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Posts posted by Zac_Fu

  1. I'm guessing Kree, as there aren't too many other big blue-skinned humanoid's that Disney has the film/TV rights to where adding bits of it to human DNA would super-hero a person.  Also perfectly sets up Skye as Ms. Marvel instead of Spider-Woman, and saves that for another person.


    Guessing whatever makes her an object of unknown origin mix with the Kree blood to Marvel her powers up.

    Maybe the fact she's already part Kree makes her an object of unknown origin and adding this extra bit tips the scales so she's now a bit more Kree than human and kicks the powers in.

  2. I think it'll solely depend on the writer/director combo. If you're looking at a possibly Joss Whedon written/directed Black Widow, that's gonna bring not just the girls but a lot of the geek community out. Say what you will, the dude can write some female oriented stories. It's right in his wheelhouse, and I could see him taking the project if he doesn't have too much on his place after Avengers 2 finishes wrapping.

  3. When they caught lightning in a bottle with the first Iron Man's post credits scene, and build the entire Avengers franchise from that, there is absolutely nothing I believe isn't carefully planned out and considered. I think they left Iron Man 3 so ambiguous across the board so that they could go either way with Stark as Iron Man, and Killian as the "Mandarin" so they could tweak as needed down the road. If the audiences shit on things, we go with A, and if they don't we go with B. I'm more curious what the B one shot would've been had the crowds been more accepting of the way things were at the end of IM3.


    Managed to watch All Hail the King, the new Marvel One-Shot before it was taken down. Spoilers follow!


    Trevor Slattery's in prison and interviewed by a journalist about his role as The Mandarin. Before that Trevor has a fanbase protecting him and wanting him to do the voice. During the recorded interview with the journalist, Trevor talks about his life. Turns out the interviewer is a member of The Ten Rings who breaks Trevor out to take him to The Mandarin. I enjoyed the unexpected return of Justin Hammer in jail during the credits talking about Trevor Slattery, Pepper Potts and Tony Stark. I really liked this funny Marvel One-Shot written by Drew Pearce who also co-wrote Iron Man 3 with Shane Black.


    We all know The Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3 is divisive. I didn't like it because I wanted more Sir. Ben Kingsley's Mandarin from the trailers and before the reveal in the film. I liked it all: the look, the lessons and the voice. While I dislike the way they went, I still enjoy Kingsley's peformance as Trevor Slattery.


    Be interested to read your views on All Hail the King when you see it.

    I loved the short. Trevor was one of my favorite parts of Iron Man 3 so it was good in general to see him. I was also one of the people who enjoyed the twist in Iron Man 3. The Mandarin is supposed to be a Chinese villain. It honestly would have been more fucked up to keep the character an English white man, even if it was someone awesome like Sir Kingsley. There is a definite feel of appeasement in this particular story, but I also think Marvel themselves want to leave things open for future possibilities.


    And I know Mandarin is supposed to be Chinese, but fuck if I wouldn't mark out for a Ken Wantanabe Mandarin.

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  5. When I think of WrestleMania entrances, a lot are The Undertaker's. I'd go as far as to say The Undertaker's WrestleMania XIV entrance against Kane is his best ever:



    I'm fond of this one as it marked The Undertaker's return to this gimmick:



    I think the thing that makes this is Kane's utter selling of Taker's return to the gimmick. The shouts of "You're not real!" and "I KILLED YOU!" just make the crowd eat it up more.

  6. Since it looks like WrestleMania may be one of the least anticipated in years, I thought maybe we could focus on some of the pageantry of the past and talk about our favorite entrances. What are some of yours?


    I'll lead off with one of my favorites - Rey Rey Baggins at WM 22. Definitely one of his best entrances, and the crowd seemed to get into it too.


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