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Posts posted by ErinQuinn

  1. I loved the Shaw segment, that was the kind of character reinvention TNA should be doing with a lot of their young guys over the last few years. The subtle bit with his art book was fantastic and creepier than the paper and pen stuff. As long as it all doesn't revolve around Christy, this could go places.


    Joe needs a break for a while, he's going on where and comes of really stale. They shouldn't have done a commercial at the beginning of the match either, those guys were working way too hard backstage for it to just be highlight filler

  2. I agree with Erin. I went from being excited (Bryan is going to get his) to just feeling underwhelmed about the whole thing.

    In the end Bryan still has a CLEAN pinfall against Cena an that new finisher is a world killer because of it...


    You can't convince me HHH was honest in that recent interview, you just can't.

    It's amazing how much they've downplayed Bryan beating Cena...do they ever bring up that he beat the biggest star of the last 10 years? Nah, they don't...

  3. i normally don't have this reaction, but fuck, i'm just going to assume that unless it's Cena, the heels always win and there will be no one new at the top for another five years. It's like watching the nWo destroy the Four Horseman over and over, that slow realization that fans aren't going to get what they ask for.

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  4. Put in a random coliseum video tonight, was treated to Men on a Mission against Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart; Stan Lane and Gorilla on commentary, Gorilla had an odd habit of calling Owen "Rocket King" and Jim "Evil Anvil", then Stan called Mabel "mo" through the whole hot tag. These tapes are worth it alone for then the commentators don't care. 

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  5. I hope Rhodes-Wyatt's isn't just a one time deal, I'd love an extended feud especially to get Dusty-Bray going back and forth, that would be magical. Plus it'd be way more interesting than sticking Kane with with the Wyatt's for another few months


    Divas match wasn't the train wreck I heard it was.


    Sad they didn't stick Los Locales in the Conquistadors outfits, we know they have them laying around; or at least Dos Hombres 

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  6. I saw it in 2d and now i'm really leaning towards going against for the IMAX 3D experience; just amazing atmosphere, especially the first thirty minutes. I'm in love with the opening scene that just left me disoriented and totally gripped to the screen. And Sandra Bullock was incredible

  7. Daredevil would be perfect for TV. Part procedural, part beat-em-up.'

    Agreed 100%...and Burn Notice is over, Jeffrey Donovan would be a great Matt Murdock/Daredevil


    And I'm fully on the Shield bandwagon after the third episode, show feels like it's building up steam now and I'm starting to like the characters more. 

  8. Cesaro's giant swing is awesome, but WWE's zoom in/zoom out camera work during that spot is idiotic. What, we can't properly appreciate the move unless we get a little nauseous as well?

    It's the worst camera work I've seen since ECW would do the same zooms for every single punch....

    • Like 1
  9. Last segment was fine, Bryan looked strong against the Shield who were built up all show. I'm down for a long chase for the title. Honestly, they should just scrap the rest of the Kane story line and have Bryan recruit the Wyatts at Survivor Series to take down the corporate machine. 


    Are Los Matadores going to be masked? Could they put Rosa in Mantaur's old bull head?

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  10. I dunno if any of them would fit in, but I'm surprised there hasn't been some Chikara people showing up in ROH. I'm sure a show or two a month, maybe, for Wrestling is Nifty doesn't pay the bills.

    Someone tell R.D. Evans that QT Marshall could really use a majorette and an ex-football star as back up

  11. The fall Dolph took over the top was frightening, really glad he seemed to be okay. Big E also felt like a mini-Vader with his run in, it was awesome.


    So sad Brawler didn't get picked at the end :( and Ryder didn't even get a mention by his buddy Cena, poor guy.


    I liked Jericho-RVD but it took a long time to get going, honestly thought they'd hold that one off til Summerslam. 

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