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Yo-Yo's Roomie

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Posts posted by Yo-Yo's Roomie

  1. The problem (apart from not being in the ring ourselves to know exactly what is going on) is that there are a few different ways to define 'carry'. I imagine when someone talks about Kane carrying young talent, they mean that he is, in a sense, leading them through the match, thereby helping them to understand how to work the style asked of them. Generally, when I think of a wrestler carrying someone, I think of a guy being so good that he/she can take a wrestler lacking talent (or one whom, for some other reason, isn't capable of holding up his end in a match, a la Bulldog at Summerslam 92) and work a good/great match with them.


    Most carriable wrestler is probably someone who wasn't in a deal of great matches, because when someone is, you have to start to think that maybe, just maybe, they have something to do with it. Nash seems like he might be a good answer.

  2. Working through the Rock set, and just got past the Backlash 2000 main event against Triple H, and the following night's cage match against Shane McMahon. Good stuff, with the Backlash match in particular being just about the perfect overbooked, gimmicked-up WWE main event. JR is totally obnoxious with all the cracks about Pat Patterson's sexuality though.

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