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Everything posted by glfpunk

  1. Does anyone know anything about Project Fi and have any experience with it?
  2. What Huawei phones could you use on Sprint in the last 4 years?
  3. I'm not concerned in the least about buying a nexus phone.
  4. Preorders are up. Ordered a 6P- aluminum 32gb. November 4-6 is the projected delivery date.
  5. Banner will probably have a guaranteed set light level and Trials stuff I would imagine will be like the raid and be RNG between 300 and 310. Will be interesting to see how and if they implement class items, artifacts, and ghosts into these things.
  6. Just the normal mumbo jumbo. 12.3mp but the pixels are larger which will improve photo quality in low light conditions etc. Won't know until lots of people get their hands on it. Sounds promising though.
  7. There are class specific drops from certain strikes. That one drops that helmet for Warlock and the one with the big guy down in the dark dungeon with all the thrall drops a helmet that looks like his head for a Titan. Not sure about any others although I did get a Flayer Mantle cloak for Hunter from the Dust Palace strike yesterday.
  8. I did the part where you kill the majors but I haven't bothered with the crucible part of it. I can only imagine how much of a pain it will be. Apparently if you just have the sword equipped with zero ammo and melee with it, it still counts towards the kill total. So that's helpful at least. I hear the exotic is 310 though which is cool. But at the same time, I doubt I will ever use my one exotic weapon slot on a sword though so it will be infusion time. Fuck it. The temptation for 310 exotics is too great lol. I will just decrypt everything on my Titan in hopes of getting 310 drops. You're right, it's the smarter thing to do. 220 would still work fine on that 36 strike. You will have better luck with it at the boss fight than a rocket launcher for sure.
  9. You say that but there's clearly an increased percentage of getting them to decrypt to your current class. The initial run of Three of Coins I did, all of my armor engrams except for one was Titan armor which was the character I was using. I got an exotic helmet engram drop from using a Three of Coins with my Titan, put it in the vault, grabbed it with my Hunter and it decrypted to a Hunter helmet. Why? It's one of the quickest strikes to do now. When a three man fireteam finishes that strike, the kills per player are in the 25-35 range. Most other strikes are well over 50 kills per player with Undying Mind being closer to 100. If you're having problems with the flayers, that boss fight takes about 30 seconds if you're using your sword. I start at the far left flayer and me and a buddy both have swords at the ready and just go to town and keep moving on to the next flayer. Super quick and easy. Don't even bother with other adds, the flayers die before you really take damage from anything.
  10. I still have about 30 three of coins left but I'm torn on doing what you said or giving the engrams to my hunter and warlock. I got a helmet engram yesterday and have it to my hunter. This is a tough one.
  11. I had pretty much ruled out the Oneplus Two and wasn't a huge fan of what I saw of the Nexus 5x. The 6P looks amazing. I might be making a purchase real soon.
  12. The boss fight is not bad. Especially if you familiarize yourself with when and where the adds spawn. All the spawning adds can be taken out with a single super, especially if it's a Sunbreaker Titan. If you have a fireteam of friends, you can coordinate your supers and ensure orbs will be on the ground most of the time. For the boss fight itself if you're a Warlock it wouldn't be a terrible idea to run the Stormcaller class because while it isn't solar, it's the only other subclass that can take down those adds almost as quick as the Sunbreaker ensuring that the room is basically empty other than a couple of random adds across the room from you. You can always go Sunsinger but I don't think the adds will go down as quickly. Also I'd try to stay on the right side of the room except when taking down the yellow bar guys that spawn on the left. There's more room to maneuver and you'll almost always be getting splash damage on the left. I did the Depose the Court quest last night and got the 300 artifact. Had to do the baby Crota fight twice. It was me and my buddy and there were three randoms in there also. They didn't know what the fuck was going on lol. The first run I took out the two wizards while everyone else was killing adds and then swordbearer showed up and we downed him pretty quick. I grab sword and go to the steps and they all did great taking him down so I hit him three times with the sword and it takes him to just about a quarter of his health left. Awesome run. That was the end of awesome runs. The rest of the first fight was them killing the swordbearer way too quickly, the randoms grabbing the sword and not knowing what to do with it, etc. The second time it was just a clusterfuck but it worked out by a random dying up top with the sword and me taking Crota down with a HMG and picking up the sword and finishing him off. I got some boots that were one level higher than what I had and a rocket launcher that was 296 when mine was 292. So after infusions I hit 300. Hoping to get some armor from the raid this week. I snagged the ghost, mark, and two guns last week. I'm going to complete the quest for the 310 artifact this week for sure and also hopefully knock out that Touch of Malice quest line although that's going to take some time. So I didn't think I would but I love that auto rifle from the raid. It does a fuck ton of damage and sounds wicked as well. Stability sucks but it does have a braced frame perk that gets it almost maxed out.
