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Posts posted by AquariumDrinker

  1. I know this ventures into fantasy booking territory, and he may be just trolling the IWC, buy I'm thinking about Jim Ross and a possible new promotion or going to TNA.

    I can't think of anyone else (who's a free agent) who brings the kind of credibility and cachet to such a situation as JR. He seems universally beloved by fans.

  2. Loved AJ sticking it to the announce team. "Watch the product."

    Goldust was killer. I'm hoping he gets a little run here.

    I liked the ending OK, but I was waiting for Show to deck Orton, because he was specifically told not to touch the Shield.

  3. Both Punk and Bryan got strung up on the cross tonight. Three guesses which revenge will come out better.

     Why the Punk revenge of course. The Bryan one just comes across like Kofi/Orton 2.0.
    I will defend that Kofi-Orton match from MSG with the boom drop on the soundboard. But after that... Yeah.Major props to Heyman for working up tears in the backstage promo.
  4. I don't know, man. I kinda think that you keep Bryan off the show until the end. 

    Go through with the Corporate coronation, and when Bryan's music hits, you get the Stone Cold glass-breaking nuclear response.



    Be A Star Punk...Be A Star.

    Someone struck a nerve.


    Yes it did. It reminded me of  that skinny little loudmouth douche that would try to pick a fight with you, while he's standing five feet away from the cops.  I hate guys like that.


    I truly wasn't trolling. I meant it seemed like that guy really said something that got to Punk.

    Or Punk is a good worker.

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  6. Everybody needs to remember where Batista was before joining Evolution. He was just coming off of the Deacon Batista role, had a few matches where Ric was "scouting" him, and then when he was in Evolution, he was hidden in tag matches or as the bodyguard/enforcer type outside the ring while the other guys did most of the work. Thus, slating Mason Ryan or somebody like that who hasn't done a whole lot yet in that spot isn't completely out of the question.However, I don't see an Evolution 2.0 thing happening. There doesn't need to be another faction running around, and Orton doesn't need any cronies.

    Pus there were constant rumors that Jindrak would be joining Evolution, so I can definitely see a returning Mason Ryan or a stalled out face like Kofi turning to join.
    As the last remaining Kofi fan, I'd be all for that.
  7. Most fun I've had watching wrestling in a long time. 

    The only thing that comes close in recent years is Punk-Cena from MITB 2011.

    The WHC match was super. Christian can't seem to have less than a VERY GOOD match on ppv, and I liked ADR's appeal to latinos after.

    Lesnar-Punk was brutal, in the best way. Brock's "timberrrr!" selling of the GTS was great.

    Loved, loved, loved Bryan-Cena. The spot in the corner after the superplex leading to the head butt was total fighting spirit!

    I kept waiting for HHH to make his move, and kinda hoping it didn't happen. Anyway, I look forward to the chase and can't wait for RAW.

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