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Robert C

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Posts posted by Robert C

  1. Somebody got the kill of his lifetime on us last night.  I had a bounty on me when melraz and jstout picked me up in an annihilator.  Then we went over to grab misanthrope over near downtown.  As soon as he gets in the chopper, I see somebody hurtling at us full speed.  Before any of us had a chance to react, the world explodes, netting the guy 4 kills and 2 bounties in one shot.


    Hope it was worth it for him.  He paid for it over and over and over till he finally took off.

  2. Mark and I were talking about doing all the stuff that was crew created.


    What I see are


    Mark's 3 (2 races and a deathmatch)

    Dolfan's 1 race

    Robert's 1 race (did you finish this because if so we should do it)

    cyberinsekt has 2 races (whoever you are)

    MoonWaves created a race (is this Moongirl?)

    Tromataker has a race


    There is also a race created by deadNicki1car but a.) it doesn't look finished and b.) he doesn't appear to be true crew


    Neil might have just created one but it doesn't show up in the list when I search by crew created things


    I would avoid the race I created.  I was experimenting with somebody's suggestion of doing a two checkpoint race from one end of the map to the other - basically letting people choose the route they think best.  The end result was not good. 

  3. I'm completely inept at tennis, and never played golf.  I finally did a little storyline over the weekend and opened up tennis.  Amanda kicked my ass - I maybe won 6 points.


    I'm chalking that up to not having played tennis on a console since Intellivision.


    I hit 100 strength during that match, so that was a plus.




    Or you can do it like baseball does and not have the players sign but the team drafting them retains their rights the whole time they're at a four-year school.


    That's not how baseball does it.


    OK.  Did they change it?  I thought it used to be if the guy you drafted went to college, you kept his rights for four years or something.



    Via mlb.com:



    A Club generally retains the rights to sign a selected player until 11:59 PM (EDT) August 15, or until the player enters, or returns to, a four-year college on a full-time basis. A player who is drafted and does not sign with the Club that selected him may be drafted again at a future year's Draft, so long as the player is eligible for that year's Draft. A Club may not select a player again in a subsequent year, unless the player has consented to the re-selection.



    It's been that way since at least the late 80s.  A friend of mine was drafted by the Reds out of high school in 89.  He didn't sign, played college ball instead, then signed with the White Sox 3 years later.

  5. I was trying to get my strength up to 100 last night, so I broke my own rule and did Prison Thugz with randoms and pulled off a miracle win in a full room.  My chickenshit tactic of attacking people that are already engaged in a fight paid off again.


    The bus ran me over about 9000 times in the match, which was driving me nuts, till I realized it was Dan in the damn bus.  After that I figured at least crew was getting the kills, till somebody yanked him out and I got my revenge.

  6. Hey, you did that awful race series with me where you DNF'd two of three because they were just SO stupid. I meant to mention that. The first one on the golf course was fun, but then they got really dumb. That GTA race in the sewer was a masterpiece of poor design. Then I finished first in the playlist and was psyched because I'd never done a playlist before. Then I got 300 RP for winning the playlist. Yay?



    The first DNF was my fault.  I took chose the motorcycle when I shouldn't have, and died 3 times in a single race.  That's a pretty exceptional level of ineptness on my part.  The second DNF was partly because I was about to call it a night, and partly because the combination of muscle cars and water frustrates the hell out of me.


    And yeah, that first race was Gopher Hole.  Couldn't tell you the other two.

  7. I was having an awesome time this afternoon with Melraz and RUkered until work reared its ugly, ugly head. We'd cleared about three guys out and was working on a fourth when I had to go. Not a smart move for them to pile 3 in a car and come after us. It's not gonna end well for them somehow, I guarantee it. We had the rhythm going today.


    Tonight was fine for what it was. Robert kept inviting me to the World's Dumbest Deathmatches. Sincerely, Saving Ryan's Privates and Maze have to be two of the stupidest things ever. Maze is stupid because you've got that big-assed maze and everyone just gets in the nearby building and fights/snipes. If you set foot in the maze, the very structure the damn deathmatch is named after, you will die repeatedly.


    I didn't really mind the Vespucci Beach one (done it before), but words cannot begin to express how much I hate any player who does that roll-y crap when they're fighting in Freemode or a Deathmatch. I can't defend against that roll. Some guy shot me about 30 times in a row until I finally got the upper hand on him, and that felt fantastic after all that dying. 


    Then I got into a stretch of missions with three pros and we made some serious bank. One mission - guess I hadn't done it before - paid me 25K, and as per usual, I did NOTHING to deserve a dime of it. I got hit by shots twice (never died). I never fired a shot at a computer opponent or did anything to help the team, yet made twice as much as everyone else.


