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Posts posted by Domino_Not_Deuce

  1. Show has improved dramatically, but he has a lot more bad matches than good ones. He has been the best he's ever been since the 2008 comeback and the addition of the KO punch. He still has some stinkers in big spots, but most of those are due to him not having the best chemistry with Cena.


    I would argue with the "more bad matches than good" point, especially during his tag run with Miz and Jericho. His Smackdown run opposite Bryan, Orton and co produced some great TV matches too. Since 2008, he's been one of the most consistent workers in WWE IMO.

  2. I really love 1996 WWF. It's like this bizarre transition period from the 80's/early 90's way of doing things into the more modern way of doing things. You get Mankind, Dustin, Ron Simmons, Marc Mero, Austin brought in from Atlanta breathing new life into things and clashing with the established WWF guys like Shawn, Bulldog, etc., there's the Ultimate Warrior experiment again, Sunny's rise as the first "diva" and a ton of SMW/territory guys like Smothers, Tony Anthony, Tom Brandi, Bill Irwin, etc mixing it up on Superstars. To me in a lot of ways its the most fascinating year in company history as WCW was really starting to click on all cylinders so what you get in retaliation is this hodge podge style of wrestling where Marc Mero is doing what WWF thinks is a cruiserweight style match and the Smoking Gunns & Godwinns & Rockers & Bodydonnas are doing the four way dance concept borrowed from ECW, Pillman and Austin are starting to push a harder edge to their stuff but at the same time you've got your WWF cartoon characters like Uncle Zebekiah and WHO and TL Hopper running around. It's right at the end of the old way of doing things and right at the beginning of the new way of doing things and that's fascinating to me.


    That's kinda why I love early WWECW because you've got this crazy product where guys like Sandman and Balls Mahoney are working in the super corporate WWE and being entertaining with it. It really felt like a show that was as different as something as it could be whilst still falling under the WWE banner. In fact, that whole period of 2006 with Sabu/Cena PPV matches and long Flair/Foley segments was pretty surreal and it's all worth a watch now.


    If she doesn't come to the main roster as 'Sinead'. I'll be amazed.


    Introduce her with Sheamus, talk about how much she loves fighting in the pubs of Ireland, dress her in green and get Finlay to teach her all the spots he used to pull out with Hornswoggle.

    I understand that she's a good wrestler and worked hard past amazing adversity for this, but her in some sort of freaky friday gimmick with hornswggle would be amazing just to see rovert go nuts over it. 



    Finlay used Hornswoggle in pretty great ways so I'd love to see it being resurrected since it's been 6/7 years since that run. It'd freshen up the Divas a bit.

  4. I fucking LOVED Orton/ RVD. RVD has looked so great since he came back, especially against Orton. And Orton turns it up a level with RVD.


    I honestly can't think of a poor RVD/Orton match which is crazy since for me, Orton is a guy who blows hot and cold and RVD was always pretty iffy at the best of times. I've always liked Orton's selling but RVD seems to connect with his kicks a lot better when he's in there with him and it makes me wonder why he can't do it more often. 



    Did the brand split create any main eventers (not guys who may have had one title shot, but guys who became long-term fixtures at the top of the card) who wouldn't have been in that spot without the brand split?


    From what I've read, I think USA has always been against the brand extension.  USA has also been behind the permanent expansion of Raw to three hours, which killed any pretense of a brand split because of roster depth.


    One thing I would considering doing is find familiar faces from the Attitude era who don't look too old and put them in the spot that currently seems to be occupied by guys like Sin Cara.  In a just world, Billy Gunn would be back on WWE television and jobbing to members of 3MB.


    In my fair and just world, it's Chris Hamrick working 10 minute Superstars matches every week. I agree with that idea though, for a while, Bob Holly was around and was always good for a decent TV match. Wasn't there talk of a New Age Outlaws reunion and brief run for a while?



    I loved watching guys like MVP, Shelton, Helms, the Mexicools, Rhino, etc. Miles ahead of watching Ryback squash someone no one gives a shit about



    They should give Juvi another run under the conditions that he has a rail of coke before every match. Give him 15 minutes with a live microphone and see who he calls out then run that match until Juvi gets bored and runs away to Mexico with one of the Funkadactyls. Then turn that into an angle where Piscosis and Del Rio (back in the midcard after losing his title) drive around Mexico on lawnmowers and accidentally crash Super Crazy's wake. There's a solid month of TV right there. 

  6. did anybody else see Leon Best's goal for Blackburn?  great half-volley in the 89th minute.


