trademark OC having one more chess move to clock Martin with the punch. I also loved OC messing with the “running around the ring” bulldozer trope with his hands in his pockets. 

    The post-match shenanigans with that were baffling. I’m all for Private Party making a big re-introduction but they did so while everyone else looked like idiots standing by and watching. No threats to anyone in the ring. Just weirdness.

    Toni Storm stole the show once again with a great insane promo talking up Aldi’s and Broadway. Mariah May’s first match was perfectly fine in-ring. The presentation was awful. If you’re doing an understudy to an Olde Hollywood icon gimmick, coming out to crappy stock techno music while wearing an outfit best described as “The Bellas but trashier” isn’t what you want to do. I have little familiarity with The Vitruosa but that was solid enough on her end.

    Darby/Takeshita was a fun match with a pairing I was not expecting to see but now I want to see again. It’s always fun to see Darby risk paralysis. The rolling German spot was really nice. The four way was also a good pairing of four random names who did random stuff. I was pulling for Trent to win. Glad he did. Not sure of the Danhausen stuff but it’s silly enough. 

    Swerve/Garcia was fun. Glad we got a dance-off. The table spot messing up made the match better, I think — it felt more out of control. We definitely don’t need Hangman and Swerve again. 

    Nice weird show. 

    • Like 8
  7. For some more context:

    1) The Wall Street Journal reporter who wrote about Vince’s payoffs won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting about Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels. 

    2) The Epstein stories were broken by Julie Brown of the Miami Herald. It took her literally years before she and the paper were comfortable writing her first article on the topic. 

    A guy who says on a podcast something about not liking a guy because of what he said about Ace Steele’s wife needs to shut it down. Do you care about someone victimized in a situation like this or are you just wanting to fight with a wrestler online?

    I also write about finance for my career. It is difficult and challenging. I am so glad I do not have to write about sexual harassment or anything of the sort. I am not emotionally capable of writing about something like that — it’s really draining and would make me not sleep at night wondering if I was handling it the right way. I had to cover a murder when I was a young local news reporter and it put me on a therapist’s couch. 

    • Like 7
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  8. Hausman can do the following based on what I have seen without needing to be at some press conference:

    1) He can reach out to Chris Jericho directly with questions about what is being alleged. Jericho has Twitter, has an agent, possibly has direct contact available on some website, etc. It will take all of five minutes to find that out via Google. If somehow that Chris Jericho - one of the biggest self-promotional artists in the industry - can’t be contacted online, surely someone with the inside sources Hausman has (he is on LinkedIn even!) can get him in touch.

    2) See the above with Tony Kahn. 

    3) He can certainly divulge how he knows about the NDAs without naming his sources. But he needs to spell out the details more. Are there multiple NDAs? If so, how many? How does he know? Did a victim tell him? (He does not have to name the victim, nor should he.) Did someone Jericho prey upon tell multiple people and Hausman heard similar details from all of these people?  (Again, he can just use “multiple sources told me…” or something like that.) Did he see any legal correspondence?

    Or Is this some stuff he was fed by someone he is close with who has an axe to grind with Jericho and he’s peddling what he was told as fact? Or is he just peddling some stuff he heard on Twitter or wherever? Is it some anonymous thing he got sent on the “tips” email address he has on his website he hasn’t checked out?

    If it’s the first part, then that’s actual reporting. Good work! If it’s the second half, and based on what he’s said on his out of context even though I am the context podcast it seems like this is the case, then he needs to stop.

    I really hope this does not make it seem like I am being insensitive to anyone Jericho harassed. Is it possible he did something like that? Yeah, absolutely. That stuff happens regularly and it has happened with actual famous people in the public eye. Multiple presidents have done this stuff. 

    But reporting on these types of allegations is really hard. The best minds and outlets in journalism struggle to report on issues related to sexual harassment or power imbalances or etc. It’s absurd to think that a self-employed “wrestling journalist” who according to his LinkedIn has never done anything in his career beyond reporting on wrestling has the ability to accurately handle something like this with any sort of tact or responsibility. 


    • Like 10
  9. It never happens like this in the real world: 

    “I heard that (NFL QUARTERBACK) has a bunch of NDAs against him and things are going to come out.”

