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Posts posted by Antacular

  1. I just discovered there's a prequel for Sex and the City, and it airs on The CW (!) of all channels, thus confirming my previous held belief that there is no God.

    To further demonstrate my masculinity for all the interwebz to see, I declare that The League is the funniest show on TV, and I've never played fantasy-anything in my life.

  2. I look at character actors as the mid-card.  People like Ron Perlman, Steve Buscemi, etc.

    Those dudes are Jobbers to the Stars at best.  How many times have you spent money to see either of them?  You are basically saying that Kofi Kingston and Brodus Clay are mid-carders.  A mid-carder should be someone like Amy Adams or even Morgan Freeman, people who are undeniably stars, can handle a starring role if you need them to, but are generally there to support the main even talent. 


    I think the biggest question is how many people can really be called main eventers?  Is Will Smith still a championship level worker?  Brad Pitt has been the star of a lot of movies, but World War Z is his biggest hit, and if that is his ceiling can he really be in the main event?  I think that the main event guys right now are Robert Downey Jr.(WWE Champion),  George Clooney(World Champion),  Denzel Washington(Multi-time former champion, already reached his peak, but you can't take him out of the title picture), Jennifer Lawrence(Young lion, making a run to be the top dog for the coming future), The Rock(He fills the Mick Foley role of guy who rarely gets the belt, but is always dangerous)  Leonardo DiCaprio(The guy that who probably should have the belt, but doesn't really play the backstage politics).

    The fact that you think The Rock is anywhere near the level of Leo, both in terms of acting ability and as a box office draw, tells me that you have probably never checked the weekend top 10 ever. Talk about delusions of grandeur. Just because this is a wrestling board doesn't mean that the biggest wrestling draw is equatable to the biggest box office draw. I recommend you visit other websites besides wwe.com and here.

    Regarding this thread, the top box office draws are the ones who command $20M per movie, and there's only a handful of these: Denzel, Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Leo. Brad is great, but the record indicates that he is not a great draw, as I believe WWZ was his first film to cross $100M in the US (Not counting IG or Mr and Mrs Smith).

  3. Maybe it's because I'm the only one from this planet that doesn't care for Game of Thrones (I watch with my brothers, but unless a character is missing a limb or has a pet dragon, I have no clue who anyone is or what's going on), but two straight episodes (non-related) with GoT as the common theme seems a bit excessive.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I see this is this season's Imagination Land.

  4. So I finally took the kid to Thor 2. You people (mainly FSW). The stuff in London is all about keeping Malekith busy for something like 8 minutes. Of course there's no response in that time. It's eight minutes! Freaking goofball.

    Sociopath bad type human person!

    So long as they weren't asking for the fifth character exposition on Loki in the middle of the climax for the rest of the paying audience to have to deal with, I hope they had a jolly ol' time.

  5. Exactly. Something may very well happen to his new family that causes him to revert back to his old ways, but unless he's the one pulling the trigger (and judging by the pit scene, he won't be), this past episode still amounts to attempting redemption. Which is, again, terrible.

  6. Playing COD:Ghosts and BF4 on PS4, and I can honestly say the graphics look exactly the same as on a PS3. I don't buy the "you won't see the difference until games next year" line, compare PS3 launch titles like Resistence and Fight Night 3 to new-released PS2 games, and the difference was immediately apparent. This isn't a knock on the system, I just think video games have hit a plateau when it comes to visuals.

  7. My only complaint with Big Bang Theory is Leonard's lack of character development. In the first few seasons, Penny plays him pretty bad with, Zack, the guy from the Halloween party, etc., and he just takes it like an emo bitch. Then in the latest season, he's hit on by Sheldon's grad assistant, who IMHO is just as hot as Penny (and certainly smarter), yet rather than give Penny a taste of her own medicine (or at least pretend to feign interest in Alex), when Penny confronts him about her, he acts as if his testicles have literally been removed by her. A little development of self-confidence would certainly be appropriate at this point in time.


    I will say that the addition of Amy and Bernie made the show 1000x better than the earlier seasons.

  8. Ground Floor: The premise had me midly intrigued, and I see brief flashes of genius via McGinley. But everything else is pretty terrible.

