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Posts posted by OSJ

  1. 41 minutes ago, The Natural said:

    After everything by THAT in his term of office, the fucked up 2020 we all got through, yesterday GMT time was really something. A new low. Couldn't believe what I was watching. Still cant. This incitement over democracy. What a shit time of it in the USA and here in the UK too. Virtual hugs y'all, Paul xxx.

    Thanks for the virtual hug, bro! Needed that. Here's the bright spot, there is less than two weeks for the orange shit-gibbon to try and undermine democracy as it is practiced here. I'm old enough to have lived through two terms of Richard M. Nixon and if we got through that, we can get through anything. Despite approximately 50% of my countrymen being too stupid to put the toilet seat up when they have to piss, we are a rather resilient people and I have high hopes for the next three terms of the POTUS, in which we will see the first woman as POTUS (and a woman of color at that) and the oldest POTUS ever having the most remarkable one-term presidency ever. Yeah, I'm thinking four years of Biden and eight years of Harris. One of the talking heads today proclaimed that the era of Mitch McConnell is over and that the Republicans need to rally around their leaders of the future such as Marco Rubio... After I stopped laughing I realized that the guy was serious. Look, if Marco Rubio is your future you probably want to be considering a long walk on a short pier, just sayin'...

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  2. 14 minutes ago, El Gran Gordi said:

    Well, I just have to get this all off of my chest. That just has to have been the worst pro wrestling TV show of all time.

    You start with The Young Bucks and SoCal Uncensored vs The Acclaimed and The Hybrid 2: Just a total mess. Too many guys in the ring, too many moves. C'mon lads. It's a tag match. Shine, heat, hot tag, finish. It's not hard. The fact that this clusterbomb heated up the crowd just proves that AEW fans are blind supporters who don't understand how pro wrestling actually works.

    Wardlow vs Jake Hager was a real showcase for Wardlow's agility and Hager's technical wrestling. That makes me very uncomfortable. Big men should exclusively work as big men. Some forearm smashes, an avalanche or two in the corner, maybe a sidewalk slam or something. I guess it's Tony Khan's lousy booking that forces these guys to work like individuals.

    The main problem with Cody Rhodes vs Matt Sydal is this: Why is Snoop Dog coming out with Cody Rhodes, who is his costar on a show that Snoop was here to promote? They should have used Snoop to get someone more deserving over. Also, Cody is a Rhodes, why isn't he using the bionic elbow and the flip, flop, and fly? (And if I can break gimmick for just a second: Holy cow do I ever like the Snooped-up version of Cody's theme! That's going into my workout mix as soon as I can get hold of it, assuming I can).

    AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida or Riho or Tay Conti, it's impossible to tell (c) vs Abadon: How many female wrestling zombies does AEW have on the roster? One. How many female wrestlers do they have where their whole entire gimmick is that they are from Japan or Portugal or someplace weird? It's like half the ladies roster! How can you expect those foreign ladies to ever stand out when so many of them have the exact same gimmick? 

    Then Sting comes into the ring and it starts snowing? Sure, like I'm supposed to believe that. 

    AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) w/ Don Callis vs Rey Fenix: When will horrible booker Tony Khan ever learn that putting Kenneth Schmo-mega in the main even is ratings death? And then they end the show with a shout out to a gimmick that comes from China or Brazil or someplace weird like that? How do they expect anyone but the miniscule handful of fans who watch foreign wrestling to care about that?

    Also, Omega and Fénix really beat the hell out of each other. That makes me uncomfortable. Little guys should exclusively do low-impact flippy stuff. 

    And now Fénix has lost a championship match, so nobody will ever care to watch him wrestle ever again. What a waste! I like that young man, he reminds me of Tito Santana...












    I am Good Ole Just El Gran Goodear of Culture.


    ban plz ?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, EVA said:

    Yeah, it absolutely beggars belief that Capitol police were overwhelmed or taken off guard by this mob.  They were complicit in this, as that video seems to prove.

    We're likely going to get this shut down for being political, but what the hell... As Kathy and I re-watched the footage it became obvious to us. The Capitol police are some seriously bad MFs, due to who and what they are charged with protecting, their training is a bit different than that of other police departments; they are trained to shoot first and do the paperwork later, they do not fuck around with warning shots or "freeze" commands, they fuck you up real badly. This has "inside job" stamped all over it, you cannot convince me that the Capitol police didn't know this was coming and had orders to stand down or stand aside, whatever... Otherwise the Senate chamber would be inches deep in blood and spent cartridges.

