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Everything posted by misanthrope304

  1. They are using fusion rifles, sniper rifles, or shotguns most likely. The only time in PvP where the damage output of your weapons matter is in the iron banner. You should see something o. The screen when selecting the destination that shows level upgrades disabled. The crucible itself is an equal playing field, just the weapon stats (impact, range, stability, reload) matter.
  2. Some things about this 3v3 PvP running this weekend. 1- stay close to your fire team, but not too close. You wAnt to be there to assist, but not get taken out with supers. The other team will be rolling together, your team should too. 2- sounds stupid, but you get more points for disabling than capturing on this mode. Let them cap it, go in and kill all 3 and disable their node or whatever, more points 3- if you crouch in the crucible, you will disappear from the minimap. You know the thing in the top left corner, flashes red. Yeah that tells you where the danger is. 4- Fusion rifles are spammed "toofuckingdeath" in PvP, if you haven't noticed already. One shot kills with range. 5- I watched my buddies getting purple "legendary" engrams playing the 3v3 last night, I got an upgraded set of gauntlets that had more light on them to put me up to level 21. There are good item drops in the crucible, you have a chance of getting legendary gear playing it.
  3. God, I hope this game doesn't get microtransactions....
  4. Activision has a stake in this, so past experience tells me you will get little to nothing for free. Mostly on the side of nothing.
  5. http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Events-Inbound/en/News/News?aid=12133 Deej has some interesting comments about this, and some things to expect moving forward. Also, just fyi, I'm gonna end up with $64 in a ghost edition B)
  6. I'll be playing the shit out of this
  7. Spoiler for size, pics below. No story spoilers contained, I promise.
  8. Least shocking post ever Do you just have the caffeine directly pumping into your veins? Not really, just had the normal amount, two cups of coffee in the morning(afternoon) when I woke up and two cans of Pepsi through the day. My two days off this week just so happened to coincide with release of Destiny. I preordered from Amazon, but Ups crushed my ghost edition. I got it tuesday though. The contents are fine, the box is fucked.
  9. You can turn in spinmetal at the vanguard armory for xp, vanguard rep and glimmer. Try to find the golden chests along the way in story mode. Don't try and get to a high level then go back and look for them because the items you get from them won't be on your level. Do the explore/free mode. Collect bounties when you can. If you're not interested in crucible play, stay away from the red ones and focus on the blue/vanguard bounties you can collect in story mode. Farm for glimmer (loot chests around the cosmodrome, moon, Venus, mars) you will be spending a lot of it later on for upgrades. Buying engrams from the cryptarch levels you up with him, so you can purchase higher level/rare/legendary items. I love the shingen c auto rifle. The scout rifle at higher levels is where it's at though for hunters. Do the missions on the hardest difficulty setting you can, you get bonus xp. The crucible is an equal playing field, except the people who have played it more know the map layouts better. Gear/weapons don't get the armor rating/damage bonus that you see in the story mode. I was killed a few times by vastly lower level players. It is purely skill or lack thereof (lack thereof- the assholes who stay on a vehicle or turret to pad their kd instead of trying to complete the objectives). The iron banner however, will be what you want to run your best gear in because whatever modifiers are on your guns/armor will be active. Don't throw away motes of light, you will need that shit later. I've still got a level six warlock and a titan yet to be created, catch me on, I will help get you leveled up. Blade dancer is fucking badass.
  10. I kept getting errors fucking with that, basically there's a run through on how to set it as your clan for whatever platform on page 13-14 I think. I'm not sure about the app. Slimyelbow is good people, joined the alliance.
  11. From what I'm looking at here, the selection is either xbox clan or ps. Not sure if it's glitched or if that's how it will be. We may need to create a second one.
  12. Yes vile Clan is live, although it's a convoluted mess getting it to activate. Go to clans>my groups>set as clan
  13. My ghost edition is out for delivery, I should have went with the ps4 bundle, but I couldn't justify the purchase right now, so I bought two copies of the game. Yeah, I'm fucked up.
  14. Clan - yeah, I don't have an option to do shit at the moment, I think Bungie is working on it, it might be like a day or something Emblems - visit Tess at the post service, there are two vendors there. My spoiler - I was on 3 hours sleep in the previous 40 hours, now I just slept 4 before I was awoken by a loud banging on my door. Where the fuck is my goddamn coffee..and I have a migraine. Jt was worried about server issues. That bitch ran like a "Swiss timepiece" last night Now I'm gonna go pick a fight with Mr coffee and listen for the ups truck Hard mode is very hard. *You know, the original post I just made for this message is such a strange mix of posting while 3/4s asleep and auto-incorrect on this tablet that I feel bad for editing it
  15. Spoiler~ยก I didn't experience any disconnects, and my dsl connection has been fucked for months. Nat is set to moderate, haven't done any port forwarding or static ips. Just stuck the game in the tray, made a sandwich and by the time just was done eating the opening mutagenesis going. I didn't see any server issues. Big test will probably be around 6pm-12am tonight. I'm gonna grab some sleep but Bungie has had their shit together.
  16. Hunter is level 4, Warlock is level 6...blargh need sleep...
  17. preloads in europe would be different, or he had a physical copy... Fuck this, I'm out. Leaving work NOW to go get this shit.
  18. I'll be honest, titan's were boss followed closely by warlock's in the crucible and iron banner play I done. I think it just takes more skill to play with the hunter
  19. Watch out for Bungie employees playing in groups while in crucible play.
  20. Welcome to the group Robert, so which system are you getting this for?
  21. Also, I did this: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/68957907/0/0/1 to an overwhelmingly positive response. the site actually locked up on me for a second when I logged back in and got the feedback.
  22. Pulled this: from here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/destiny for the 360 players, you're going to need 20 gigs. It won't be a problem on my main console where I have internal storage, but I'll be getting two copies (one for the kid), and may pose a problem there. I may need to either 1) buy a new xbox brick drive or 2) buy a new laptop drive, stick it in the brick I already have
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