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  1. I was research for something else when I say that today is the 26th anniversary of the Royal Rumble that Studd won that I am pretty sure the WWE would like you to forget about. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2mddjf_wwf-royal-rumble-1989-the-royal-rumble-match_sport
  2. http://youtu.be/1kYoOBph9Uo http://youtu.be/OXzINXgJA44
  3. Masters is only 33 today. Man - the WWE really needs to make that phone call again.
  4. I didn't realize how many of her matches were online. I HAVE TOO MUCH TO WATCH ALREADY! I tried to put the matches in order just to watch the evolution of her body type. AND I didn't even touch on the tag work yet. TOO MUCH WRESTLING TO WATCH!
  5. I was too amused that luchawiki gave me MVP a random page to pass it up. I was gonna say JUST IN TIME FOR THE TNA REBOOT! but.... oh.... http://youtu.be/bDLU3j5VgnE http://youtu.be/aVHg-7wb7HY And I have no idea what the fuck this is
  6. Finger Poke of Doom was today which allows me to waste a day on Nash
  7. I am not going to do a WOTD tomorrow so I will close out the week and year with Roddy Piper. I didn't do a WOTD on him when he died and since I did one for Dusty, it is only fitting. God this was so fucking brilliant
  8. Fenix is 25 today. How the fuck is Fenix only 25 today? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2etkyl_2015-01-14-prince-puma-vs-fenix-lucha-underground_sport
  9. Ended up having an extra day at my Mom's doing nothing so here is a WOTD - probably none tomorrow as that is my travel day and the internet is hard and stuff. I really wanted to pick Tarek the Great for WOTD since it's his birthday but the videos are almost non-existent (like there isn't a single match against American Kickboxer up). So instead we will go with another gentleman who has a birthday today - Tatsumi Fujinami. Excuse me - WWE HALL OF FAMER TATSUMI FUJINAMI~! Andre rule in effect http://youtu.be/_7dGsz5DtGs
  10. This will be the last WOTD until sometime next week so he is Ricky Steamboat for your holiday viewing. http://youtu.be/onBGj_YUi9o
  11. Okay - a few things. I totally forgot that Ueda was dead. (Today is the 4th anniversary of his death). In fact - I am pretty sure I forgot he was dead when I did his WOTD almost two years ago But since every single video in that thread is now dead - I am happy to celebrate him again. That one is just for the screen cap alone.
  12. I have done Christmas and Star Wars gimmicks before and don't really have a burning desire at the moment to revisit that. Of course - Dec. 18 is a big birthday... day So of course I WANTED to pick Sputnik Monroe because fuck you Sputnik Monroe is awesome but the footage is lacking. And while I like Steve Austin and Trish Stratus, I feel like I need to keep them free for potential theme weeks so fuck it - Meng it is. WAR BITCHES~! http://youtu.be/xZGcEb1QhiA http://youtu.be/bxXSWdXsjV4
  13. For those that didn't see From Meltzer Alfredo wrote an obit
  14. Oh Eagle Sawai. Only I probably watched your matches. And mainly because Dean gave me far too many LLPW tapes One of these days I will figure out who the angrier Grandmother was - her or Devil Masami http://youtu.be/Tau94_Nd_TA
  15. God - I still can't believe his last match was a street fight with Gedo in fucking 2008 (which isn't fucking online) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyibg1_inoki-choshu-hoshino-vs-murdoch-orton-jr-hall-njpw-11-17-88_sport Hoshino/Inoki/Choshu vs. Murdoch/Orton/Hall I want those fucking jackets
  16. Sure - why not? Though I might make it SOUTH AFRICA WEEK~! if I get ambitious enough
  17. Rey Jr is 41 today. So yeah... y'all are fucking old. Of course - I never realized that Rey was 6 weeks older than me. FINALLY! I have someone my age who has worse knees!
  18. Before today - I don't think I had thought about Alex Arion in 15 years. All his placements on the 500 I will blame on Dean. Though I guess it's my fault for also sending him all the New England stuff http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5v00n_alex-arion-vs-antonio-thomas-3-1-20_sport (vs. Antonio Thomas)
  19. Random Luchawiki Page strikes again Of course - it really wanted me to do something with the 1st Copa Tony Sugar since that page came up TWICE but that wasn't happening.
  20. Street is 75 today. I pray I get to 75 let alone look as fucking good as Street does today. Liz at the start of this clip is a mind trip
  21. Guys really need to stop having some many god damn gimmicks. And did none of his NOAH stuff end up on the interwebs? http://youtu.be/kS2VqQpfx6U
  22. I think we once determined that Sugi was the leader in the clubhouse for most gimmicks (15) (Before you ask - Kane had 10 and Darsow had 8) And how this all started was I watched the great 3 minute Yoshitsune/Liger match again and wondered what happened. Forgetting at the time that he was a cripple and was a pot narc.
  23. Ignoring the sad current New Japan news - I will focus on the sad joshi news. Act Yasukawa is retiring at the end of the year. And yeah... you really don't need to find the footage of Yoshiko shooting on her. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cvklx_kairi-hojo-koguma-vs-act-yasukawa-kellie-skater-stardom_sport Kairi Hojo & Koguma vs. Act Yasukawa & Kellie Skater
  24. There are a bunch of names with birthdays today (Christian, Liger, Zenk, Naomi, etc..) so of course I pick the guy who died 13 years ago today. And again - this is Mr. Wrestling TIM WOODS not JOHNNY WEAVER. So yeah - I am sure I will fuck up that footage about a half a dozen times
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