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Everything posted by melraz09

  1. Dalmit I wish I was in better shape to drive. Im at the point id getta one tonight if there was a Wal-Mart within walkin distance for my fat ass! Guess I'll keep watchin uconn whip some beavers, jays @ rays, and later watch the warriors in their historic season. Wish I could watch my av's try to beat the blues (sorry dan) to have a slight chance to keep their playoff hopes alive. Dalmit I wanna shoot stuff though. Ahhhhh the struggles are real!
  2. They need a dalm bumper car race. And those bumber boats except with grenade launchers in the front instead of water cannons.
  3. Holy Hell looks like theres been a hellova block party in the mean streets again. I have contemplated Xb one....new gun, Xb one....new gun......Xb one.....new gun. I am still up in the air. I have $1,500 to blow just need another $1,000 - $2,000 for the gun I want. Tryin to decide if a $400 set back gettin a one is good or bad. Thats why I haven't been on the forum in so Dalm long. It makes me wanna one and think Hell $400 is just another month set back but rukered messaged me today and said get on the forum. I had several pages to read and dalmit I wanna one. I wanna sticky, shotgun, proximity, rocket, grenade launcher bouce, grenade toss, fuck a mur mur no need for it, but I wanna ball bat, golf club, machete, punch, run over, off radar, hellicopter rotor, plane land, jet ski splatter, and most importantly snipe the ever lovin dalm shittin hell outta lil white, pink, and by gawd sold red dotted lil bastard ass bitches. To be continued.......eventually!!!!! Love and miss ya my brothers!!!!! Oh yeah i liked so many posts but knew I would run outta likes before I got offa the first page I hadn't seen. Just know I read em, I felt em, I loved em!!!!
  4. Ain't been on here inna dalm long time and this has nothin to do with GTA other than my game style. Anyhoo me and Burke have been playin red dead and I passed into legend mode on free mode. I had a mur mur pistol and that's about it. Other than my trusty tomahawks that I purchased in some rockstar money scheme. Some high level bastard kept whoopin my ass my shitty volcanic revolver just couldn't get the job done. I finally got in close to the bastard and got the ol' tomahawks out. I Mary Lou and sling one between that bastards eyes. I ended up gettin 3 Mary Lou tomahawk kills inna row on the Shit ass. It was good times. Hope to get a one, one of these here days and roam the streets once again!
  5. hey stout when this update comes out I wanna come over and play.
  6. I loved gettin back on if just for a few minutes. I was not worth a shit but it made me wanna one bad!! May cant come soon enough
  7. Man thats a kick in the biscuits! 2 seconds! I dont remember what i got on that one....probably a bronze. I think thats about all i got.
  8. I need to finish flight school. I got to the final lesson or whatever the hell its called but only tried in 1,246 times.
  9. Unlimited grenade launcher. Dalm i might need to play missions. I agree that could get aggravating. Maybe limit the big guns (rockets, grenade launcher, grenades) or put a timer on on it like off radar or call mercs.
  10. Another kick ass feature. I think i would spend 5 times as much or more durin a big scrum
  11. Dalm how long have i been gone? New vette?? New bike?? New futo??? More garage space???? These bastards really want me to getta one. I had about $1,600 worth of shit go wrong tear up or break in the last month so id say it'll be awhile. I haven't even tried to get on since i played with burke and robert 8 years ago when my dalm router decided to take a shit again. I'll replace it when i get a one cause everything else works fine other than the 360. I really dont feel like fuckin with the router like i did last time. My house came dalm near to bein tore down from me bein pissed off so bad. I can still do private online and missions but where the hells the fun in that. I wont even be a shit plant supervisor when i get back on. Catch ya on the flip side my brothers.
  12. Ahahaha dalm! I wish i could like that shit more than once roast.
  13. Shiiit must be another melraz. My shortcuts always work
  14. Oh hell a new red dead would be friggin awesome. This is a off subject but hey dan how far are you from st. Peters Missouri?
  15. Dalm i love you guys. Bad part is my internet is screwin up like it did last year. I dunno what the hells goin on with it. I guess I'll need a new router again. I can still do missions though. WOOPTIE FUCKIN DOOOO!!! I'll bite the bullet and get a one next year. Maybe I'll have some cash for new cars from mission playin.
  16. Well hell. I gonna hafta find a new crew to fill the cabinet back up. All of my constituents have ran to the one. By dalmit we'll have a reunion from hell though whenever my ass gets a one. By that time yall will probably be gettin the 2 or the 1k or whatever the hell its gonna he called. I think i will be more of an ass, a bigger dick, a bigger prick when i do get one. I dont want to be the loved mayor with 3 bad rep points again. I'll add its very sad dan, you gonna get a new copy or wait for the one?
  17. Oh and robert i will make a call or 2 and see if i cant at least get the trains to start blowin the horn at crossings and when they get close to gunfire. Ah hell just a constant blast of the horn under that guideline.
  18. Holy shit, i missed the city of crime very much. There were some young punks tryin to play last night. I told em i was playin gta while their mommas was wippin their lil asses and puttin desitin on their diaper rash. It was 5 on one when burke joined and made ot 5 on 2. Burke said im on my was, watch the screen i reply. Fire an rpg at a truck load of idiots. 1 shot 4 kills. It didnt go much better for them the rest of the night. Later in the night i saw a green dotted insergent pull up. When did you go get that burke? It isnt me! He said. I look and its ROAST. i cant remember much after that due to unknown circumstances. Would love to play tonight but my ass is goin to the motel.
  19. I like to put insurance on a baller. Take it to los santos customs put an ignition bomb in the key slot park it in the parking lot and go to whoopin the shit out of dots. It works 4 out of 10 times but i dont do it enough.
  20. Fixin to head home from my true home way down south in the Caribbean. Please to not cancel plane....the mayor is comin home.
  21. Ats right. I cant play but dalmit i can still post
  22. Aint been on inna while got some shit goin on will find out more next week but Im suppose to be in jamaica iffin the dalm tropical storm dont turn into a hurricane and fuck it up. Hopefully will be back on after i get back.
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