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Posts posted by clintthecrippler

  1. 9 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

    Leo Burke (w/ Chicky Starr) vs Invader I (w/ Hector Macho Camacho and Robocop) in a boxing match


    No truth to the rumor that Robocop was mouthing "not guilty" at the jury box during Invader 1's murder trial

    And this is from the same show that had Zeus vs Abdullah The Butcher, which is an incredible clusterfuck in it's own right, though I am now lamenting that Robocop and Zeus werent booked against each other in some way. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Eivion said:

    Is Corbin really the issue or is shitty writing the problem? Corbin was pretty easy to watch and enjoy in NXT. In reality he has only improved so I find it weird to place the blame purely on him.

    I think a strong case could be made that a good majority of the roster has been failed by the current system of writing and creative direction.

    I genuinely do not think that Corbin is one of them.

    I thought the in-ring aspect of the recent series with Chad Gable was great, but midcard gatekeeper heel seems like it should be his place instead of this endless feud with Roman. His presence on the mic, his presence at projecting being a top heel, it just comes off as not being there, at least to me. This really does feel like the absolutely best of what he is capable of on the mic.

    To use other '80s regional examples, he's Florida Heavyweight Champion Jesse Barr and Pacific Northwest Champion Mean Mike Miller, guys who are perfectly adequate but if they are the main event heel in the territory, it's only because there were literally no other options and the territory is on the decline.

    If he was a manager in 1986 Jim Crockett Promotions, he would be Paul Jones.

    To use a more recent example, his current push reminds me of every time they would try to push "serious heel" Val Venis during the Attitude Era, or that few weeks where they had heel Al Snow feuding with The Rock, except for some reason Vince seems more stubborn about forcing this one.

  3. I am loving that 2019 AEW Champion Chris Jericho has become the closest thing we have had in thirty years to 1986 NWA Champion Ric Flair. He is the arrogant champion that has earned his status and could rest on his laurels but his ego cant stop him from picking fights with the entire roster. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Rehabilitated Rick said:

    Corbin is lucky Vince is senile and at that stage where he's very suggestive. I'm not under any illusion that if Seth Rollins came around 20 years ago he'd have a carpenter gimmick, but because he's attentive and was lucky that he was part of the shield he was given everything. Despite. maybe 50 other people on the roster being better than him.

    The ironic love for Corbin says it all about WWE in 2019.

    I genuinely don't get the people that say "if you don't like him, then Corbin is doing his job as a heel".

    Because no, if he was doing his job, I'd be watching Smackdown right now.


    • Like 6
  5. 41 minutes ago, A Guy Named Tracy said:

    This image is ROH’s equivalent of The Fingerpoke of Doom. One day, we will look back and point to this moment that killed the company. 

    I will always remember being there live in the Garden, and the initial reaction of the live crowd being "holy shit, Enzo and Cass are really that stupid" and then when security didnt show up until after two full minutes of worked punches, the crowd then going "holy shit, RING OF HONOR is really that stupid". 

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  6. 5 hours ago, Wyld Samurai said:

    I dont see Bret doing much if anything in the NWA as a singles act. He would have been a Sam Houston level act.

    This was pretty much what I was thinking up to this point in the thread. If Bret and Anvil go to Crockett in 85 and are kept separate like they were initially in WWF, Bret is a credible babyface that might get a Mid-Atlantic or Junior Heavyweight Title run but that's his ceiling during that time period. I could maybe see if him and Anvil get teamed up down the road they would have a similar run to Rude/Fernandez first half of 87, but that's about it.

    The Bulldogs I see more as heels in Crockett, though some of that admittedly may be my desire for how brutal their Techwood squashes against hapless jobbers would be, as well as the idea that potentially we could have had Bulldogs vs Wahoo and Ron Garvin as the midcard tag feud I never knew I wanted until I just typed this. 