    It is:

    “NFL Quarterback has been alleged to have done X, according to multiple sources and documentation you can actually trace.”

    • Like 1
  10. In terms of the "journalism" involved with this --

    Everything that has come out of Hausman's mouth is stupid. Is he a reporter? Is he more like a columnist? I don't know. The most wildly accepted wrestling journalist is Dave Meltzer, and an incredible amount of his output is conjecture and speculation. He does do some actual reporting but a lot of it is him just tossing out the opinions of what other people told him, but he says and writes things in a weird way where it's supposedly factual. It's not straight news reporting, though.

    For Hausman -- I literally have no idea what the hell he's doing. "I don't like Chris Jericho." Is this on a personal level or just from not liking his on-air things? I don't know, but either way it's just showing right there it's an agenda at play. Everything else was a lot of backtracking and the usual "things taken out of context" that people say when what they said in public creates an uproar and they realize they look like an idiot and/or got in trouble. It sounds like he passed around rumors he heard third hand and etc. 

    In terms of getting sued -- anyone can sue anyone in this country if you can pay the filing fee. People can sue reporters (or, more accurately, the outlet they work for) for making things up -- it's called libel and slander. There's usually a really big burden of proof that someone has to show that they were victimized by libel and slander, and that a reporter went out of his/her way to essentially make things up. 

    But what would anyone get from suing that guy? His podcasting equipment and laptop? The lease to his car? The rights to the domain of his website? The only thing that would come from it is a lot of wasted time. 

    I think the best part about all of this is that we stop paying attention to Hausman and wait for somewhat a little more serious to report on anything to do with this. And then even take that with a huge grain of salt until an actual reputable news organization reports on it if it gets their attention. 

    • Like 5
  11. 2 hours ago, Octopus said:

    @Greggulator has made good posts on legal junk and reporting stuff. I’d like your thoughts if he had the willingness and time. @Elsalvajeloco too. 👍

    Overall, I feel like I am dumber for watching any of the clip I saw above and my credit score has dropped. 

    First, on criminal/civil/NDA stuff. This is all very general. I'm not a lawyer. But I've written about this sort of stuff before. HIGHLY generalized.

    A criminal case is when it involves the police and other law enforcement. IE - Someone says they were victimized in a crime. The police investigate. If they feel like there's possibly a crime, then a prosecutor gets involved in a few different ways. Then the prosecutor's office determines the possible charges and etc. A person gets arrested. Court procedures begin. Etc. There are no NDAs with a criminal case. There are, in extremely rare cases, gag orders -- think of it like "if this gets out someone could die" level work. 

    A civil case is when someone sues another person. "You did this to me at work" is more along the civil side of things. Suing someone requires you to file a lawsuit in a court of law, and everything becomes public unless a settlement is reached, and then the terms of a settlement are usually kept private. 

    But there's a lot of grey area that happens before a civil or even criminal case, and that's where a NDA happens. Like: "I'm a lawyer. My client says you did this. We're planning on suing you or even going to the police" leads to "I'm the lawyer for the person you accused. What would your client need in order to not sue us or go to the police and having all that become public information?" leads to "My client will consider that in exchange for (usually money)" leads to "we'll give you that, as long as your client signs a NDA." The NDA is just a contract between two parties agreeing not to speak about anything in the above, and contracts aren't public information. And a NDA is only as good as how strong a contract is written, and how willing someone is to go after someone who broke a NDA in a lawsuit, because then you might have to disclose publicly what was in the NDA. Nobody is going to jail for breaking a NDA. 

    That's just the basics of how it works. 

    • Like 5
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  12. The reaction to one line from The Rock about being the Head of the Table shows why him vs. Roman is the biggest match they've had in ages -- possibly since Rock/Hogan I want to say? Any feud involving the biggest movie star in the world trumps everything else no matter what. Tying it into a deeply personal family feud with the defining star of the decade? It's an absolute no-brainer. You have to drop literally anything else you have going on to run that story when you can run it.

    Cody can wait. He knows that, too. 

