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Posts posted by T.Rex-n-effeckx

  1. I honestly can't think of a good singles match he had which didn't involve an above average worker (Scott Taylor, Eddy).


    The most common matches you come up with as best (Benoit Road Wild, RAW 10 man tag, Spring Stampede 99 tag) all involve other great workers too. His mini push at the end of 98 produced some horrible matches with great workers and great build up and pretty ordinary selling on his behalf too.

    Why would that matter?

    Outside of the recent Mania Taker series, I can't think of a good match HBK had when matched against a great worker. No one holds that against him.

    Not sure why being good at one man shows is somehow valued as being more important than being able to step up to the plate and perform in a two man show.

  2. ADR is just awful. Guy has pretty much turned the WHC into a glorified midcard US title.


    You know things are bad when your wrestling career arguably peaked when you ran over Santa.

    The WWE has been booked for shit for a while. Traditionally top star has the world title and the rest of promotion has been built around building up opponents for top star/world title. For some reason they've ignored that formula since 97 and so you have Cena not having belt for majority of time and promotion unclear as to wether the goal is to build opponents up for title or build opponents up for Cena.But blaming that on ADR is stupid.

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  3. TNA did a show last year in Highland Heights, KY (about 10 minutes south of Cincinnati) on the campus of (then) division II school Northern Kentucky University. They blocked off at least half of the arena, if not 2/3... they drew about 800 people. 

    There is no reason that TNa couldn't sell out every arena in KY running Sting and Steven Borden v Hulk and Kamal Hogan.


    Shane McMahon

    Shane is the only one who was actually able to walk away from wrestling. I think that makes him the most successful Mcmahon.


    Scott should be designated the "weak member of a strong family". Besides the Dixie Dynamite gimmick, while he wasn't bad, he was bland.

    Of his brothers Scott is probably the best at working charismatic heel (unless you count Badstreet).

    I think it would have to be Sam Houston.


    Never seen the Kentuckians so not seen any Grizly Smith , but Houston is a bump freak who can still deliver when not in jail.

  5. I'm not sure what the point of this whole thread is.


    Is the store that sells 1000 $10 purses a better business model than the one that sell one $10,000 purse?

    Is the store that sells one $10,000 purse a better business model than the one selling 1000 $10 purses? 


    We all know wrestling does good ratings but high end advertisers aren't interested in it.

    People can make money off shows that have a smaller but wealthier viewership.



    I don't know, I would never count Camila out.  She is about as fierce of a competitor as there is on this show.  Remember her trying to climb that wall after Big Easy quit?  She is a monster, Jemmye on the otherhand is horrible. 

    Jemmye/Camila beat Diem/Aneesa largely due to Jemmye actually being smart enough to figure out how to lift the rope.I mean yeah she's dumb as shit, but clearly clever in right context.

  7. Didnt Mistico also come into the company with a big head, which is one of the things they always warn people against when they get there? 


    He had a rep for having a big head in Mexico.If you hire Kevin Nash you should not be surprised that you got what you paid for.



    I don't believe the idea that no one on the WWE roster had worked with lucha or knew how to take his moves.


    Rey had been using his finisher as a secondary move for a couple of years with Jericho doing  Atlantis finisher as a reversal. People knew how to take his moves.




    WWE kinda had the right idea to bring in Mistico's top rival to make Sin Cara look as good as possible, but when they didn't pull the trigger on Averno, the whole Sin Cara experiment was doomed to fail. 


    EMLL is always realy well booked and has heels ready to pair up with faces they are elevating. And so Averno was in a position where position of upcoming guy who beats Averno in his exchanges meant something.


    I don't know if just being job guy brought in who eats Mistico's offense well would mean shit.


    The WWE does a lousy job booking Cena or Alberto as faces, I have no idea why anyone is surprised that they did a lousy job with Mistico.


    Honestly I haven't seen any Necro matches in a while, but his match against Joe a few years ago was the bomb diggity.


    But that was in IWAMS... where Necro was regularly booked to slice himself up after being "discovered" by Pondo.


    If Necro wasn't willing to do the crazy deathmatches, would he ever have made it out of the Texas indys? 


    He worked Savio Vega  (TNT) in main event in Puerto Rico pretty much doing straight  Buzz Sawyer crazy brawler type stuff. 


    Can someone explain the argument being made here.Is it that 2000 was HHH's peak year for inring work?Is the argument that 2000 HHH was better than 2000 Kuroda, 97 DDP, 89 Luger, 92 Nikita, 2006 Booker T, 2001 Austin, 92Dustin, etc?