    • Like 8
  4. On 12/31/2020 at 5:17 PM, Burgundy LaRue said:

    I suppose I've reached the closed-in recluse portion of my life. Which would have happened with or without a pandemic. 

    I wish I could say I'm looking forward to something. It's not cynicism. It's not indifference. Resignation? I guess so.

    It doesn't help that my health isn't great these days. Not much I can do about that until I'm working again, though.

    I'm glad DVDVR is still a sanctuary for so many. I'm not as down on the place as I was several months ago, but a few around here left a bad mark. Even some who I got along with for years.

    I dipped my toe back into the wrestling section. It's much better than it was, thankfully.

    I don't hate it here, and I hope I don't come across that way. I have good memories. Maybe I'll have more one day. 

    Wishing everyone a happy 2021. 

    Ah, being a closed-in recluse has its advantages (at least here in a small town). On one of my very limited forays into the public I get treated like royalty. (Though I suppose that being recognized and treated like royalty by Asst. Pharmacists, RNs, and Physicians' Assts. has a bit of a dark side to it if you stop and think about it..)

    Anyway, here's hoping all my peeps here are having a good start to 2021, the preceding year was pretty much a blight that we need to collectively forget as a species.

    • Like 2
  5. Damn it to hell, I just spent some thirty minutes writing a post covering J.L.'s excellent taste, the impressive writing talents of Joe Abercrombie and Scott Lynch, and digressing into the works of the publishing biz and the damn board ate my post. Obviously, I shall blame Rippa.

    • Sad 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, J.H. said:

    August will finally see the release of The Thorn of Emberlain (aka Gentleman Bastasrds Vol. 4) so that's on the list. I still have to get the last 2 Dresden Books so my queue is filling uick


    Ah, this is welcome news indeed! I suppose I should start subscribing to Locus again. When I hear about new books from favorite authors on WRESTLING message boards, obviously something has broken down somewhere (possibly the fact that I haven't attended a Con since 2006 has something to do with it), anyway, the other example was that a new Joe Abercrombie book came out in September and I heard about it only because a fellow poster listed his Christmas gifts on Wrestling Classics. When I'm four+ months late to the table to buy a book that I will insist on following the flag and buying only the English edition, as "simultaneous release with the US" still means that the UK was first as US bookstores hadn't opened yet when UK editions were on the shelves and being sold. Even if they started selling at the same minute, you "follow the flag" and buy whichever edition is from the author's home country, and since Joe Abercrombie is a Scot... For collectors here, the only time that you make an exception is with pre-WWI books, which had "Colonial Editions", meaning that copies sent to Canada, India, Australia, etc. often arrived before the official release date and booksellers not giving a fig about what the publishers thought, would shelve the books for sale as soon as they arrived, making the "Colonial Edition" the true first. This makes a big difference, for example the "Colonial Edition" of Dracula has been determined to be the true first making it worth something like $35,000.00 more than the UK first (which had formerly been thought to be the first until a "Colonial Edition" showed up.) Thre, how's that for on-topic thread de-railing? ?

  7. On 9/30/2020 at 9:50 PM, The Natural said:

    What are you looking forward to in 2021?


    Always liked tattoos but never got round to having one. Might next year, a tribute piece to my much missed Mum.


    Ditto. Over the years I thought about it many, many times but the end result was always the same, there would be an expensive book that I'd been searching for come suddenly available and so much for the tattoo. Now that I've made it to 63 sans ink, I just don't see the point. Rather than the internal dialogue and debate, I just go straight to abebooks.com and have done with it. (Reminds me that there was a new Joe Abercrombie novel out in September that I still need to pick up.) Arguably the finest fantasy writer working today!

    • Like 1
  8. On 12/28/2020 at 6:27 PM, Matt D said:

    Would anyone really be surprised if, after decades of this, Wade doesn't actually read Bruce's stuff before it goes up?

    I actually find it a bit surprising that anyone reads Bruce's stuff at any time. I haven't read the Torch since JDW stopped writing for it. His prose is painfully dry, but loads of good information. On the other hand, I can't recall a single thing that Mitchell ever wrote that had a shred of merit.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 22 hours ago, odessasteps said:

    I meant the viking prince book. 

    There is a Viking Prince book? Is it the classic Joe Kubert stuff from The Brave & the Bold? That would be a must-have. The old B & the B with The Silent Knight & The Viking Prince was great stuff. I was given several issues by my older cousin, wish I still had them...

  10. 5 hours ago, AxB said:

    He's actually worse now, than he was when he was on here. He's decided he's an internet tough guy, so if anyone criticises him (and he goes all out to invite criticism) he's all "PM me your address and we'll settle this". Dude is in his mid 40s by now, and I've met eight year olds with more emotional maturity.

