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Super Ape

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Posts posted by Super Ape

  1. Ernie Hudson favourited a tweet of mine.It really isn't good news on the surface. But I like to think of ol' EH, relaxing by the pool with a cigar and a good book, casually favouriting a tweet from a loyal fan.

    Met Ernie Hudson at a convention a few years ago. Such a nice, nice, nice man. Looked like he was happier being there than his fans were. He even wore his Ghostbusters outfit.
  2. Peace Walker was a butt dude, I wouldn't get your hopes up.I have low, low, expectations for five.

    Butt or not, the whole proper MGS series and the original MSX Metal Gear games make it worth $40.Also; watch the epilogue of Phantom Pain be the opening of Metal Gear 1. Or because Kojima's a nut, the entirety of Metal Gear 1 done Solid-style.
  3. Except Hogan was supposed to be a hero. Heroes are supposed to be the bigger person, just because someone may have been planning on doing something terrible to you shouldn't give you the go ahead to do terrible things to them. Hogan was always presented as a hero but he wasn't really a good person other than telling you to take your vitamins and stuff. I never liked him as a kid and still don't. He wasn't a guy who did the right thing he was a guy who did the right thing for himself.

    All the talk about heroism and morality in wrestling reminds me of the best moment of that ever after the Magnum TA/Tully Blanchard I Quit cage match, where TA's won and is about to wipe a crying and begging Blanchard off the face of the planet, only to stop short, leave in disgust, and let Tully think about what he's done.There's a finish I'd love to see again sometime.
  4. Re: Hayter -- It's a Kojima game. Hayter made a big stink about being let go, but I honestly think he's still involved somehow, and that there's something going on that we don't know about. It wouldn't be an MGS game without a total mindfuck, after all.

    Though, if they REALLY wanted to show Big Boss aging they just needed John Cygan (Solidus in MGS2) since he was supposed to be the accurate clone, but that's a quibble for another day.

    I'll be getting a PS3 from a friend of a friend with MGS4 and a bunch of other games, but I see myself buying the Legacy Collection very soon; all four main MGS games and Peace Walker, AND the original Metal Gears. Sounds like a plan for me to play them all before Ground Zeroes comes out. And I wasn't getting a PS4 until Final Fantasy XV and KH3 come out, so they can take their sweet time with Phantom Pain. I got plenty to keep me busy until then.

  5. If DVDVR was a long running sitcom, the the last scene of the this season's finale would be Andrew and Burgundy waking up hungover in bed together and screaming in horror at what they've done.

    What is it with you and saying stuff that ends up being my new signature? Seriously.
  6. Two sections of Intro literature, which is a required first year course.

    That's the issue; not because intro lit classes suck (English major reporting for duty), but because a lot of kids think they do. But as a result they're missing out on some great classics that deserve their reputation.As an aside, I must be the only English major who HATED Henry James and T.S. Eliot.OK. MY Good News post!After years of being sure it would never happen, the wife and I have been approved for a line of credit at our local credit union. It's not for a lot (a little south of three grand), but it will help us pay our bills right now and serve as a safety net on the off-chance we find ourselves underwater again. Suck it, past due daycare balance.
  7. I've seen a few Christmas decorations here and there for a couple of weeks now. Your town is behind, buddy. :lol:

    Yeah, the local Costco has had their Christmas stuff up since late September O_o
    See, that shit would drive me up the fucking walls. I'm waiting for decorations to go up on 12/27... In preparation for NEXT CHRISTMAS.
  8. Did the walk. Body felt like fresh death for a few days after. Reminded me how out of shape I really am, and how I gotta get that facet of my life together.

    Today we had health-screenings for work (as part of our insurance plan), and did not like what I saw. Glucose is 120 after comsuming nothing all day but sugar-free cough drops, total cholesterol wasn't so bad at 185, but my HDL is low, and my BP wasn't bad. And I exceeded the weight limit on their scale, so I know I'm still a fat fuck.

    Maybe once we get this line of credit OKed I'll plunk down the 60 quid for DDP Yoga like the rest of ya'll are.

  9. As long as there's a place where BINGO is not presently being played.As long as there's a fat tub of goo in camo shorts, a cut up Megadeth shirt, and a desire to tell kids in the front row to know their roles and shut their mouths.As long as there's another fat tub of goo who has a desire to watch grown men roll around on a mat while chanting "Show Your Tits!" at women.There will always be indie wrestling.

    True as that may be, if all the capable athletes are going into WWE's system from the get go and bypassing the indie route, then we're gonna end up with a shitload of Attitude-era hasbeens and The Infamous Midlothian Show all over the country. No thanks. Unless CHIKARA or something like it takes it upon itself to be wrestling's version of Rocky Horror and make it not at all serious.
  10. Which of course is why people ask Kurt Angle why he doesn't wrestle anymore.

    I worked at the hotel where the TNA wrestlers stayed in Philly for the 2009 Lockdown, and I saw a LOT of the old-timers get asked exactly that question.The only one I actually spoke to directly was Booker T, and I think he was relieved I didn't ask him that.
  11. I had a discussion with someone not long ago about the WWE Development Center, and it made me think; is the 'E seriously thinking about setting up a more extensive network of developmental groups so they don't even need to rely on indie stars or people from other promotions in general?  If they were to implement a baseball-like system, I don't see that helping the wrestling business at all as the WWE old-timers die out/retire and the indies dry up because they can't access anyone other than NXT washouts.  It would be a case of the WWE becoming the wrestling business, and the wrestling business becoming the WWE.  That can't be good.

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  12. Fuck you to the concept of money.  I'm thinking about taking the exam for a job I wasn't good at and hated the last time I tried it just because I need the extra pay for student loans and day care ($180 a WEEK!).  Bring back the barter system, I say.  It would give me a good excuse to get rid of all the shit I never use.

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