    92 Nikita? What the hell? When did that become a thing?


    It's not a thing.

    Not sure if that would be Nikita's peak inring year.I'm not sure what Pitbull 1's or Fred Ottman's peak year was.

    I wasn't sure and still not sure if point here is to say 2000 was HHH's peak year.Or if point is to say it compares favorably (wasn't a quality drop vis-a-vis) Austin's 99 or Steve Austin's 2001.

  10. Can someone explain the argument being made here.Is it that 2000 was HHH's peak year for inring work?

    Is the argument that 2000 HHH was better than 2000 Kuroda, 97 DDP, 89 Luger, 92 Nikita, 2006 Booker T, 2001 Austin, 92 Dustin, etc?


    Or if they figure out a Super Gay wrestling concept (The Gay-Ass Grappling Association?) to put on Bravo. Would you watch a comedy-oriented, homosexual-themed wrestling show with a lot of characters who seem ripped straight from Stefon's Weekend Update segments?

    I'd watch.


    There was an episode of Ru-Paul's Drag Race where the drag queens were trained by Joey Ryan and I want to say Oliver John to compete in the WTF! fed.

  12. http://sphotos-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/q77/s720x720/1006361_683500851680056_804187752_n.jpg"HERE'S WHAT'S STRANGE ABOUT THIS PHOTOAs many of you guessed, the dog on my lap is not actually alive. She's not stuffed though; she's freeze dried. We lost our precious little dog, Jou Jou on New Years Eve 2010 from and my kids were just devastated. Seeing how down they were, I inquired as to whether there might be a way to kind of keep her around...and a year later, after the freeze drying process was through, we received Jou Jou in the mail, looking every bit as vibrant as she did in life. When an animal is stuffed, it's fur is simply stretched over a form. When it's freeze dried, what you get back is the real dog - all the bones, flesh and blood. The only thing removed are the eyes and the internal organs. Sure, it seemed creepy at first, but she's part of our family every day, and the freeze-drying idea, though costly and time consuming, turned out to be one of the best Christmas presents in Foley family history."We need to talk about Mick, guys.

    It's becoming an increasingly popular move. There was an Animal Planet series "American Stuffers" about the family of an Arkansas taxidermist who specializes in the procedure.


    So, to recap for you guys just tuning in: Wrestling fans can't handle alternative reality games, but virtually every person who is a dedicated fan of other entertainment (movies, music) can.


    Professional wrestling is it's own sub-culture with its own rules and continuity that for a vast vast majority of people that watch, they buy into or "suspend belief" to participate in as fans.  Pro wrestling is its own "alternative reality game".


    I think that if Chikara is going the route of LARP, they are simply limiting their appeal to people that are interested in both pro wrestling, and RPG. 


    Look at it this way: How many of the folks that occasionally pop on Raw and enjoy a couple of beers would even think of watching Chikara to begin with?  Now, how many of those guys are gonna read a 78-page thesis about Archibald Peck then check out a Chikara show?  Hell, how many of the people that attend Chikara shows (or buy DVDs) are willing to read that 79-page thesis? 


    It is like the opposite of "selling out" - instead of diluting el producto to become more appealing to the mainstream, Chikara is becoming more obscure... which will drive some fans away while giving others giant boners.  It is similar to how if you have an indy that runs the occasional bloodbath, and that appeals to a certain loyal segment of the audience...so they turn the violence up to 11, and eventually it is non-stop blood and death matches - which just don't appeal to everyone. 


    So I kind of enjoyed the pdf, it's all the elaborate detailed booking that Chikara specializes in, without any of the mediocre wrestling. This is them playing to their strengths and hiding the weaknesses.Of course there is a new Maragaret Atwood novel out too.

  14. I'm not on here a ton which means I don't get to do that much moderation.But reading a lot of the longer threads here and they are cluttered up with people posting "why are you discussing this?" "why does anyone care about this", "please end this thread" posts.

    This is a discussion board where people discuss stuff.

    If you don't want to read that discussion, don't read it.

    But whining like a baby, "why are people talking about this thing I don't care about" doesn't contribute to anything.

    STFU, people who do care are talking...not everything is about you.

    I will start giving people time outs for crying when grown folks talking.

    You've been warned.

    • Like 19
  15. My understanding of the math of vote (and no one really understands Meltz math), is that if you vote for more than one guy in category diluting own votes. So I'd back Rippa and suggest voting one or two candidates: Cien, V III feel like the top two to go with.

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