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The Lucha Report for 2/5


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Former AAA stalwart Decnis who has been working on the indies for the past couple of years had to be hospitalized a couple of weeks ago due to a blood clot in his head and a torn muscle in his lungs resulting in 3 hernias that had to be operated on. The surgery was a success but the costs have overwhelmed Decnis and his family and there will be a benefit show this weekend in Mexico City to help raise funds for his family featuring guys like Venom, Alan Stone, El Angel, Huracan Ramirez, Judas el Traidor, Jaque Mate and many others. The promoters are asking for the fans to bring 50 pesos to contribute to the family.

Today marks the 31st anniversary of the death of El Santo and just like every year there were ceremonies and celebrations of his memory held around the country.

Volador Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero got into a verbal altercation at yesterday's ALL ELITE press conference due to Volador showing up late and UG telling him that superstars show up to work on time while wannabees show up late. Volador then reminded him that he is working the main event while UG is working 3rd from the top with UG saying that he has been a main eventer for years and will be in ALL ELITE main events soon enough. This was an interesting situation because these two aren't feuding with each other anywhere so who knows what will come out of this. The ALL ELITE promoters were asked if the show would be broadcast on Terra like all Sunday shows but they didn't have any answer to the question.


EMLL 2/3 - Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Evola & Rafaga beat Meteoro & El Reycko
2. Furia Roja/Hijo del Signo/Metalico defeated Dr. Frezzer/Magnus/Robin
3. Dragon Lee II/Esfinge/Stigma beat Cancerbero/Shigeo Okumura/Raziel
4. Kraneo/Rey Bucanero/Thunder defeated Blue Panther/Brazo de Plata/Titan
5. Mistico II/Valiente/Volador Jr. beat Euforia/Felino (subbing for Negro Casas)/Ultimo Guerrero by DQ when Felino fouled Valiente.

Leyendas Inmortales 1/31 - Deportivo Jose Maria Pino Suarez
1. Cesar el Indio & Guardian beat Martino Negro & Rey de Oros
2. Dama Divina & Yuca defeated Miss Janeth & Tania la Guerrillera by DQ when Janeth ripped off Yuca's mask.
3. Alas de Oro/Pantera/Super Pinocho beat Fuerza Negra/Indomito/Mr. Mexico
4. Hijo del Anibal/Solar I/Solar Jr. defeated Histeria/Negro Navarro/Rambo with Solar going over Navarro and demanding a shot at the Maestros Campeonato afterwards.
5. Canek/Heavy Metal/Super Muneco beat Mr. Jack/Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Shu el Guerrero by DQ when Shu fouled Heavy which upset Jack and they got into a fight afterwards.



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