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The Lucha Report for 3/8


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CaraLucha 3/7 - Arena San Juan Pantitlan
1. Amadeus & Magnetico beat Lasser & Tanque Infernal
2. Los Ninja Turtles (Leo/Mike/Rafy/Teelo) beat La Resistencia (Kilvan/Rey Lobo Jr./Shadow/Yoruba) with fans throwing money in the ring afterwards in appreciation while chanting "ESTO ES LUCHA."
3. Los Kriminal Boys (Fly Star/Fly Warrior/Toxin Boy) defeated Hell Boy (subbing for Skyman)/Rayo Star/Tribal
4. Revancha Match: Los Neza Kings (Andy Boy/Danger/Guerrero Mixtico) beat Los Indystrongtibles (Arez/Belial/Impulso) with Danger King demanding a hair match with Impulso afterwards.
5. Eterno/Las Traumas I y II defeated Rush/La Sombra/Ultimo Guerrero by DQ when Sombra ripped off Trauma II's mask while Rush fouled Trauma I. Rush & Sombra were mega heels here getting the fans highly agitated then after the finish they started pelting them with trash with riotous intentions. Ultimo was said to have looked very good here as well.

EMLL 3/7 - Arena Coliseo
1. Magnus beat Inquisidor
2. Demus 3:16 defeated Ultimo Dragoncito after Dragoncito missed on a tope hitting head first on the floor. Dragoncito was stretchered out but was able to work tonight.
3. Canelo Casas beat Oro Jr.
4. Disturbio defeated Star Jr.
5. Shigeo Okumura beat Stigma
6. Dragon Lee II & Fuego defeated Luciferno & Niebla Roja
7. Damian el Terrible/Euforia/Vangelis (subbing for Barbaro Cavernario) beat Angel de Oro/Brazo de Plata/Titan

EMLL 3/8 - Arena Mexico
1. Pequeno Violencia & Pierrothito beat Mini Fantasy & Ultimo Dragoncito (subbing for Stukita)
2. Flyer/Oro Jr./Soberano defeated Hijo del Signo/Los Hombres del Camoflaje (Artillero y Super Comando)
3. Dark Angel/Marcela/Silueta beat Amapola/Dalys la Caribena/Tiffany
4. Blue Panther/Dragon Rojo/Titan defeated Pierroth/Rey Hechicero/Virus
5. Angel de Oro/Mistico II/Volador Jr. beat Gran Guerrero/Mephisto/Niebla Roja
6. Decision Match por el NWA Lt. Heavyweight Title: Rey Bucanero defeated La Sombra to win the title. Sombra at one point got so upset that he told his second Mistico II to leave him alone and go to the back.

Independent 3/4 - Unidad Deportiva Miguel Aleman Valdes
1. ?
2. ??
3. Fabi Apache/Dinastia/Octagoncito beat Sexy Lady/Mini Charly Manson/Mini Psicosis
4. Monster Clown & Murder Clown defeated Cuervo & Escoria
5. La Parka Jr. & Psycho Clown beat Hijo del Texano & Parka Negra



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