  13. Becky/Nia was really good. Rhea/Ivy was better. Rhea’s now out here giving NXT call-ups high-end debut matches and making them look like world beaters. What an absolute star. The tag match with New Usos was getting good until Vinci got his bell rung. The main event was certainly a Seth Rollins/Drew Mac match as those two guys I enjoy only when they’re in the ring with people I enjoy more. Seth redid the “pulled my foot to the rope inadevertantly out of overexcitement” thing that he had in a damn great match against PAC when Seth was in his first heel champ run. I loved it in that match but not tonight — it’s a great spot for a heel to worm his way out of victory and a confident veteran like Drew who has been there before should know better.

    I have no idea if it is a Kevin Dunn thing but they really did some fun presentation I may have missed earlier with the anime-influence for the Sinsuke/Cody promotion and the weirdly enjoyably club celebration for the KCs. 

    Also, wrestling will never cease to get me. I thought the HHH tease was Andrade (but was hoping for Sasha.) I laughed at the Jinder bait and thought he did decent enough anti-American heel heat and was wondering who was going to intervene and was not expecting The Rock. Then my mind briefly wondered why The Rock was out there to destroy the remnants of the career of Jinder and then I just got caught up in the moment. Totally got me with the Head of the Table reference at the end. Spectacularly done on every level in that they set some expectations and flipped the script a few times before teasing the beginning of the biggest possibly match they can build to.





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  14. Andrade rules and is one of the best wrestlers in the world. He’s damn good looking. And he’s Mexican and Latino audiences are really coveted. He and Zelina were an absolute main event act when they were together. I don’t know if they will pair them up again since she’s become a decent enough fiery babyface to put over a heel they are building or to do scene work with her stable. But, either way, Andrade is awesome and I think a really good fit for the WWE.

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  15. I did not watch the show. But I am disappointed with The Devil reveal. It’s now just an angle that took a too long to play out. It could have been such sweet, glorious WrestleCrap. Come on, give us some pairing like Bandido, Dante Martin, Brian Cage and Dolph Ziggler with Dan Lambert as the Devil. Not “oh, this was all sensible from the story they told it’s just that they took way too long to get there” stuff. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. Hopefully someone who is good at their job does more investigating.

    On the other side of the coin: There is a 99.9 percent chance Jericho is a source for a bunch of wrestling reporters, so anyone who reads favorable to him I would take with a huge grain of salt, too.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  17. Okay. Some thoughts about all of the Jericho stuff from how I understand it:

    1) I don’t want to make it seem like I think this is all fake and made up. We all know dudes creeping on women at work happens. I have seen it happen at places where I work. It’s gross and I would absolutely believe Chris Jericho or any wrestler or really anyone in a position of workplace power would try something.

    2) But Wrestling journalism is atrocious. If Haussmann is just passing along a rumor he heard from a few different people indirectly, then he is just spreading an unsubstantiated rumor and is going to get in a lot of trouble. If he actually heard this from the victim in question, I am wondering if he asked Chris Jericho for his side of the story (which you need to do.) But compare what the WSJ did for Vince — they saw and reviewed all of the documentation. No victim came forward or anything like that. Hausman also hedged the hell out of what he said on the podcast — “I heard that…” and etc.

    3) The victim’s name surfaced a little bit later because of stuff that was resurfaced on Twitter from some Twitter users (I think Vito Thomaselli.) 

    4) If this is true — we can make a really safe assumption TK knows about it and Hausman is really crappy at his job for not bringing that up. Because usually “hush money in exchange for a NDA” comes from an employer and not someone who is more akin to a senior level employee.

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  18. As much as I enjoy ripping on AEW, and as much as I have been not watching AEW because of real life, I have to say that only AEW can give me something like Eddie Kingston and DB in an absolute classic. What a great story with Eddie trying to overcome his demons and doubt and etc. by finally beating the ultra smug BD and now has the AEW’s biggest boss, and his long-established frenemy, to get there. 

    • Like 4
  19. Spoiler

    You could get any wrestling fan alive -- without any acting experience or talent -- and they could do a better job at the Ric Flair role. So baffling because the director is so clearly a wrestling fan that you somehow fucked up the most iconic wrestler of all-time. Literally my only complaint.


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