    I'm all for elevating the class consciousness of the proletariat, but not sure if a TBS sitcom revisiting the tried-and-true schtick of sacktaps is the proper vehicle to explore the materialist conception of history in pop culture. Also: no straight guy would contemplate rejecting a hot girl because she's poor.

  9. If we're talking about practicality here, as a vigilante, a full-armored batsuit for defensive purposes makes 100 times more sense than a spendex-suit to inflict the fear of night or whatever.

    Spandex OVER the armor obviously, hence "visible." You must have been distracted by a kid in the theatre
    Not only is cell phone use during a film a clear sign of sociopathy, but considering the reception, a poor allocation of valuable data usage.
  10. You're like Captain Renault and his disblief of gambling in a casino. It's a sport where the main objectives is for men to launch their bodies as hard as possible into the opponents to prevent forward advancement, and your appauled that teammates would use yo mamma jokes to motivate eachother to attend practices. Get real guy. When Icognito shows up to Martin's moms house with brassknucks, I'll act concerned. Until then, everyone needs to unwind their panties.

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    If you're a fairly new employee at a firm, and you blow off two back to back meetings that much more senior workers are attending for no good reason, would you expect to not catch shit for that? The "get with the times" line shows how clueless you are, he was physically abused or relentlessly hazed: Martin LOLed publically at the voicemail, and the lunchroom prank had been done to numerous other players. If you want shit like this to stop, either don't watch the sport, or start voicing your support for female inclusion in the sport, because, again, this type of behavior is prevalent in every male-centered institution. An NFL investigation and a suspension won't change shit.


    Was this meeting that the more senior workers attending voluntary or mandatory?  Define catching shit? So he laughed about it in public doesn't mean that he wasn't putting on a show for the guys.


    Posted Image

    Are you employed, sir?


    Seriously, I shouldn't have to define the phrase "catching shit" from a senior player regarding skipping "voluntary" practice when you're a low-tiered guy playing a team sport. If you don't get it, it's because you never played a team sport before. (Or worked in a team-oriented environment)


    "Putting on a show?" So he takes a private voicemail and makes it public so he can save the face he lost from the matter being private, only to complain about said private incident which he made public by making it more public months after the fact? Impeccable logic. I see you on Gooddell's payroll in the near future.

  12. If you're a fairly new employee at a firm, and you blow off two back to back meetings that much more senior workers are attending for no good reason, would you expect to not catch shit for that? The "get with the times" line shows how clueless you are, he was physically abused or relentlessly hazed: Martin LOLed publically at the voicemail, and the lunchroom prank had been done to numerous other players. If you want shit like this to stop, either don't watch the sport, or start voicing your support for female inclusion in the sport, because, again, this type of behavior is prevalent in every male-centered institution. An NFL investigation and a suspension won't change shit.

  13. It's painfully obvious reading this thread who did and didn't play sports in high school. The outrage against Icognito is as if he and the rest of the O-line tied down Martin and sodomized him with a goalpost. Martin, a second-year player, skipped two practices, and one of the team leaders chewed him a new asshole over the phone. Oh, and they moved their seats when Martin sat down to eat lunch. More like the Miami Monsterz~~! Only inexcusable action was Icognito calling Martin a half-nigger. Everything else is typical, dare I say mild, aspect of a male-dominated institution.

  14. So back to Star Wars...they are accepting online auditions for the two lead characters.  I'm very interested in watching the submissions.  I like Star Wars a lot, but some of these dudes are playing a different game.  Some of the less self-aware members of the group are going to go all out to embarass themselves


    Are you not familiar with Mr. Christiansen's body of work?

  15. Your argument was that telling a parent that bringing loud kids to a PG-13 movie is rude to other audience members constitutes parenting advice. Parenting advice would be "Thor is inappropriate for kids," "movie theaters aren't safe for children," "Aren't there better ways to raise your kids than sitting them infront of a screen?" If you don't understand the difference, well, that's a road I can't lead you down.


    I don't know what me being an asshole has to do with your evening, but anything to save face I guess. Gotta look koolz in frontz of ur interwebz peerz~!

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