  13. And really, who needs help with Devils Lair anyway? Fuck em.
  14. No you're right. Bungie nerfed the amount of orbs that drop. It's just a perfect storm that you have to create now. You have to have a handful of yellow bar enemies in close proximity and the difficulty has to be low enough that your super will actually kill them. There just aren't that many scenarios that exist to create that many orbs now.
  15. I feel your pain. I had to do that step yesterday where you generate 7 orbs twice in s strike. Me and a buddy were just running the 36 playlist and we got to Undying Mind and I figured it to be the best opportunity to finish the quest line. I knew at the end there were the couple of spawns where there are a bunch of yellow bar enemies. First group spawns and I'm waiting for them and I generate exactly 7 orbs so I'm stoked. My buddy busts out his super and kills trash mobs and I pick up orbs and now have regenerated my super. The second group spawns and the third guy on the team, a random, starts killing them. I pop off my super and it makes only 6 orbs. Fuck.
  16. This made me laugh so hard! Dust Palace used to be a complete bitch and the shields of the three bosses would completely regenerate if you stop firing for a millisecond. It was unplayable on any sort of normal to hard difficulty because people would leave the strike as soon as they saw that it was Dust Palace leaving you by yourself. Now it's one of the best strikes out there. The adds on the way to the boss are fun to kill and then when you get there, it's sword time. Such a quick and simple fight now. That fight does suck if there are randoms. His shield comes back up quicker than Crota and you don't know if the other people are ready or if they even have rockets or machine gun or what. Your only cue is really when someone picks up the sword you have to hope everyone else noticed him pick up the sword and they go to work on baby Crota's shield with you. I was with a group that beat him the other day and if people are all on point it's pretty easy because his health goes down pretty quickly with the sword strikes if you have a high leveled person running sword.
  17. I got my antiquated rune from Eris in a package when I leveled her up to rank 5. I'm not 100% sure that you need to be the one with the rune either. It may count for you if you're on the fireteam.
  18. Went back to Oryx tonight. There were two people in the group who had beaten it before and everyone was 298 or 299 except for one guy at 291. On our second run we got him a little past half health and were getting a pretty good rhythm going before someone made a mistake. Ended up going a few tries after that with some random glitchy things going on so we went back to orbit and restarted it. We killed that asshole. I got two guns! The scout rifle and the auto rifle. Scout was at 302 and the auto was at 305. Both put me at 299 but the auto rifle puts me just a sliver from 300. Also advanced the Touch of Malice quest line. Now I need to go find about 40 more Hadium flakes to turn in to Eris. Did a little Court of Oryx today on my own and advanced that Depose the Court Eris quest. Will probably finish that up tomorrow. I just need to win three tier 2 and one tier 3 to complete it and get the 300 artifact. I don't know how much that will matter because my current one is at 298. Glad I completed it though. It's a really deceivingly difficult raid because you're never really overwhelmed with enemies at any point, it's actually the opposite. Early days of VoG it was the adds that would eat your lunch. Basically at every stage of it other than the maze. Looking back at every phase of this thing it all just seems so easy but it's all reliant on every person having a specific role and they can't fail at that role in almost every case. I really like the design and think it's an awesome raid but they might have gone a bit overly complicated with the Oryx fight though. There's just too much shit going on there. Edit: This run at Oryx tonight took about an hour and a half by the way.
