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Everything posted by glfpunk

  1. The quest isn't open now. You had to have already had the ghost before yesterday in order to get it. Assumption is that it will come up next time Paradox is the daily heroic again or that it will become available at random. A lot of people are pretty salty over it. I don't mind. I got the ghost so I'll be ready for next time. There's still a lot of shit I'm working on in the game anyway. I'd imagine they'll treat it like the Spindle and bring it back soon. I'd infuse that thing into your raid MG to get it to 310 and then grab another Thunderlord from the kiosk for a shard and 2500 glimmer and just infuse that back up to around 300 as you're able to. I'd imagine you'll get more use out of the number 310 if it were on another weapon like your MG or rocket launcher than the Thunderlord itself.
  2. Did the daily and grabbed the ghosts and then joined the FWC and leveled them up a bit last night. Hopefully will get the quest today and get that gun. I saw the perks on it. Holy shit. The Black Spindle of primaries.
  3. Light level isn't that huge of a deal if you have the right weapon for the job and know how to do damage. There have been plenty of groups with everyone in the 290-292 range that completed the normal raid. Some people just suck at dealing damage and make poor decisions on what weapon to use, when to reload, when to swap weapons etc. Gotta love when doing the totems and I'm in the middle and hear the call to switch and when I get to the totem the boomer knight is still up there shooting. I'm like what the fuck are you doing? It's one head shot with a sniper rifle to take that fucker out. Success is more about having a competent group than anything else.
  4. I still haven't found this one. Of course - I remembered the room and the general area but had blanked on specific location. Of course I always feel bad if my teammates are waiting for me so I generally only search for like 5 seconds. Oh and one time I was searching was that Special Shield Brothers one to try and get the Chaperone. That wasn't a smart time to do it If you stand at the entrance to the room and look right, the room goes downhill a bit. Just walk down the right side of the wall a ways and it's in what's basically a pile of beams. It's just easier to spot from just past it.
  5. Yeah Agonarch Rune is still turned off. There was some exploit people were doing so Bungie turned it off until they figure out how to fix it. Looks like you'll have to wait until next reset to get that T3 unless they turn the Rune event back on before then. Shield Bro strike one is in the second room with enemies that has a bunch of Phalanx and random Cabal in it. The fragment is under some debris and beams on the right side of the room. You kind of have to go along the right wall and go past it and look back toward the entrance to see it.
  6. There's lots of shittier places than Cleveland. But Cleveland is one of the shittiest "major" cities I think is the main point of it.
  7. I had shitty luck with the nightfalls until last week. I got a 310 Grav Forfeit for the Hunter and 16 strange coins on another. I can't remember what my third reward was though. Must not have been important. Went last night to finish up getting the calcified fragments that me and a buddy could get before reset. Got the four from Regicide and then went to Court of Oryx where we proceeded to piss everyone off. I was hoping that we'd get there and it just be the two of us to avoid this but there were a handful of people there. So there's four fragments that you can get from T2 CoO and they're tied to being the summoner and getting specific boss combinations. There was one that I needed and two that my buddy needed. So if you popped off a T2 event and the boss combination wasn't the one you needed, you just suicide and then don't come back so the event would be abandoned and you wouldn't lose your stolen rune. I got my correct combo on my first try and my buddy got one of his on his first try also but his last combo that he needed- I think it was Bracus Horusk, Menghoor, and Cra'adug- that shit took forever. It just kept sending out different enemy combos than what he needed. So he'd just jump off the edge and die and then respawn up at the top and let the timer run out to abandon the event and try again. Finally got it though. It just sucks to constantly have to do that with other people there. We did help them out too. We must have done three or four T3's when we first got there with these other guys. But then one random guy just hung around the whole time while we were searching for that T2 combo. So we're both sitting at 44 fragments and doing the T3 tonight will get us the 45th. Did the mission where you have to kill the Centurion in the salt mine and will do the Undying Mind strike where you have to kill that special knight that spawns when you get the boss to half health. After we get that last fragment we'll just need to do the Fears Embrace mission where you kill the wizard to get the Touch of Malice. To be honest, I don't even know what gun I will infuse it into though. I might just keep it so I don't have to swap the one I have.
