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Posts posted by misanthrope304

  1. Gonzo, fightingokra, and mattopersonalit are not showing up as members of the clan.  you have to select set as (xbox or playstation, as seen in post #186 in this very thread).


    Also, I see Fresh began working the 'abuse of power' gimmick immediately upon being given a hammer.  Good stuff.


    Now, I just need to figure out where I'm going to come up with the extra $600 bucks to put into this game (ps4/ghost edition).  I liked the beta enough that I am contemplating that.  Unfortunately the company I work for doesn't have any more pre-orders available for the ghost or limited edition (save for the ps4).  I may have to pay the full price at gamestop or the dreaded wal-mart to have day one access.  They do have the White ps4 destiny bundle's which are kind of intriguing. 


    And JT, I dig the dislike button as well.  I think I read somewhere on bungie.net or maybe @bungie that if you were in the tower or actively playing you will get the emblem.  I'll copy & paste when I find it again, with link for proof.  I think you will get it.  However, that boss ass Sniper Rifle which was dealing 1986 damage on headshots that I got from the moon...I really hope I can keep that.  I know within two levels (10) it would be underpowered.


    Our character ranks are still on our Bungie.net profiles, so there is hope.  Not sure how much, but a little.

  2. So when does combat training start?



    What, nothing?  Alright, that was a poor attempt at humor, I apologize








    I was hoping that I would get at least a few more hours to play it tonight, seeing as how I'm off work for two fucking days now...

  3. I'm still trouble shooting this *while at work, trying to do...you know...work*, I saw that we need at least four members to start a clan, Fresh wasn't showing up as a member so he got demoted *temporarily, trying to get us up and running to get the in-game clan tag thing or whatever.


    Also, you have to go into the group, and set it as your Destiny clan.  I've created another bungie.net account to troubleshoot this, since obviously I can't do it as an admin of the group/clan.



    *edit* I'm getting 500 errors on bungie.net using chrome and firefox right now.  



    Bungie.net needs a little break. We're pampering it with some much deserved maintenance.

    Bungie.net a besoin de prendre une courte pause. Il se laisse présentement dorloter avec une maintenance bien méritée. Merci de repasser plus tard.

    Bungie.net necesita un respiro. Estamos dándole el cariño necesario para mantenerla en perfecto estado. Vuelve dentro de un rato.

    Bungie.net braucht 'ne kleine Pause. Wir päppeln es mit wohlverdienter Wartung.

    In questo momento Bungie.net si sta prendendo un (meritato) momento di pausa, causa lavori in corso. Vi preghiamo di essere pazienti.

    Bungie.net precisa de uma folga. Estamos mimando-a com uma merecida manutenção.

    • Like 1
  4. So, is it done for now?

    I tried logging in four or five times, but get an error message.



    I still see people on my xbl list playing the beta, so it must be running at this moment.  They are still testing it however, they're (bungie) doing stuff (probably watching flash mobs of dancers at the tower)


    also, this:


    Saturday, July 26th at 2:00 PM PDT.
    You will need to be very brave (and perhaps a bit patient) to help us reach our goal. To help you stay focused on our objectives, we’ve given you one of your own. Everyone who makes an appearance will earn a nameplate to help you prove that you were there when the record for concurrent players was set before the launch of the game. It will help you to be a rare and unique snowflake when Destiny launches in September.



    so that's the thing we get to keep for playing yesterday I guess

  5. Marathon session of Destiny Beta....24 hours plus...brain melted...*wipes drool*


    Got RUkered ranked up running the missions on levels above him, he goes into the Crucible/Iron Banner deal yesterday at level 7 and wrecks mofo's with his Titan securing a 3.25 K/D for the match.  Dan joins us after the disconnect with Mark & Phil and we put the moon on Hard or whatever and go kill everything.  We explored the depths, killed shit we really didn't have any business fighting, died, got lost, but found the way out. Good times.   


    I really hope they let me keep that sniper rifle I got from the 1st moon run.  It is tits.  After the second moon run, and putting countless (well, probably 8-14) rounds into those 2 level 12 Hallowed Knights I was able to fully upgrade it, and know it does ungodly damage on headshots.    


    Crucible- Fun with 6 who know what they're doing, not so much solo'ing it.  Received a level 20 legendary hand cannon that does almost 400 damage (can't use) for playing in that shit yesterday.  Still got my K/D positive before shitting the bed the last 10 games or so last knight....but at that point, I had been awake for 36 hours, my hands were a little shakey.  Sometimes I can handle sleep deprevation, I once slept 6 hours total over the course of 8 days and was able to function.  Granted fine motor skills weren't that great, I wouldn't want to solder a circuit board or anything.  


    So much knowledge was gained.


    And as of right now, it's still going on.  I hope they let it run till 9/9....I'd play the fuck out of it. I really hope they let me keep my shit, I'd love to wreck some fools with that Hand Cannon but I don't see it happening.


    As far as the special gift we got for playing, it may have been the leveled uncommon weapon for playing the moon (sniper rifle in my case).  I hear it's supposed to be an emblem or some shit, haven't seen it.  Also, I was going by what Bungie posted on Facebook: "PLAY Destiny today (7/26) at 2 PM Pacific.  Earn permanent rewards that you'll enjoy beyond the Beta.  Explore the moon."


    One last thing, before I forget, Phil and Mark, you're showing in the group, not in the clan.  It's a beta, we'll get it figured out.  Get on bungie.net if you can and see if there is a join clan, (there's a group and a clan).  It shows you both as members of the group, not the clan.  Strange.

  6. Glad i stumbled upon the Vault while running around the tower.

    Yeah, and weapons you put in the vault can be used between characters.  So say you get a level 8 weapon with my hunter and I  put it in the vault, I can pull it out with my level 2 Titan.  Armor...not so much since the three classes don't share armor.  