    I'll take it - bought the Roosevelt (the new car) and souped it up all the way. I did keep the stock black paint on it 'cause I like it. It needs to be about 20 percent faster, even fully souped up, but it handles SO well. It's my favorite Freemode car now by a longshot. 


    Is there a way to turn off automatic invites to crew/friends?  I was just trying to spam deathmatches for myself and felt bad you kept getting them.  Usually if I see Prison Thugz or Saving Ryan's Privates I just leave ASAP.  I actually like the maze one, but setting up in a good area outside the maze early is key.  Unfortunately the folks we were playing knew that too.


    I did an insane match over the weekend, something like "free RP and money lobby".  It was set for 15 minute team deathmatch with no kill limit & 16 people.  I finished with about 50 kills, and was barely in the top 10.  An enclosed space plus lots of minigun spawns equals chaos.

  8. Somebody on the board posted the bright idea of doing the cockpit view for the flight school back when San Andreas came out.  Flight school became fairly easy to get all gold with that.


    I'll echo Neil on the driving school being harder.  There was one test in that where you had to do 5 laps around a short track.  Trying to get gold on that was the most difficult thing for me in any GTA game.

  9. If I can only sell my ill-gotten cars for a little bit of money now instead of several hundred thousand, I'm gonna be a sad panda but I deserve it. 



    If I'm reading the release right, it looks like the cap only applies to cars that don't have insurance/tracker, so you may still be good.


    My big tactic now is to avoid everyone like the plague at the start of the match until I find myself a damn weapon. 


    Edit: You guys got me into playing deathmatches and I've found they pay outstandingly well compared to races. If you need to make money, do the high-end missions or grind out Boneyard.


    I love it when guys don't figure out that once you get a melee weapon it is yours to use for the rest of the deathmatch.  I love hitting guys with baseball bats while they are running for a knife or a nightstick.  They've forgotten that all they need to do is quick arm or use the weapon wheel to get to the melee weapon they already have..


    Deathmatches are a good payday but races are faster.  When you are only on for an hour at a time, short track races are a steady source of income without the time length of a deathmatch or the headaches of a survival match.



    I had no idea about this till somebody mentioned it a couple weeks ago.  Makes life so much easier in melee matches now

  11. I have no idea how I invited everybody into the Prison Thugz match that I bailed out of.  I just joined a random deathmatch and then left as soon as I saw it what it was. I've got to the point where I refuse to do that match unless it's closed crew.


    The crew Prison Thugz match was good stuff.  I finally won one by being a complete chickenshit.  My whole strategy was to find people that were already fighting each other and attack them from behind.  Any time I tried to take somebody out one on one, I pretty much got my butt whipped.

  12. Forgot to mention - at one point I had nobody near me, so I was hanging out in a construction yard watching the map, and shouting out enemy locations.  melraz and RUkered were in a car targeting somebody called gifted squirrel over and over.


    It felt like the scene in Alien where Ripley is watching little dots representing Dallas and the alien on a monitor as Dallas goes through the service ducts.  I'd see a little white squirrel dot pop up on the map.  The green dot would move over it, melraz would say "goodbye squirrel", and the white dot would disappear.  Over and over.

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  13. I'll be on and off as well, due to ice. 


    Had problems staying on due to my crappy router, but did help out a bit with the derps. Mainly I was the cowardly heel, sniping from a distance while everybody else got in close and took them out.


    I finally got the second level sniper last night, so I've got to find a way to put that to good use.  Thanks again to either melraz or RUkered who told me how to get it free.

  14. I'm not sure how you could play ME3 and think it felt rushed, other than the tacked on ending they added later.  I could find things to complain about in the game, but that was never one of them.  It's stable, relatively bug free and really, really well written.


    Mass Effect is actually the only Bioware series I've played that never had a release that felt rushed, unlike KOTOR 2, Dragon Age Awakenings, or DA2.

  15. I think everything auto targets except the heavy weapons and sniper rifles.  It's still possible to get kills even beyond the auto target range.  I've done that in deathmatches - shoot somebody with the advanced rifle or machine gun when I can see them but can't auto target.  I'm not very good at it, because I'm not very good at free aim type shooters in the first place, but it does work.

  16. I was really disappointed I didn't get to run over a golf cart in the dump truck last night, though I may be the first person to ever run over a jet ski in one.  The helicopter rotor kill almost made up for missing out on that, but not quite.


    The combat machine gun with all the attachments has become my weapon of choice 95% of the time.  Decent rate of fire, good stopping power and insane range for auto target.

  17. Biggest problem I have with the Buzzard is that can change a fun, challenging mission into a really easy, boring one.  I pretty much only use them for free mode, with few exceptions (Judging the Jury and anything in Fort Zancudo). 


    The highlight of yesterday for me was probably evading one all the way from the boneyard to my apartment downtown in an SUV on a public server.  Poor guy was determined to collect my bounty. 

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