    Lovely Leon Best. Should have been given another year at Newcastle, though his ligaments did erupt last season. I'm assuming Shola used his psychic powers to see that coming.

  7. Did the brand split create any main eventers (not guys who may have had one title shot, but guys who became long-term fixtures at the top of the card) who wouldn't have been in that spot without the brand split?


    From what I've read, I think USA has always been against the brand extension.  USA has also been behind the permanent expansion of Raw to three hours, which killed any pretense of a brand split because of roster depth.


    One thing I would considering doing is find familiar faces from the Attitude era who don't look too old and put them in the spot that currently seems to be occupied by guys like Sin Cara.  In a just world, Billy Gunn would be back on WWE television and jobbing to members of 3MB.


    In my fair and just world, it's Chris Hamrick working 10 minute Superstars matches every week. I agree with that idea though, for a while, Bob Holly was around and was always good for a decent TV match. Wasn't there talk of a New Age Outlaws reunion and brief run for a while?


    Please, I'm a Newcastle fan, you've got nothing to complain about.

    At least you get fun shit like Lambeezy.



    Not sure I agree with the sentiment that a rambling, delusional alcoholic idiot being your Director of Football, and almost certainly the main man in a constructive dismissal case in November is fun as a man paying upwards of £500 a year to support the team but sure, for everyone else, I can see it. Gomis and Remy close to being completed by all accounts though, which definitely means they won't sign.


    Football league bar the Premiership starts tomorrow and it's really been a long time coming.

  9. Cole has slightly improved (one would hope so after what, 15 years?) and is far better than when he was a heel, but he can still make a great match almost seem boring because he's a terrible actor and can't feign enthusiasm at all.


    What's clear about Cole is that basically every single word he says is a WWE buzzword of some sort and they tend to be really ridiculous. So, you've got Cole bending over backwards to fit this shit in and there's no way it's ever going to sound natural. The guy can't sell enthusiasm at all though, you're right. Eddie Guerrero's ghost could drive down the ramp in a low rider and Cole would only shout "IT'S THE 2 TIME WORLD CHAMPION! OHHHHH MY!"

  10. I went to a Raw house show in 09 that had an awesome card, including a great Rey/Jericho match that went about 15/20 minutes and had a Steamboat run-in. I was at Insurrextion 2003 too, with the Nash/HHH street fight that really wasn't very good at all, even with Flair bleeding all over the place like a psychopath.


    Worst general experience was a Raw in 2009 with Ricky Hatton as guest host though. Even with it being taped, the matches didn't get much time and it was deep in the DX reunion run so they were all over the show. Just not very fun.

  11. Still on WWE 2007, having just finished One Night Stand. Some more general thoughts:


    - The Cena/Khali series holds up amazingly well with Cena's selling being the highlight. Khali's offense always looked really shaky against Taker but Cena has the luxury of being a lot smaller and being able to sell it like he's getting whiplash every time. The Judgment Day match is an easy match to put forward to people who say he can't work as his selling is awesome, his timing is masterful and he's clearly calling it from the start. Next up, it's the Lashley stuff and the Orton series and man, is this John Cena's year.


    - Orton has been getting a lot better now that's he punting people. He's just finished off Shawn Michaels at Judgment Day and it's hilarious that Orton sells chops better than HBK does a concussion. Orton/RVD had a couple of good matches and it seems that they've always matched up well.


    - The Lashley/Vince stuff really did drag on for too long, in hindsight. This is right before Crazy Vince, which if you're keeping your timeline straight, is do-rag wearing ECW World Champion Vince which is obviously great. And don't they put the belt on Lashley only to strip him of it when he goes to Raw? Talk about booking into a corner.


    - The Hardys and Cade and Murdoch have wrestled a few times and each time, it's been southern tag glory. The match at Judgment Day starts slowly but gets really stiff and nasty around the time Matt Hardy gives Cade the roughest forearm ever so Cade responds by kicking him right in the face when they're in the corner. C+M's whole respect angle is a nice touch too but I wish we hadn't seen WGTT get involved. Somewhere between 2002 and 2007, those guys regressed so much.


    - When does Santino start being funny? I mean, it's unintentionally funny how little they do with him after winning the IC title, aside from putting him in matches with Chris Masters that he flukes his way through but did they really not have any sort of plan for his gimmick after "fan wins the title"?


    - ECW continues to be baffling in its inconsistency. Burke, still remains entertaining in a very green way but there was a match with Punk just before ONS that is great. It's No DQ, the two of them really lay the strikes in and it ends with a nasty looking pounce through a table in the corner. Punk isn't quite there yet in terms of knowing how to put on good WWE TV matches but I remember it clicking when Nitro/Morrison comes over.