    I think the Rock and Rolls would have adapted better to 80s WWF than the Midnights. I agree with the one poster earlier that said they could slot into the Bulldogs spot as a near-analogue, as RnR vs Valentine/Beefcake also probably would have been MOTN at Wrestlemania 2, and them vs Volkoff/Sheik, Moondogs, and The Funks in 86, and later on in 87/88 against Demolition and Islanders all would have been great and gotten over. I do think in the end though him being shorter than Bret and being too Southern would have prevented Ricky from getting the IC and World Title pushes that the Hit Man got.

    The Midnights I really dont see rising to higher than being a gatekeeper team, them really being a true Southern tag heel formula team I think would have turned Vince off of seeing them as the tag champions, but he could still see they would be good enough to be in the midcard tag division role similar to what the Rougeau Brothers were in 89. I dont think they would be the tag team Champions, but I could see them being the final match of the night to send the crowd home happy on shows where Hogan's title defense is in the middle of the show, or headlining the B-shows. 

    But now given the idea of Hart Foundation/Bulldogs going to JCP and RnR/Midnights going to WWF, the other really big ripple effect is that if that happened, how would things go with The Rockers once it was time to leave AWA? You would think that WWF wouldn't be interested in Shawn and Marty if they have Ricky and Robert, so maybe THEY join the Harts and the Bulldogs in JCP, so then we get Rockers vs Bulldogs down south? And Marty and Shawn dont go up north until after Ricky and Robert head elsewhere?

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, LoneWolf&Subs said:

    Questions to anybody who attended a WWF marathon taping back in the day. How was it like? Did they used to front load them, or did they have one competitive match an hour to keep interest? How did they get people to stay? Did they promise a big time match for the end of the tapings?

    I never got to go to one back in the day but this week's Between The Sheets podcast covers a week in 1988 where Meltzer went to two nights of WWF TV tapings in Northern California and recaps every single match/segment and it sounds like a slog. 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, RIPPA said:

    There is nothing weird about booking old episodes of Worldwide

    I am currently planning on skipping Wrestlemania weekend this year due to financial concerns but if The Collective does "GCW Worldwide" as a tribute show with matches like this I may need to reconsider.

    And if they pull the trigger on "GCW Prime" hosted by Chris Cruise I will straight up sell a kidney to make the trip happen. If might not be MY kidney, but it will be A kidney.  

    • Like 1
  9. It is going to be wild - and sad - that guys still with Ring of Honor come Wrestlemania weekend 2020 will likely be going from performing in front of a sold-out MSG crowd to performing in front of less people than whatever IMPACT ends up doing that weekend, or maybe even midlevel Collective and WrestleCon shows, in just one year. 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, The Natural said:


    Such a shame this happened years too late at WrestleMania. The time was when The Streak was still alive and The Undertaker having the MOTN at seven consecutive WrestleManias from 23-XXIX.

    This is legit one of my favorite Wrestlemania segments of the "WWE Network" era. I dont think anyone was expecting a three-minute squash but the weeks of Cena begging for The Undertaker and getting THE UNDERTAKER was such a beautiful payoff and played out so perfectly.

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  11. 30 minutes ago, West Newbury Bad Boy said:

    Presumably, this isn't one of those situations where Nash texted himself and pretended it was from somebody else. 

    It took me a few seconds to figure out what this was referencing.

    Jesus, that whole "fall ass backwards into Summer of Punk but fuck it up because we already had plans for Del Rio" is a giant blur. 

    It would have been one thing if they just fucked up Punk winning the title at MITB but the fact that they somehow transitioned that into a Triple H vs Kevin Nash program in the middle of all that is fucking nuts. 

    And the whole "Congrats to Rey Mysterio on becoming WWE Champion but now you have to defend against John Cena tonight also!" thing as an offshoot.

    I have to admit, WWE's ability to branch three different shitty things from "fuck, this CM Punk thing took off and we have no clue how to run with this" in pretty spectacular, even in the wake of other missed opportunities and massive clusterfucks that have happened in the years since. 

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