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Stay Gold

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Posts posted by Stay Gold

  1. I hope he sells Etheric Light again next time. You just have to be in the tower during the reset, correct? I'll probably try that the next time IB comes around. Set an alarm and wake up 10 minutes before or something like that. 

  2. I hit rank 5 with my Warlock, and I'm about to hit 5 with my hunter. Got my titan to 3 and will leave her at that rank.  I just started a new job last week so I didn't think I'd make this much progress. The weekend buffs and the bounties really helped. Used Etherics on Vision of Confluence, Fang of Ir Yut and the Blackhammer so far. 2 more waiting in the vault. And hopefully one more by tomorrow.


    POE 34 was easy this week, and the first time we actually finished one. Pretty happy about that.

  3. Running VoG taught me that I need to better stock myself on consumables. I just never try to spend glimmer despite having well over 20k.


    I also have avoided IB because I was never leveled well enough in Crucible or am particularly great at Crucible, but I might see if I can at least rank up to 2 or 3 over the weekend.


    I think I am going to put a feeler out to run CE tomorrow night.


    I'm not a regular Crucible player, but Iron Banner is worth it. Getting to rank 3 will take you 2-3 days. Once you're rank 3, you can buy that Etheric Light. It's a guarantee as long as you're willing to put in the time. 

  4. Really excited. Fallout 3 was my very first PS3 game and I loved it so much. Never got to play New Vegas because I was out of the country that year. This kinda makes me wanna pick it up on the cheap just to get in the Fallout mindset before the new one comes out.


    What a sweet trailer. Love that they're still using music by the Inkspots. As soon as their signature song intro started, I was smiling from ear to ear.

  5. Yeah, my goal for today was getting to rank 1, but I did that in just two matches. Forgot to wear my shader and the emblem on the first match, but now I'm all decked out. Should be rank 2 before the night ends. Only lost one match so far.

  6. Yes, it makes me one cheesey bastard, but I just used the Iron Banner glitch to score 2 etheric lights.

    It's good to be a cheesey bastard sometimes.


    I wouldn't feel bad at all, dude. I had "video game integrity" towards Destiny for like 2 months. Cutting corners is sometimes necessary to have the most fun in this game. Smaller grind = less stress. Had no idea about the IB glitch. Good for you.

  7. My cousin, who's just a casual WWE and Puerto Rican wrestling fan, texted me last night with "Yo do you like Kevin Owens?" and just raved about his performance saying he "loved how he beats Cena down every time" and that he's the best wrestler he's seen in a while. Pretty cool. I hadn't seen the match at that point and didn't really read his text as a spoiler, so I was still surprised/amazed that he won. 

  8. I finally paired with a good group of guys via Reddit and attempted VoG on Normal for the first time Wow, that is quite the experience. I think it too us about 3 hours to run through it, but I rolled Icebreaker after Atheon was taken down. I'm not a great Sniper player, but I can definitely learn it for Destiny. I guess I will attempt CE next weekend.


    I'm happy to say I finally was able to give it a run.

    Crota's End is a lot easier than VOG. Should be no problem and will take you much less than 3 hours. An hour and a half at the most. And if you get the Blackhammer out of it, you're golden.


    Congrats on the Icebreaker. Definitely one of the best guns in the game.

  9. I do really enjoy combat and how abilities work in the game.


    Having a blast with The Witcher. Reminds me of my experience with Mass Effect.


    I'm finding that it's best to spend your ability points on magic. Maxing out the 1st quick strike tier is a given, but after that, magic is the way to go. At least for me. Finally made it to the 3rd town. 


    Spent 6 straight hours just doing secondary and contract missions yesterday. Can't remember the last time I lost track of time and played something all day. The Baron's quest in particular is a lot of fun. Pretty dark too.

  10. Sounds like you need to make some friends who are competent Destiny players. Competent friends make everything better.


    Either that, or calm down. 


    Speaking of, I cleared the Nightfall last night with mine. Only took two tries, surprisingly. Obviously hoping for some etheric light, but none of us got it. I got an exotic Titan chest piece that's no good for me unless I ever get around to leveling up my alt mule.


    I think Sepiks is a good Nightfall, especially if you have a Blackhammer. Just go up the stairs to the left and take cover, while making sure to occasionally watch out for shanks that come upstairs.


    There's also a spot to in the back of the map that makes it almost impossible for the Walker to get you. And the fallen don't bother you in that spot either. Icebreaker or Blackhammer are perfect for that part as well. 


    Of course - the game boned us on more than one occassion defusing the bombs on Wave 4. I thought Mis was going to chuck his entire unit out the window.



    The arc wave is horrible. We take out the wizard and boomer that come out near the center right away, once the 2nd wave starts. Helps big time.


    I got most of my keys chest farming. Have yet to get a key from POE. None of my friends have either. Kinda frustrating.

  12. I'm now level 34 thanks to Variks' chest piece. Not crazy about strength stats but I'll deal with it for now. After failing to beat POE 34 last week, my morale is pretty high again.


    Looking forward to destroying Sepiks Prime any minute now.

