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  1. http://youtu.be/RsQ_ewzRfT0 http://youtu.be/0h22ehAUt54
  2. Okay Fuck it - since All Japan (at least as we have known it) is basically dead. Okay... truly All Japan as I have known it basically died when Misawa left but anyway.... This is ALL JAPAN WEEK!!!! And we might as well start with the man who Jumbo beat to form the Triple Crown. Which is ironic consider, his doppelganger was cutting a promo about the Triple Crown on Saturday. STAN MOTHERFUCKING HANSEN!!! Like I need a God Damn excuse to post this again... http://youtu.be/bp0Wo7hLTIE
  3. So many gimmicks... Your handy guide from Luchawiki God - I remember him first showing up on the 500 as Pinoy Boy in May of 2002. So yeah... we are all fucking old
  4. Virginia's own pregnant (possibly with Magnus' demon seed) MICKIE JAMES! This match apparently took place where I live (well 14 years ago) but now I am trying to figure out what building they ran. I am also trying to figure out why it was a handicap match with a guy and a girl against a girl but this is the indies. So yeah - I grabbed mainly because of the Sterling, VA thing plus the pre-boob job Laree. http://youtu.be/HdcNnUb_S1c Ignore the creepy love letter the ref in this match wrote to James in the description
  5. I had always planned on closing All Japan week with Baba. It wasn't until yesterday did I realize that serendipity was bringing us to end on the 5th anniversary of Misawa's death. But Natural's post in the Japan section is covering much of the same ground I would have so back to Baba. Baba is definitely one of those guys I appreciate more as I get older. I am not saying TOP 10 GREATEST WORKERS!!! or anything like that. Just that I often really enjoy watching Baba's stuff now. Of course - it helps that late 70s and 80s All Japan is possibly my favorite wrestling ever. So there is that. http://youtu.be/hfRs2GpPPRg http://youtu.be/UAVWrgY4EOI Also this can't be posted enough http://youtu.be/5VDk3CEnzUs
  6. I was going to try and tie yesterday and today together by posting the Kojima/Doering Triple Crown match but I can't seem to find it on the interwebs. Oh well http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1e8ei_dave-fit-finlay-vs-satoshi-kojima_sport http://youtu.be/NDIjQk2t1Q4
  7. Well anything I do after Stan Hansen is a let down so might as well come all the way down. Anyway - this is early and quick because I am at a work conference/work day/retreat/waste of day so I didn't really get picky about the match I found http://youtu.be/Jvyo8pb8B38
  8. http://youtu.be/bxzc5BiJHX0 http://youtu.be/66CBwS_-s9I http://youtu.be/5ep5RWnVK24
  9. Sadly no Vordell Walker match to share. Poor poor man who probably has to resist the urge to punch people in the face for now assuming he is doing a Wyatt Family gimmick
  10. This might be the ultimate "only I care" Wrestler of the Day. Since all you fuckers hate lucha AND women
  11. I am trying to see what you guys hate more - lucha or random US indies. I have also realized that whenever a guys works Vordell Walker that is going to be the match I post
  12. For our purposes this is just Del Wilkes and we will ignore the whole squabble with Tom Brandi http://youtu.be/xmQyD1xTu90
  13. LuchaWiki Page http://youtu.be/jJ8G0P-f9do And in the learn something new every day - I had no idea that the Traumas where Navarro's kids
  14. Unofficial big guy weeks ends IN BLOOD~! And here is Abby vs. Terry Funk in Toronto which I have no memory of ever seeing
  15. In my unofficial big guy week - I didn't plan on doing both Loch Ness AND The Yeti but I had always planned on doing Reis this week and here we are. Also - Reis is a bitch to search for footage of thanks to his 952 gimmicks (Lots of bonus Guerrero Family footage here too)
  16. I realized that Dean and I are probably going to end up having a really long conversation about if Gran Markus Jr ends up on an all-time fatboy list. I mean when luchawiki lists your signature moves as "Big Splash" "Avalanche Splash in Corner" and "Sitdown Splash" you definitely have a fat guy offense. Of course in my youth - I was not a fan
  17. I was scrolling through wiki's list of WWE personnel and it noted that Khali had been inactive for over 30 days. And that is when I realized that I hadn't seen Khali in over 30 days. Poor poor goofy lunk. I also saw on Khali's wiki page "He meditates every day and does not consume alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine or meat." which confused me since I thought you had to tell everyone constantly you did that. Has everything CM Punk taught me been a lie? Anyway...
  18. Poor poor Dave Taylor Poor poor Akira Maeda
  19. For some reason the video pickings are slim. Stupid generic name http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12siy_owen-hart-vs-johnny-smith-8-18-89_news
  20. So I was googling myself the other day - why I don't remember - and in the images a bunch of Cueball Carmichael photos kept showing up and I was all "What the Fuck?". I mean I am old and fat but thankfully not bald. Then I realized they were coming from his Wiki page. And I shuddered when I realized I was referenced on someone's Wiki page. Since I have been too lazy to upload the pages - the reviews in question are HERE and HERE (via archive.org) Why you would use those - I don't know but anyway - another of VA's own
  21. I totally forgot he was in the 2nd Super J Cup until right this second http://youtu.be/qAJE7JdNbcs The VQ on this version is... questionable. But the one below is shorter. Decisions. Decisions http://youtu.be/wXkhK7hgUcU
  22. One of my most vivid memories from reading Apter magazines was how they pointed out how the Sheepherders got boned by having to wrestle twice in the 2nd Round of the 3rd Crockett Cup (they beat Lightning Express but then had to wrestle again - this time losing to the Midnights). I mean when the Apter mags aren't protecting your shitty booking... Anyway - I think people forget because they might only know them from the comical WWF run but hoo boy did there used to be a lot of blood
  23. I have been out all day trying to find a new place to live so I put no thought into this. So yeah...
  24. I feel like I could have done two threads - Onita wrestling and Onita rambling on the mic. Anyway - of course we end with the man who formed FMW Finding fucking Onita matches with out blood or shit blowing up... And since you all fucking ignored the Dos Caras WOTD http://youtu.be/zFHTDSHFfsA
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