Mox vs Lionheart (for all the marbles)
In terms of alternate Jerichos, I personally prefer Lionheart to The Painmaker.
I kind of hope Jericho wins. Not because of the genuinely entertaining hawt takes that would generate, but because it would pretty likely lead to Mad King getting a huge moment at The Tennis Stadium and that would be really great.
Blackpool Combat Club brings me as much joy as anything this side of my wonderful daughters. It's more or less my favourite non-family-
Road Report - QUAKE THAT LAKE!
PREFACE: The Night Before
And so our journey begins, not with a whimper but with a misread text. The night before I was an extra hour later at work (long story) making sure derps are set for the week (I was taking Wednesday-Friday off). I’m kind of a savior figure where my hard work and sacrifice redeems the soul of the company and I’m a hero to those who benefit from the cross my tentacles are nailed to. If not, me being under-appreciated a