  13. I'm playing both Destiny and Witcher at the moment. Witcher is more of a stress reliever while Destiny is a bit of a stress inducer. Still though, the hunt to level 34 is addictive. Got a Gjallarhorn for the very first time today, and I've been playing this since the beginning pretty much.

    • Like 1
  14. I was all excited to buy my exotic helmet engrams so I can get the exotic shard.

    And then Xur proceeded to give my a Helm of Saint 14 and a Celestial Nighthawk.

    Dammit Xur! Stop giving me stuff I want to keep!


    Apparently, Celestial Nighthawk is pretty OP for bosses. I read an article on Kotaku about it, then went and bought a helmet Engram, and sure enough I got one too. Also got an Eternal Warrior helm for my titan. Although I never use the titan, the helmet is too cool looking to break down. 



    The level 34 is pretty damn viscous, took us well over an hour the first time because we kept wiping on the boss. We knew what to expect for the next one and we knocked it out in maybe 50 mins. The worst part is definitely round 4 trying to defuse the mines while Arc Burn is on, Wizards and Knights pretty much one shot you. In the end we'd send the hunter with his invisibility to get the far end and middle mines and the other 2 to just tough it out on the 3rd.


    This is exactly what gave us the most trouble that we had to quit. We did everything decently up until that part. Our hunter was a 32 which helped us for the mines in the previous rounds, but it wasn't enough to help us for the arc burn round cause he would just die instantly from splash damage, so he switched to his 33 warlock for an extra radiance. We almost made it about 4 times, but by then it was already 1:30am and we had burned several hours just on that round. It was so hard giving up knowing the last boss was just a round away. Kudos for pulling it off. 

  15. Be careful with Witcher 3, the game will suck you in and you will spend hours of your life on it.


    Boy, really digging the game, though graphically it doesn't look and move quite as good as I hoped.  CD Projekt Red basically admitted the game is downgraded from the trailers and they juice up the visuals for the trailers but can't maintain that level of visuals for an open world game, which isn't a big deal, but whatever.


    If I have a problem with Witcher 3, I'm not a huge fan of the crafting.  I know that's an RPG thing, but I find the crafting system too overwrought.  Not to mention you need tons of materials to craft what you want that are few and far between. And there never seems to be enough money in the coffers between repairing your weaponry, paying smith to dismantle random items into new materials that still doesn't become what you need for crafting, etc.


    I'm also digging Witcher 3, and don't mind the graphics downgrade. I can't really tell the difference, really, but I also didn't watch every trailer or many gameplay videos in the lead up to its release. But this grabbed me right away. This will probably end up being what I wanted Dragon Age: Inquisition to be.


    I haven't gotten too far into it to get overwhelmed by crafting, so my only complaint right now has to do with movement/controls. But it's something that I'll probably/hopefully get used to over time. Really dig how Geralt automatically uses the appropriate sword depending on the situation.

    • Like 1
  16. We wasted 4 hours of our lives on level 34 Prison of Elders. Brutally hard. Got up to the very final wave before the boss. But the objective waves are the worst part of it, especially since we were all Warlocks. The arc burn in round 4 was just too much for us also. Was really hoping I could reach my character to level 34 today, but I'll forget about even attempting POE at 34, and instead focus on Armor Cores every week and Nightfalls to gain that extra level. I'll return to 34 POE much later.


    I definitely prefer Raids. Partly because of the week-long check points. With POE, it's one shot or you have to do it over again next time.  

  17. Level 28 POE has matchmaking, but 32, 34 and 35 don't. I don't think you can get Etheric Light in a level 28 POE.


    Crossing my fingers I'll get lucky again with the Nightfall on my secondary character to get another Etheric. Might also attempt the 34 POE tonight as well, which I think is a guaranteed Etheric.

  18. Not for exotics. You need Etheric Light to upgrade Legendaries for their new damage or defense stats. Exotics are much easier to re-upgrade. All you need is an exotic shard. Let's say you have a fully upgraded Exotic helmet at light 36. Right off the bat, you can ascend that helmet to light 42 by using the shard in the perks menu. Same concept for Exotic guns. You can also ascend an Exotic you haven't fully upgraded previously, but you'll then need to grind experience to get it to its full level, of course.

    • Like 1
  19. Besides the guaranteed armor core, I ended up getting better rewards at the level 28 Prison of Elders than the level 32 Prison of Elders. The difficulty spike is unreal though. 


    What's the deal with Varicks? Does his stock change weekly? Because his gauntlets don't fit my play style at all and I'd rather save my armor core for something more valuable to me.


    Edit: Regarding the mid match exotic shard - I'm guessing he/she broke down an exotic they weren't going to use, in order to ascend another fully upgraded item for the new stats. Maybe they were confident this would be a difference maker in the round.

  20. I'm level 33 so far. Being treated nicely after a 2 month hiatus from Destiny. Got an Etheric Light from the Nightfall, which by the way, is the hardest Nightfall so far. Have that Radiance ready if you're a Warlock.


    First thing I did when logging on was use up my old exotic shards to ascend  some exotic gear and exotic guns to their new stats.


    Haven't tried the Prison of Elders yet but I have 3 keys ready. I'm digging this expansion, but Witcher is coming in the mail tomorrow so I'm going to try not to get sucked into Destiny like I used to be. 

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