  8. They should question keeping him based on the fact that he sucks. Not that he got pulled over and let go.
  9. It's kind of a pain doing the Touch of Malice quest line on alternate characters. I can't remember which fragments I've gotten. There are websites and apps that let you know what you've gotten and missed but it's grimoire based, so it's not any help when I've gotten them on my Titan already because the grimoire is unlocked. So just started from square one the other day with a buddy and we went around and collected all the ones on patrol. The big pain is the Court of Oryx T2 ones. I ended up having to go swap to my Titan and buy stolen runes from Eris to swap over to the Hunter. Then I had to write down the bosses that it spawned because you get fragments for specific combinations of T2 bosses. They need to fix the damn Agonarch Rune. Assholes messing it up for everyone. I think I'm sitting at 37 fragments right now. Have to go grab the 4 from the Regicide mission, 2 from the Shield Bros and Sunless Cell strikes, and 1 more T2 CoO fragment tonight. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to get to 45 with the reset of the CoO T3 boss. If they fixed the damn Agonarch Rune problem and opened that back up I could do it tonight since I have one that's fully charged. Snagged a 310 Hereafter from an engram the other day. My Black Spindle is about to be 310, currently sitting at 307.
  10. Now you're putting the man in the hospital
  11. How so? Because I don't tolerate discrimination against homosexuals? One guy has a stupid opinion on homosexuals which is basically that he doesn't agree with a person being gay but still loves that person and the other guy says because you don't think like me you're a piece of shit and I wish physical harm on you. You tell me which one sounds more tolerant.
  12. lovchunky- less tolerant than a bigoted baseball man
  13. To go up against the Cubs two aces and come away up 2-0 having yet to put deGrom on the mound is huge for the Mets. What a deep rotation.
  14. Just when Arietta seemed to be settled in and in control the last two innings they're taking him out...
  15. And your reaction is so much better...
  16. If you're into phones and tech, it's a good thing to try a lot of different stuff. I've had runs with iphones and windows phones as well. They all have their strong and weak points.
  17. Dude, I just got that helmet yesterday and it dropped at 310. So awesome. I like the void wall grenade. The other two kind of suck. Couldn't tell you about the y1 exotics, not sure.
  18. I don't know that there were jitters. Harvey just pitched really really well. For a guy with a question mark looming over him, he came in and had great command of his pitches.
  19. I was solely a Titan for quite a while and then fell in love with playing as a Hunter on the Crota raid. The invisibility was just a ton of fun and they were the best class for that raid. Their supers in year one were consistently the best for PvP until Trials came out where it became a more balanced scene. They've always gotten the short end of the stick as far as their grenades and orbs generated when compared to the other two. Titan is my jam but the new nightstalker Hunter is the shit too. Warlock is probably my least favorite of the three.
  20. Hunters can be great in PvP. Titans and their hammertime super dominate because it's easy to get kills but skilled players can really make the nightstalker class shine. With shade step and vanish in smoke, nightstalker is a benefit even when you don't have your super charged. Plus you can shut down other supers with your own. I'd imagine you'll see plenty of hunters in Trials.
  21. I'm not sure what was attributed to what, I got two hand cannons and the ghost from Oryx. I've also seen other armor pieces drop from the totems part. I've gotten the 2 shards from Oryx before from the 20 shards. Did the nightfall today with my hunter and got the Gravitron Forfeit at 310 which is an awesome helmet anyway. My hunter is now 304. Titan at 305 and warlock is at 300 now.
  22. So much attention paid to a guy who is a terrible player.
  23. I raided for the first time last night with my warlock and actually got the ghost from Oryx.
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