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The Lucha Report for 1/3


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EMLL 1/2 - Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Meteoro & El Reycko beat Satara & El Yaqui
2. Chacal/Jocker/Sadico defeated Hijo del Javier Cruz/Sky Kid/Smaker
3. Esfinge/El Gallo/Magnum beat Exterminador/Malefico/Rafaga
4. Dragon Rojo/Titan/Valiente defeated Felino/Polvora/Sagrado
5. Blue Panther/Brazo de Oro (subbing for Super Porky)/Rayo de Jalisco Jr. beat Los Hermanos Dinamita (Cien Caras/Mascara Ano Dos Mil/Universo Dos Mil) by DQ when Cien fouled Rayo and there were apuestas match challenges thrown around afterwards.

EMLL 1/2 - Arena Mexico
1. Disturbio & Metalico beat Magnus & Starman - Magnus was in a pretty wild looking car wreck the day before but still worked the show.
2. Amapola/Dalys la Caribena/Zeuxis defeated Princesa Sugei/Skadi (subbing for Dark Angel)/La Vaquerita
3. Shigeo Okumura/Pierroth/Sangre Azteca beat Guerrero Maya Jr./Rey Cometa/Triton
4. Angel de Oro/Brazo de Plata/Maximo defeated Ephesto/Kraneo/Mephisto
5. Atlantis/La Mascara/Volador Jr. beat Damian el Terrible/Euforia/Mr. Niebla
6. Decision Match por el CMLL Welterweight Title: Mascara Dorada defeated Negro Casas with a Casita to win the title.

IWRG 1/1 - Arena Naucalpan (IWRG 18th Anniversario)
1. Fresero Jr. & Hip Hop Man beat Alfa & Sky Angel
2. Douki/Imposible/Tony Rivera defeated Los Exoticos (Diva Salvaje/Estrella Divina/Miss Gaviota)
3. Los Ninja Turtles (Leo/Mike/Rafy/Teelo) beat AK-47/Apolo Estrada Jr./Hijo del Diablo/Liderk
4. Danny Casas/Chicano/Hijo del Mascara Ano Dos Mil defeated Canis Lupus/Eterno/X-Fly
5. Hijo del Dos Caras/Mascara Sagrada/Pantera beat Monsther (subbing for Pirata Morgan Jr.)/Pirata Morgan/Hijo del Pirata Morgan when Sagrada fouled and pinned Pirata Sr.

Promociones CaraLucha 1/1 - Arena San Juan Pantitlan
1. Arceus & Rey Lobo beat Anubis Black & Stripper
2. Kilvan & Yoruba defeated Andy Boy & Danger King with money thrown in the ring afterwards in appreciation.
3. Carta Brava Jr./Drago/Super Fly beat Fly Star/Guerrero Mixtico/Rayo Star
4. Fenix/Hijo del Fantasma/Pentagon Jr. defeated Flamita/Hijo del Fishman/Skyman in a match that Black Terry Jr. called one of the best matches he has ever seen even with Fishman & Skyman looking pretty bad. Fenix & Flamita were said to tore down the house even making it look like it was a real fight. Fans threw money in the ring afterwards as well.
5. Hijo del Texano & Super Nova beat Las Traumas I y II by DQ after foules and mask ripping. Traumas demanded a double apuestas match afterwards.
6. The Psycho Circus (Monster Clown/Murder Clown/Psycho Clown) battled The Clown Corps (Broken the Clown/Dave the Clown/Rothen Clown) to a no contest when Texano, Pentagon Jr., & Fantasma attacked the Circus while the Clown Corps watched.



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