    Mid 40s? I was thinking he had to be pushing fifty, Snowden's not THAT much younger than I am. I'd be happy to send him my address, I haven't kicked anyone in the head for a bit and he seems like a good target.

  11. In a year that can't get over with soon enough, I'm sad to report that horror fiction lost a true icon. According to his secretary, Guy N. Smith passed away Christmas Eve in England from Covid. He was hospitalized after a fall on December 7 and contracted the disease in the hospital. The author of over 100 books including Crabs, Crabs on a Rampage, The Sucking Pit, & The Slime Beast; Smith was never going to be confused with a great writer, but damn, he was a FUN writer. Among his 100+ books on a couple of treatises on fishing and fowling in the UK, which are said to be essentials for folks into that sort of thing. If you've never read him, grab any random book, doesn't matter which one, they are all a blast! He will be missed!

  12. 11 hours ago, Craig H said:

    Snowden/Evil Clown from here can go fuck right off too with his "I thought it was brave of you to write it" comment to Bruce Mitchell. There was nothing "brave" about what Bruce wrote. It was fucking stupid. Snowden is about the least bright bulb out there. Feels like he's a hair away from coming back on here to proliferate his dumb as fuck MMA opinionz.

    Snowden has always been a jerk. He thinks that because he wrote an instantly-remaindered book on MMA that he's some sort of expert. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, twiztor said:

    i've said for years that it's pretty "miraculous" that HBK's back was so bad he couldn't wrestle for years, but just when his contract was up and he was about to stop getting paid, he could work a full time schedule again.

    i've pondered for a long time whether the "back injury" was an excuse to get out of his contract so he could join his buddies in WCW. or at least, to what extent the damage was.

    Wanna bet he had the same back doctor as Ric Rude?

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Pete said:

    Bradley-Tulane 1982

    This was tacked on at the end of an old (1982) Bradley game I was just watching. Now you can endure my horror as well.

    Well, that's easily the most offensive thing I've seen today and considering that someone posted some shit from GWAR in another thread, that's covering a lot of ground. Fortunately, my wife who is full-blooded Navajo is in the other room as monitors can be expensive and I have no desire to go to the mall on Christmas Eve.

    • Like 1
  15. 50 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

    I don't want anybody rapping to the ring. And I love a lot of hip hop. 

    Luchasaurus actually looked good in the ring last night for once besides the standing moonsault. All he needs to do is run over guys and throw Stunt around. It's not that hard.

    Stunt needs to be thrown around early and often.

    • Like 2
  16. 15 minutes ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    Body shaming isn't cool, but it's also cool depending on the person and whether you like that person for their beliefs? Is that not a slippery slope?

    Anyway, I don't put that much stock into NBA twitter (very much like "Black twitter" is not representative of all black Twitter) and how that goes into deciding who should open up the show or not. You know why? If we're doing it on a minute by minute basis, they're going to find something they don't like. You start off with the most straight lace, non offensive thing you have and the expectation is you ease them into the crazy, bizarre stuff? That's not going to be the show EVERY WEEK. The best AEW can hope for really is put on an awesome show that's full of variety and hope for the best. You hope the matches are up to the snuff, and fans seeing you for the first time like the presentation. Otherwise, this may not be for you.

    Ghost ninjas, dinosaurs, and wrestling dentists! That should tick all the boxes, if it doesn't, go back to watching a bunch of tall, gangling freaks who can't hit a curveball playing in an empty arena. 

    As for the pics of Shamrock and Jericho, certainly one is in much better shape, now ask yourself who is more entertaining.

    • Like 2
  17. 13 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

    RIP to Leslie. Climbing and Nantucket Sleighride are awesome. It's a shame the only thing Mountain ever got known for is "Mississippi Queen". 

    Not that there's anything wrong with  "Mississippi Queen", but "Nantucket Sleighride" is the best album that Felix Pappalardi ever produced and that's saying something. RIP big man, you will be missed!

    Ah, to be 16 again driving around at midnight with  "Mississippi Queen" blasting on the tape-deck.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Technico Support said:

    Hey guys, remember when Jericho cut a promo about him and Hager going for the tag belts?

    I love AEW bug god damn do they just abandon angles sometimes.




    You misunderstood, he said they were going out to get "bag belts", that is to say belts to hold their man-bags. Glad I could clear that up for you!

    • Haha 1
  19. Just fuck this year! I'm still getting over John Prine passing and now we've lost one of my guitar heroes. Leslie West could come out and sit down and blow pretty much anyone off the stage. His like will not pass this way again in my lifetime.

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