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Kyle Casey

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Posts posted by Kyle Casey

  1. Yeah, at the time the nWo started, HHH wasn't nearly high enough the food chain to have made any impact as the third man.


    Yeah, maybe. But I can definitely conceive of a scenario where Hall & Nash lobby to have H in the nWo early on. Thinking about it now, I don't think Bischoff would have budged on Hogan as the third man - that was non-negotiable as it was the key to the whole thing. But I can definitely see Hunter coming out with the nWo the next day on Nitro and introducing him that way.

  2. Here's a little twist on the "What if the MSG incident never happened" thing. According to HHH's DVD (I know, I know, grains of salt and all that, but still...), Vince was prepared to fire HHH over the MSG incident, but chose to give him a second chance while shunting him down to the bottom of the ladder. What if Vince had actually had fired HHH over it? I think he probably would've went to WCW with Hall & Nash, possibly even being the third man instead of Hogan. From there, though, I don't think he does anything spectacular. Even if he returned 3-4 years later, or maybe after WCW closed down, he still wouldn't have been the star he is now, I think. He certainly wouldn't have gotten married to Stephanie and been in a front office position today.


    I first heard this song back on the green board, when somebody posted it in the anime opening theme (or was it closing theme? I forget) tournament, and the lyrics just hit me like a pickax to the chest. Maybe because I was in a dark place myself at the time, but seriously:


    I am falling

    I am fading

    I am drowning

    Help me to breathe

    I am hurting

    I have lost it all

    I am losing

    Help me to breathe


    I can't tell you how many times I've felt that exact same way. Just typing those lyrics just now has made me start bawling like a baby.

  4. I was gonna come in here and complain about Rizzo not making the team when Josh Harrison did, but Chris Sale not getting on the AL team is just stupefying,



    Well, Sale is one of the Final Vote candidates, so you should be happy about that, yeah?


    EDIT: Rizzo, too, actually.

  5. I actually thought that if they wanted to do a double turn with AJ and Paige, instead of Paige being all devastated in the middle of the ring after the match, she should've went full-on psycho. While AJ's doing her little skipping around the ring celebration thing she does, Paige should've intercepted her and just obliterated her. Throw her into the steps, do a Paige Turner on the steps, and lock in the Scorpion Crosslock and just refuse to let go. Just a complete stretcher job. It would've gotten the heel turn across a lot better, and it would build sympathy for AJ, thus cementing her face turn.


    *shrug* Nobody asked me, though...

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  6. I hadn't been in the Land of Confusion folder in awhile, so I didn't know the Fuck You thread had gotten locked. I've just spent the last half hour or so catching up.


    It's weird how a group of faceless strangers can form such a strong camaraderie that we feel genuine joy and/or sorrow for our fellow posters on here (some of them, anyway). I'd just gotten to the post about The Natural's mom and I really felt my heart sink for him. 


    I know I'm a little late, Natural, but I'm very sorry for your loss. I know when my mom's time comes, I'm probably going to be a wreck for days, at least. 


    Stay strong, man.

  7. Found out that Tomoka Nakagawa plans on retiring in December. So that's a thing that happened.


    Kinda bummed about it. Tomoka's probably one of my top 10 favorite joshi wrestlers right now, and I think she's one of the best tag team wrestlers of the past 10-15 years. 

  8. What are the best sources to watch current Joshi online? Any specific YouTube or Daily Motion channels I need to follow or anything?


    The YouTube channels NikkySan mentioned are really good. There's also a channel that I subscribe to, called DoubleMiz, that has a good mix of the older and more recent stuff.

  9. It's probably fresh in my mind because I just watched Ken Burns' Baseball again, but here's a couple I've been pondering:


    What if John Montgomery Ward's Players League had been successful? One of the key tenants of the Player's League was that there was no reserve clause, so I think if it had survived it would have fundamentally changed the history of the sport.


    Unlikely as it may be to consider, what if an owner broke the "gentleman's agreement" and signed a black player? It would have had to have been before 1919, before Kenesaw Mountain Landis came to power, as he was dead set against integration. Would it have opened the door for full integration, or would the experiment have failed because not enough people, fans and players, were "ready" for that? And who would've been the one to break the color barrier?









    That AJ/Punk gif is so telling about their relationship.  She seen that shit coming from a mile away, and he couldn't even deny it.  That is a woman who has been in this position before, and a man who has zero self control. 



    Uhm, I can't tell if you're joking or not, but the context of that is that Punk smacked Fandango on the butt before his roll (they're bowling), and then he rolled a strike. So then he was going to do the same to AJ. No word on whether Kofi Kingston got in on the butt-slapping action.

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