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Super Ape

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Posts posted by Super Ape

  1. You want good news? Here's some good news. It's 2014 and we made it on the other side. Let's hope for a fun and prosperous year of great wrestling from both sides of the Pacific (and Atlantic, too, if the recent boom of solid British stuff is a sign), good mojo for everyone in their lives, and all other sorts of wacky hijinx from the DVDVR clientele.

    Love you guys, and here's to a great 2014 for all of us.

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  2. I'm just mad I can't find my physical copy of the game because I feel like loading all my spells and GFs on Seifer, piss about on Dollet for a few hours, and make the game a fucking JOKE by the time he leaves and gets replaced by useless-ass ADHD poster child and precursor to the self-photo movement Selphie Telmitt, but I can't justify dropping $10 on the PS Store to DL it on my console. Thanks, D_n_D.

  3. *chortle*

    So remember that whole thing about me having a love-hate relationship with the Eagles?

    Yeah, fuck that. I read a whole bunch of tweets from Skip Bayless trashing the Eagles and am now all-in on the Eagles bandwagon because fuck Skip Bayless. Fuck him right in the ear.

  4. My grandma was a Native American from Oklahoma. Watching her shout "PUNCH HIM JOHN! JOHN WAYNE WOULDN'T DEAL WITH HIS SHIT!" made me a wrestling fan again.

    The Shield, Rhodes, and the other arseholes can have billion star matches every night show, but until one of them makes me think some old woman is sitting around yelling at her TV in rage, I won't be too interested tbh

    I know I've talked about it in the past, but CHIKARA has sat on my altar of Everything Wrestling Should Ever Be after going to a live show and seeing a Hispanic woman and her three kids call Chuck Taylor a pendejo. Wrestling needs more pissed-off women going completely bugfuck at the heels.

  5. FUCK YOU School District of Philadelphia for forcing my alma mater to close down it's nationally-renowned space simulation program. Stuff like this is why I have been adamant that either my family will move out of Philadelphia by the time my daughter is ready for school or she will be enrolled in a private school. When a staunch atheist like me sees enrolling his child in a Catholic school as the BETTER option, you know things are bad.

  6. Spent a half hour waiting with a cranky two year old to meet Santa, she screams the entire time. Then have to wait in line for an hour to pay $25 for a 5X7 picture and two 3x6's while baby girl is throwing a fit the entire time.

    Next year she better be old enough to like Santa or I am not going! (I will end up being forced to go either way, but for now I say no)

    Brother, I'm convinced calming your kid down for Santa is a rite of passage. Last year my then-two-year-old got her pictures taken with Santa. On my entertainment center is a picture of a smiling Santa and a little girl with a flat, unamused face that looks like she's ready to kill him. It supposedly gets easier after age 3.
  7. F-U to three of my favorite bands - Vertical Horizon, Tonic, and Dishwalla. So you jackwagons decide to get together for what would be a dream concert of mine and you're not coming within 2000 miles of me? F-U!!!!!!!!!!

    Wait a second, did the forum hit a snag in the space-time continuum and land in 1997?

    • Like 1
  8. Found out who sent that package we lost; it was my brother-in-law, and it was a bunch of presents for Amy. He said he'd check if it was insured, but the next time he contacted me it was to say he sent another package and that I'd need to sign for it. I asked him if he was insured, all he said was that he only cares that my daughter gets her presents and loved them.

    Also, got our $200 back and the missus took care of all the Christmas shopping. On an iPhone. On the couch.

  9. I'm not sure what elected officials acting like selfish idiots has to do with kindergarten level economic and sociological writings?

    Unless, are you saying they're acting like Rand characters?

    I think you may be onto something!

    Do they have a schoolgirl crush on a guy who kidnapped and murdered a little girl and mailed pieces of her to her parents?
    • Like 2
  10. FUCK YOU to family members complaining about Christmas gifts. My mother has decided she's not telling anyone what she wants for Christmas, becasue we didn't ask her SOON ENOUGH what she wanted. So the head of the family is acting like my five year old nephew. Wonderful.

    Next year I am proposing a new rule, gifts for the kids only. At least they are semi-cute when they complain about their gifts. Grown adults acting like spoiled children about their gifts is some bullshit, and I am sick of dealing with it.

    And this is why, despite my wife's protests, I am trying to make ours a strictly-Festivus household.

    Oh, I guess my daughter can have Hannukah too.

  11. FUCK YOU to my apartment.

    Contractor goes upstairs to put a new oven in. We live downstairs. My wife, who has the day off, notices a leak in our kitchen ceiling. Lets the guy know, turns out he has to rip up both the upstairs floor and our kitchen ceiling. The kicker is? The electric box for the kitchen light is right near the leak. So we have no light in the kitchen, possibly no means of cooking, and a kitchen floor covered in plaster and concrete. Nothing of value lost, but definitely an annoying setback, especially so close to Christmas.

    Fuck the past month or so, for real.

  12. Rippa, El Dragon, and I were playing Mass Effect 3 on Sunday. This is how much of a shit we gave about this PPV.

    I was cleaning my kitchen. TOP THAT.

    For them pushing the title match as an epic event and for a LOOOOOOT of people being unable to care less should tell you everything there is to know about where WWE is now.

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  13. Turns out the package was from my brother-in-law and was a ton of Christmas gifts for my daughter. Hope he has insurance.

    Also; FUCK YOU whoever got a hold of either my or my wife's debit card numbers and spent $200 of our money in a Walmart in Nashville, TN. I hope we get our money back, and I hope you get kicked in the balls/vagina. Thanks for making it almost impossible to buy gifts now, asshole.

  14. FUCK YOU Super Ape for accidentally putting a sealed package in the garbage can and taking it to the curb.

    FUCK YOU whoever saw the package and took it from the can before my wife could get out to the garbage and bring it in.

    But especially FUCK YOU to the letter carrier who thought it was a good idea to hide the package UNDER A GARBAGE CAN and leave a note that went unnoticed before my wife looked down at the foyer. What kind of thoughts go in your head to do that? Fuck, I wouldn't even mind going to the distribution center to pick it up, but this is just careless AND lazy.

    Oh, and FUCK YOU USPS phone lines for dropping my call THREE TIMES when I go to file the complaint. The worst part is, I don't even know who the package is from, so I can't even tell them what happened. FUCK.

  15. OK, I'm done with Christmas music on the radio. The coworker across from me has it on and I don't know how to being it up to him because I'm pretty sure he's autistic, but if I hear "Wonderful Christmastime" one more time I'm going to scream. And once that FUCKING CHRISTMAS SHOES SONG STARTS PLAYING I may start rolling out and breaking necks.

  16. I use Zoloft for anxiety related to my Asperger's syndrome, but I find that it helps with bad moods as well.

    All the yoga talk makes me think we just need to say screw it and start the DVDVR DDPYOGA CLUB~! We surely talk enough about it.

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