This is my first time doing one of these for any board, so this may be a little different than what others have done.
We had 13 ballots submitted to make up 284 films (there's a technicality here that will show itself very late in the reveals list.
I went back and fourth on the number of films before resting on starting this countdown at #110 for a couple of reasons.
1) 110 is a nice number when considering the decade tie-in.
2) The first film that will be shown in the countdown is one that caused great debate on this board (and honestly, everywhere) after its release.
I did allow for ties on this list. I broke any ties where a film received more votes. (Due to the low volume of ballots, I decided vote volume should supersede point averages in a tie). 97 movies hit 100 movies also hit the 100 point threshold. I also tried a couple of different point variables, and it did not shuffle my top too drastically, so the formula is straight forward. Each vote was a descending scale of 2 points with #1 vote getting 100 points.