    - Snitsky is actively the worst wrestler in the company at this point, goddamn. There's not a lot more to say except I've never seen a 6 foot 8 man look less threatening. His big boot is slightly devalued as a finish when at least 3 guys on Smackdown throw a better one.


    - Matt Striker is embroiled in a mini-feud with The Major Brothers and I can't wait to see what happens next!


    - Edge is now World Champion and I'm reminded why that guy really annoys me. He's what WWE thinks cool people look like, his facial expressions are embarrassing and unless he's resting on a gimmick match, his matches do nothing for me at all. Edge/Batista in a cage was about as bland as a cage match can be and for a guy that seemed to be in 100 cage matches, was Batista ever in a good one?


    - Matt Hardy is your TV match Jesus.


    - Miz is way better than people gave him any credit for. Everything he does looks really crisp, he oozes the kind of hatable charisma that got him a Main Event push and he's not looking out of place alongside your TV Match Jesus.


    - The team of Dave Taylor and William Regal will be sadly missed as they clearly love kicking Brian Kendrick in the face, Kendrick clearly loves selling it and I love watching it. Deuce and Domino remain a pleasure because of their sweet, sweet music but the backstage promo where it appears they're actually supposed to be from the 1950s and have arrived in WWE via a time machine was awful.


    - Mark Henry has just returned and they appear to think he should be wrestling other big guys. Henry/Kane has never been a good match-up but Henry/Hardy would be. I think I might make ECW 2008 my next watch so I can experience that again.


    Anyway, after doing some rewatching, here's some matches that I enjoyed that I think are worth a look:


    Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro – 7/1 New Year's Revolution

    John Cena vs. Umaga - New Year's Revolution
    Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs. Regal and Taylor – 16/1 Smackdown
    Chavo Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit - 16/1 Smackdown
    Hardys vs. MNM - Royal Rumble
    John Cena vs. Umaga - Royal Rumble
    Batista, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and John Cena vs Randy Orton, Edge, MVP and Mr. Kennedy – 15/2 Raw
    John Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista and Undertaker - No Way Out
    Matt Hardy vs. Joey Mercury – 2/3 Smackdown
    Finlay vs. Undertaker - 6/3 Smackdown
    Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy - 13/3 Smackdown
    John Cena vs Chris Benoit – 19/3 Raw
    Chris Benoit vs. MVP - Mania 23
    The Undertaker vs. Batista - Mania 23
    John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - Mania 23
    Money in the Bank – Mania 23
    New Breed vs. ECW Originals - 3/4 ECW
    Chris Benoit vs. MVP - 10/4 Smackdown
    Shawn Michaels vs. John Cena - 23/4 Raw
    Undertaker vs Batista – Backlash 29/4
    Edge vs. Randy Orton – 30/4 RAW
    Matt Hardy vs. Mr. Kennedy – 4/5 Smackdown
    Hardys vs Cade and Murdoch – 20/5 Judgment Day
    John Cena vs Great Khali – 20/5 Judgment Day
    London and Kendrick vs. Regal and Taylor – 25/5 Smackdown
    Elijah Burke vs CM Punk – 29/5 ECW
    The Miz and MVP vs. Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit - 1/6 Smackdown
    The Great Khali vs. John Cena – 2/6 SNME
    Randy Orton vs. RVD – 3/6 – One Night Stand

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  12. I think Michael Cole is a good PBP guy right now but I've noticed the one thing that really annoys me about him; whenever the dude is supposed to be acting shocked, say, at a guy returning in the Rumble, he can't really sell it and he always mentions how many times they've been a world champion. Edge comes back at the Royal Rumble and Striker and Lawler lose their shit and Cole musters a "IT'S THE 8 TIME WORLD CHAMPION!" Try and lose yourself in it, man and stop being WWE Lingo Bot 5000 for a second.

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  13. Couldn't narrow down the singles/songs so I'm just going to throw the first 10 albums that come to mind from this year:


    Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City

    Inc. - No World

    Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats - Mind Control

    Run the Jewels - S/T

    Jim James - Regions of Light and Sound

    Thee Oh Sees - Floating Coffin

    William Tyler - The Impossible Truth

    Laura Marling - Once, I was an eagle

    Autre Ne Veut - Anxiety

    Peace - In Love


    Definitely going to get on those soul recommendations above, been hankering for some good soul releases from this year.

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