  19. Found another group and went to the last checkpoint to complete the raid... Found a different group. Fuck that fight. There is so much going on it's so easy for something to go wrong. I don't know if I will be able to beat it before reset. Played some court of Oryx with a couple friends and found an exotic engram. Had completely forgotten I had a coin at the ready. Got the Jade Rabbit! One of the only things I wanted out of the 55 coins I bought. The other gun I was after was the Telesto. I've actually gotten lucky on my engrams. I've used seven and gotten two so far. My drop rate when I farmed the first time was about one in five and a half or so. I have to really work on these quests. I have so many of them and I just put them off every day.
  20. I just learned that there's a quest that gives you a 310 artifact. It's that taken war one and it branches into one called the road to kings fall and ends with you completing the raid.
  21. Went back into the raid today while the kids were napping. I was in a decent group of guys who were in the same boat as me. We decided to go with the single gaze grabber strategy. So much smoother this time. I decided to go with the 300 Black Spindle instead of 308 1000-yard Stare. So nice to not worry about a reload. Just unload the whole mag. Took us three tries. Did the jumping puzzle and got the chest after. We beat the next boss as well. I won't spoil it for you. It's one of those things that is super easy but it's also super easy for one person to fuck up and then you wipe. There's jumping involved. And I suck at it. So we got to Oryx but I had to bail because the kids were up from their nap. I didn't get much for loot but I did get a Titan mark at 308 light. Got me up to 298. Looking forward to finishing it and hopefully getting a decent drop out of it.
  22. Yeah we killed him eventually but it probably took us about 2 hours to get to him, then 2 hours to kill him. 3 times we got him down to the tiniest amount of health, but he has so much of it that even then you still need to do hundreds of thousands of damage. I think he has around 15 million health give or take. On one of our wipes where we almost got him the 3 of us doing the main damage to him were around 4 million each and the other 3 guys all got their licks in too. Just a ridiculous amount of health! I do like that the wipe screen tells you how much damage you've done though. Thing is, we'd agreed to just one more attempt, and it went to shit straight away yet for some reason that was the one where we got it done. The runs where we would have 2 near perfect rotations, we just couldn't seem to do the damage on the third. Its all about consistency in that fight, one person screws up and its very hard to get it done. Oh, and if you didn't have the pleasure on your attempts, if you take too long he enrages...Most satisfying kill I've ever had in this game. Skolas is nothing compared to him! I watched some videos online this morning of the fight and the tactic we came up with seems to be the preferred method. Except we were doing about 1/3 damage a rotation and all these guys are doing 60%+ I think we just need to fine tune our timing.
  23. quoteLiterally has no effect. Every time I play PvP I equip my old PvP stuff that has the perks I roll with. I use my messenger pulse rifle and matador shotgun and either corrective measure or truth rocket launcher. My light level when I play pvp is like 195.
  24. I haven't really focused on crucible much but the little I'm in there every day for the daily mark bonus it seems like it's mostly scrubs no matter what game type. The only one I don't find that to be true is Rift which is a mixture of scrubs sprinkled in with a few other worldly players. I don't like Rift anyway though. Eventually as you level up you'll get access to a ghost that has wormspore perks on it. The standard vanguard one has the same perks as the one I got from the raid actually. It's pretty awesome because you can select the perk that will show you wormspore locations on patrol or you can select a perk that will reward you with additional wormspores when looting engrams on the dreadnaught. So if you're on patrol on dreadnaught or on a story mission, court of oryx, or raid- you get a blue engram and it's also going to come with about 4 or so wormspore every time. It's resulted in me accumulating as much wormspore so far as helium filaments and shit like that that I had built up. As soon as you have the marks to be able to do it I recommend spending them on the vanguard ghost. If you're around light level 250 or so it's something that will make a pretty big difference. I wouldn't recommend spending the marks on regular armor because you're going to get plenty of that in a pretty quick succession but for most people getting decent ghost drops are pretty rare. From the time I bought the vanguard ghost to the time I got the 306 ghost in the raid, I didn't get a single ghost drop that was decent. And before I bought the vanguard ghost the one I had was something like 230 light. Of course some people have gotten lucky though.
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