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Posts posted by ebbie

  1. They aren't serious with that Ascension promo, are they? It's like bad cosplay you avoid at conventions because even you are embarrassed by it. Kratos outta kick the shit of them..Ugh.



    Also, Nikki's shorts are getting smaller and smaller. But how can someone as spotty as Noami be such a bad bumper? That match was suppose to showcase her movez and none of them looked good.

  2. It's funny to think that over the last 35 years, the only two good head coaches the Redskins have had during that span are the same guy. I'd take 90 year old Joe Gibbs at this point.



    Him and Bob arguing on the sidelines would be funny to me at least.

  3. One criticism Nicki is always getting is that records don't sound like her old mixtapes. I think The Pink Print has a lot of sounds to shut people up about that. Esp Win Again.

    Tho I want see what would happened if she worked with a decent producer. None of that Cash Money bullshit because they are all terrible these days and she's the only one with flow that isn't embarrassing to listen to.

  4. Yeah, saw the Green Day thing in the paper this morning. Made me feel old as fuck. :(


    Picked up The Pinkprint by Nicki Minaj (clean version). Shut up. Big fan. Anywho, one of the more annoying things about Nicki's music is the total disconnect between the verses and chorus. It's like they merged two songs. I do prefer when she's more 'popish' over 'rapish.' Overall, too much Drake, too much Lil' Troll and I am not the biggest Beyonce fan, but fucking hell if that song isn't some lazy shit.


    Favorite songs: All Things Go, Trini Dem Girls, Bed of Lies, Win Again.



    And fuck Buy a Heart. It's like every other hip hop song on the radio and it's total shit. Even for Nicki.

  5. The NFC south is still up for grabs as their has to be a winner in bunch of losers. I guess. Man all four teams outta be set on fire.

    Edit: just saw the flop Tabe posted. The reactions make it worth it. The Eagles' coaches are like what the fuck is he thinking? The ref no sells it. And the other guy on the Eagles sidelines look like he just saw his mom's vagina or something.

  6. Us fans of WINNING teams don't crow about it enough to give you guys a reason to hate-watch?

    Nah. I've gotten most Dolphins games this year and my boyfriend keeps asking why I am not watching them. Told him 'fucking dolphins will blow the game.'


    People seem to forget that DB was going no where as just the dude that wrestles. It wasn't until they buit him up as the sneaky little shit that treated his girlfriend like shit that managed to escape with his title until his girlfriend managed to be his down fail.

    But because it was DB and his fans won't accept anything less than super duper wrestler bullshit from him, the story got lost.


    No one forgets this. Stop making up a narrative in your head that doesn't actually exist. I enjoy it to some degree when you bitch about things that are actually, you know, part of reality. This, on the other hand, is tiresome WAH PEOPLE LIKE DANIEL BRYAN AND I WANT TO RUIN THAT FOR THEM bullshit. 



    I am just tired of reading the whole DB got buried argument when, next to Cena and Punk, he was given the most shit to do since 2011. It's mind blowing how he got over because his fans wouldn't accept that DB got squashed at WM when that was the fucking point. Then to bitch about being with Kane and other shit that every main event talent has gone through really makes it 'blech.'

  8. Is it wrong to think, as a forum, that we have stopped giving a shit about football this season? I only got 3 explanations:


    1) We need to find teams that don't suck to root for.


    2) The way the NFL has handle the bullshit off the field


    3) The fans of good teams are too busy drinking and celebrating.


    Mine is reason numba 2. Tho my team does suck hard when they want to. <_<

  9. Leonardo DiCaprio is too busy going home with 20 supermodels every night to star in some mediocre biopic about an over-rated businessman whose legacy is as much built on shitty Chinese sweatshops and child labor as it is technological innovations.


    Poor Leo.



    Also, watched See No Evil, Hear No Evil tonight. Wilder and Pryor are a hoot. This was probably shot during the peak Pryor's drug addiction, but I was so impressed with the way his eyes barely blinked though the whole movie.




    Next: he tries to romance Goldie Hawn.



    "She may have no tits, but at least she has a nice ass."


    (my first born goes to whoever gets that line..)



    Somebody please answer! We gotta save that kid!




    Hey, I didn't even watch the show. I choose See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Mouse Hunt on Netflix.

  11. I haven't watched WWE in months, but decided to order the network for the PPV. I just don't see Ambrose as a main event guy. He wasn't even that over in his home state. And his punches are awful. You guts are obsessed with worked punches, but love Ambrose? Have Mercury and Noble been wrestling? That was an awesome surprise.



    I really think Ambrose's problem is everything is a big fucking deal to him. He got called an asshole, he pulls out his "something got shoved up his asshole" face. Someone said he has pretty eyes, there he goes with his "look how bugged out I can make my eyes look!" face. Someone just coughs because they just have to cough, "uh oh! i'm going to get the flu! EWW! gross germs!!!" Lord help me, do I fucking hate his facial expressions. That pic they used in the banner was fucking goofy. If everything is a big fucking deal, then nothing is a big fucking deal.


    He is a terrible striker.

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  12. People seem to forget that DB was going no where as just the dude that wrestles. It wasn't until they buit him up as the sneaky little shit that treated his girlfriend like shit that managed to escape with his title until his girlfriend managed to be his down fail.

    But because it was DB and his fans won't accept anything less than super duper wrestler bullshit from him, the story got lost.

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    My thinking is that they won't strap him with the rocket if they have someone like Reigns instead.  I think he'll end up as an upper mid-carder/occasional main event babyface.  It's been obvious Vince is reluctant to go with the guy as a main stud.  Even after he got the strap and got put over by three of the biggest WWE guys ever, they ended up booking him to run away from Kane in their program.



    I still hate how the internet thinks DB got the short end of the stick during his run.

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