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Posts posted by romdam

  1. On 8/10/2022 at 10:12 PM, HumanChessgame said:

    So the discussion doesn't get stuck in this week's Dynamite thread, here is the bracket for the Trios Title Tournament


    Is Omega ready to return as the Bucks partner or do they opt for Jay White or someone else? The left side is quite a bit more weighted as HOB are the only non-jobbers on the right side.

    Dumb question.  Where are Cole/red dragon?  I know they were all injured but I thought Cole mentioned before turning on the Bucks that he was going to win this with dragon?  The this past weeks, the Bucks mentioned them without mentioning their names, that we wouldn't be seeing them for a while.

  2. Any odds the Punk/MJF match DOESN'T happen so this drags on til March?  MJF coming out on crutches faking injury to get out of the match?  

    Or does Punk lose in Chicago?  Wardlow turn?  Or do they do that in that ladder match where if Wardlow wins, he's "supposed to" give his shot to MJF?

    I just have a funny feeling altogether about the match not happening or something

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, S.K.o.S. said:

    Lio Rush tweeted that his AEW contract will expire on February 14th and he'll be a free agent again. Seemed like things had been smoothed over, but apparently not.

    Was wondering why he hasn't been brought up in the Team Taz "contract" thing.

    What was that, like a 6 month contract?

    • Like 1
  4. And I'll have to rewatch it but, why did Julia jump up on the apron for?  Was she telling them to stop?  First thing I noticed of her was her black clothing and her expression was way different.  Almost was thinking SHE was going to mist someone

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/22/2021 at 4:30 PM, AxB said:

    Rampage is airing Christmas night. And Cody has a TNT title shot. Perhaps we all get a new champ for Christmas? Or a heel turn?

    By Sammy, obvs.

    Nope, neither.  They have to do the Men of the Year interfere in the Sammy/Cody match.  That then leads to Sammy/Cody vs Men of the Year.  Then maybe a heel turn

  6. God I can't sit thru these anymore.  Watching this and AEW, this just comes off as another weekly primetime scripted tv show.  There's no energy or emotion.  Compare promos on from the two shows and there's so much difference.  I tried again to watch a Raw, but can't.

    Plus the cutting, jumping camera shots make me nauseous.

    • Like 2
  7. I still like how the seeds of an UE are being planted.  This week with Omega not having faith/trust in Cole to lead.  Then Cole calling on his good friend Bobby Fish to help Friday night.  What happens bwhen Fish eats the pin?  Or does someone show up to help their former UE partners? 


  8. "There's nothing to dispute in that".  Or something like that was said during the Fish/Cole get together.  


    Kind of like how the Bucks said to Cole "there's only one era in wrestling, the era of Elite".  

    When do we get Undisputed Era?

    • Sad 1
  9. That Soho match was bad.  What ever that rope throw Penelope did into a cutter move was horrible.  It looked like Soho dove into it.

    It was nice not seeing Punk for a week then some dude in a hat ran out.  

    Fish did nothing for me in NXT but I'm loving him here.  Bad ass entrance song as well.  Just let him get some wins.  

    • Like 1
  10. If the Young Bucks weren't always wrestling someone I want to see, I'd turn the channel every time I'd see their face.  Heat, and it's not heel heat with me.

    Cant wait til Dragon gets to Cole in the Elite gauntlet

    • Like 1
  11. I tried...I can't.  This is worse than Impact from a few years ago.  At least after a month of not watching Impact now I can get back into it.  A month of not watching NXT and I have no clue who, what, where, why, and how.  Don't know what's worse, the 1995 characters or the over the top use of the generic name generator.  Much rather watch squashes on Dark/Elevation.

    Goodbye NXT

    • Sad 1
  12. New to AEW.  I haven't watched any current product in 4 years.  I must say I'm hooked.  Why?  Dark, Dark Elevation, the look of the shows, no crazy camera zooms/cuts (does WWE still do that?)

    What lead me to AEW is the hype of new arrivals Punk and DB/BD. 

    I love the format of the Dark shows.  To me, this is what B and C shows should be.  They're not 1984 Championship Wrestling squashes.  I mean yes, you know who is going to win but I love seeing new characters given a chance.  This is where WWE lacks big time.  I always said they should have formatted Main Event like this.  WWE B and C shows are/were pointless.

    I love the whole interpromotion stuff.  Andrade/Omega AAA?  Hell, Ric Flair showing up on AAA tv??  I like how they are doing it without it sounding all "invasion"ish.  A little more mentioning tho would be nice.  Like Archer on Dark.  Isn't he a New Japan champion?

    All in all I'm glad I made the switch.  4 shows may seem like a lot but it's a fun watch!

    Oh, and I love Jim Cornette trying to dissect everything they do lol

    • Like 6
  13. Corbin breaking the mirror and having that "oh fuck" look was the best.  

    The "Doink" cameo was rather odd as it took me a second to realize it was SUPPOSED to be Doink.  

    At first when AJ opened the door with the coffin, I thought there'd be two.  They'd open and be Gallows and Anderson laying inside.  Didn't know any other reason AJ to still be wearing the OC shirt since he's the only member.

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