  7. Fresh is Admin for the PSN side of things.



    Yeah, I've been doing Clan stuff for a few years now on Call of Duty.  The setup is very similar, crew/clan/guild whatever you want to call it.  I expect a hierarchy here of some sort.


    I'll post some tips for crucible/multiplayer (for players who aren't as familiar with FPS teamwork/gameply).  I snagged from different forums since I'm too lazy to compile a comprehensive list in my own words.    I think J.T. is gonna love this aspect of the game.  

  8. I like how when you go to the tower, it shows you in the 3rd person mode.  I dont like that you're not wearing the helmet, cuz my hunter is ugly as sin.


    Also you can dance, point, waive, and sit using the directional pad.

  9. Clan is up and running now.  Yes it's a beta, and the clan is in beta mode as well.  Trying to figure it out.  I can't send invites to most of you since there are no bungie.net accounts created that I see on my friends list for the 360.  


    You can search for the clan on bungie.net with "DVDR" 


    I think I can use more letters, but I'm going for the K.I.S.S. method right now.

  10. I am loving the game, though I am just awful on the Crucible so far. I think it might be my hatred for all things called Crucible in video games. Also, I was under leveled, and the guns I like (Scout Rifles) are shit in multiplayer.

    Story mode is awesome. Legitimately great.



    You will get better, I promise.  Especially after you use that warlock special and wipe out 3-4 of the opposition at once.  Scout rifle will be good at mid-long range engagements, you'll have to get headshots though until you get a ridiculously overpowered one.  


    To an extent though, it says going into Crucible that it's a level playing field. However, Iron Banner is not.  You will need to use the best shit you can get your hands on for that if you play it.  


    Farm the fuck out of Devil's lair, I hear you are supposed to get 2 uncommon engrams each time, but I haven't paid close enough attention to verify this personally.  You can pick up shit doing the explore mission as well.  Then there's this: 




    *edit* I'm going to attempt to stop spamming the thread now lol.  Trying to share knowledge to help everyone along.  I eagerly await the DVDR fire team, playing what is basically domination (domination is my shit in FPS).  Also, create a bungie.net account or link your PSN/XBL account, and add me/follow me, I will reciprocate (misanthrope304)

  11. Have they said if the characters you create in the beta will be available to port over in the real game?

    As of right now, from what I've seen/read/heard the characters you create will NOT port over to the full game on  9/9/14*.  





    *IF they don't push back the release, but I'd rather them push it back and it be as epic as the nugget we're being shown as opposed to it being a broken piece of shit *glares at call of duty*

  12. Okay - I am seeing that the XBone download size is almost 13 gigs


    Even in the 360 one is half that size - I am fairly sure it won't fit on my HD

    God bless you HD from saving me from myself



    You cant play the beta with it being on an external drive.

    I have to move more stuff from my HD to the thumb drive in order to move Destiny to my HD so i can play.



    yes, this, 


    Is my console compatible with Destiny?

    Destiny is compatible with all PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox ONE consoles except for the following systems due to Destiny’s hard drive requirement. 
    • Xbox 360™ Arcade Console
    • Xbox 360™ 4GB Console
    • Xbox 360™ Core System
    • PlayStation®3 12GB System
    If you own one of these systems, please consult your owner’s manual, or the manufacturer, to obtain hard drive upgrade information.
    NOTE: USB flash memory and external hard drives are not supported for the Destiny Beta, regardless of storage space.  The Destiny Beta must be installed to an officially supported internal or attached Hard Drive.



    per http://www.bungie.net/en/View/Bungie/DestinyBetaFAQ

  13. Also, when I got up today, I did a quick run-through to get to the tower with my Titan


    I'm probably going to hit Devil's Lair once or twice tonight in my Hunter and get that last piece of level 8 uncommon armor (chest) that I need to get my max armor rating up a few more points, now that I picked up the level 8 auto rifle that deals 57 damage.    After I get that leveled a little more, I'll be switching over to my tank to get it up to snuff for the crucible.


    The warlock class has a pretty cool super/special.


    Love the MG, wish I could run that as my primary, but alas it is not meant to be.   I haven't played much with the pulse rifles, even though I have two pieces of armor dedicated to reloading them faster, I may try that in the crucible tomorrow if I can get it leveled (lvl8 doing 57 damage uncommon pulse).  


    I am starting to see that this game is going to consume me this fall and winter.


    Nobody seems to love the Titan except me....


    I am all about the Titan.


    So far I like the game a lot.  Was having a lot of server crashes earlier during the beta though.


    The beta gives you a good chunk of story missions and some sampling of the competitive multiplayer.  The last story mission you can play requires a PlayStation Plus account and the ability to join a fireteam.  


    Fighting the Devil Walker was insane.  Fucking thing just wouldn't go down.  Took like an hour to chip away at its armor and beat it.  And then the orb boss was freaking easy as pie in comparison.




    Shoot at the legs, after a blow up a leg, it will drop down and expose the brain, shoot the brain with a Sniper Rifle...repeatedly (or your special if you are brave/stupid/don't mind dying and waiting 30 seconds to respawn)..

  15. So my internet tapped out for about 45 minutes around 2am with Dan trying to complete a mission.  I tried different routers and everything (mine was a bit...warm).  I don't know what happened there.


    You can buy ships with glimmer.  I finally got a decent assault rifle (fingers crossed), however I'm not about to hop into the crucible again right now.  It's nearly 6 am and I have work later today.  I think a few hours of sleep are in order.


    Crucible was fun in a calling everyone a cunt sort of way.  I had one game where I went positive out of four, and that was when I got in a turret on the moon defending....   -A- I believe.  The rest of the time wss me getting kicked around like a ball.

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