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Posts posted by FourPostMassacre

  1. 23 hours ago, John from Cincinnati said:

    Even in that sparsely-replied-to Dynamite thread, here's someone correctly assessing it and getting a decent amount likes seemingly endorsing that assessment. 

    I'm sure there's even more of that in other heavily populated parts of the internet. Plenty of people knew the second it came out of Page's mouth. Punk drew greater attention to it, but it's demonstrably false to say "no one even had a clue."

    “One guy speculated what was actually the truth and 6 people liked his post and maybe people somewhere else on the internet thought the same. “

    No one had a clue. 

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, Casey said:

    I dunno, I think Page is partially to blame here. The difference in Punk’s programs before Hangman was that the shooty stuff was agreed upon beforehand - which is obvious since Kingston and MJF weren’t the target of his gripebomb or anything. But Hangman decided to say fuck that and did it while he was in a feud with their top guy (that’ll probably ruffle feathers, but it’s true). And it’s not like he stepped out of bounds and mentioned something innocent, he did the one thing there was probably a rule about not mentioning.

    I love Hangman as the leftist babyface, but that wasn’t very cool. Especially if nobody has proof that Punk tried to convince Khan to fire or demote Cabana.

    No one even had a clue about Hangman’s colt jab in that promo until he called Hangman out. 

    Trying to pin this on Hangman to baby face  Punk has to be one of the dumber things I’ve heard since this all went down. 

    Maybe in 5-10 year you can Mandela effect that shit or something but otherwise Punk is just a guy with the largest and at the same time most fragile ego in the wrestling business. 


    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, odessasteps said:

    Did all the people that now seemingly hate Phil feel that way when he came in and popped ratings and buy ratesfir the company? 

    I mean, it was always TK making a Faustian pact that was probably going to end in flames, right? 

    Doesn’t matter what anyone has to say about him. He is his own worst enemy.

    Hope he gets some help for it.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, JohnnyJ said:

    It's important to keep in mind that the way we view wrestlers through a body of work didn't exist when they were actually wrestling. Outside of very small circles, there was no wrestling criticism. It would be inconceivable to 1987 Ric Flair that his matches would be collected and debated. From that perspective, why shouldn't Flair go to the same well over and over again if that's what works from a drawing/engagement perspective? What else matters to 1987 Ric Flair?

    Which brings us to Bret. Bret was at least a generation ahead of his time. He was the outlier. When you start comparing other wrestlers to Bret just about everyone looks bad.  

    I love Bret as much as the next person on this board but one thing he lacked that Flair had by the boatload was Charisma. Bret came off very likeable but Flair never needed that extra help from the machine that was WWF that hammered home Bret was the guy. Flair accomplished the same just doing promos. 

    In some ways I wonder if Bret isn’t more responsible for the MOVEZ~! mindset then people realize. Also helps he never turned out to be a garbage human being like so many of his peers. 

    • Like 2
  5. On 10/16/2022 at 6:03 AM, zendragon said:

    Long matches are in wrestling are like music going from Vinyl to digital. Two sides of Vinyl is about 40 minutes, better give em your best stuff. Sure occasionally you would get a Physical Graffiti but for the most part you have Long Live Rock n Roll short all killer no filler. Then we get CD about 70 minutes so its cool that you get Number of The Beast with Total Eclipse added back in. Now we have digital which is the equivalent of 40+ Adam Cole ROH title matches, every one wants to do these 100 minute albums just for the fuck of it


    [b]RVD v Jerry Lynn inspired a LOT of copycatism  in the post ECW early 2000's indy scene, particularly that counter-counter-counter karate stance spots that was cool when he first saw it and then got done to death[/b]


    On the first point you can kinda tell who was watching what when they when 15ish. Vets in their late 30's/40's (FTR/Punk) idolize Bret Hart

    People in their earlier 30's or late 20s like Sasha or Britt Baker grew up on post attitude era / ruthless aggression era. they look up to Jericho and Eddie (and probably Benoit pre tragedy but nobody says that out loud)

    And yes The American Dragon is the Hero of the Zoomers!

    As for Cinematic matches. With the death of the house show business I wonder if we don't go back to studio wrestling in some format? Instead of NWA taping in converted casino ballrooms (or what ever they do) I'm waiting for one of these media companies with a streaming service to start a new Lucha Underground (I watches LU on Netflix & Tubi not on first run) build a set that looks decent on a soundstage you all ready own or a warehouse somewhere on the east side of LA and just run tapings.

    The “Indy Staredown”.  

    Anyone else remember when Bret Hart was considered Mr. 5 moves of doom?

    Crazy how he’s grown in to this mythical worker in people’s minds now compared to how he was viewed in the past. 

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Craig H said:

    And no, the shell doesn't need to stay together. A corn tortilla from a bag of 50 of em thrown onto a griddle or plancha to warm up just enough is good enough. Part of the fun is trying to get the taco filling into your mouth before it falls apart and even if it does fall apart, you have finger food for yourself. 

    Peeeko day gallow. Christ. The fuck are they doing?

    This upsets me more than it should. And yes, Sue and Mel would never and Sue and Mel forever.


    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1
  7. Watched The Killer last night and the subtitles are actually pretty good at least when it comes to wording and general grammar. Picture quality is a little rough but still an upgrade over my old HKL dvd that’s in a box somewhere.

    One thing that really got me though was in the HKL subs Danny Lee and CYF’s nicknames for each other in the subtitles were Runt and some else similar I’m forgetting. On the HK Blu-ray CYF’s nickname is Mickey Mouse and Lee’s is Dumbo. So I couldn’t help but grin a bit when Danny Lee is dramatically yelling for CYF at the end of the movie and the subtitles are like “MICKEY MOUSE”.

    Still a classic flick. My favorite Woo with Hard Boiled a close second but I’m gonna have to rewatch HB soon to see if that still rings true.

  8. Got my HK Blu-ray’s surprisingly quick so I am about to go on a Tsui Hark marathon! 

    Got two personal favorites, Peking Opera Blues and The Killer. Yes I know he just produced the latter but I’m lumping it in.

    Also got the Chinese Ghost Story box set which I don’t think ever had a good release during the dvd boom so it’s a series that has alluded me till now. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, John from Cincinnati said:

    As much as we all wish it was real, that appears to be a fake tweet.

    Maybe he says that in his Youtube review of the show, but there's no way I'm watching it. 

    Kind of sums up the takes for this show though. I mean I am sure the usual losers on YouTube have been enjoying making 10 videos a day about this show but other then that the general consensus among the actual fans I have seen is that it either looks like a show for them or it doesn’t. 

    Personally when I saw the twerking thing I was just surprised twerking was still a thing. ? 

  10. 21 hours ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    I love that RIPPA posted the trailer for the new Walter Hill film and someone is talking about the time they saw 48 Hrs in the theaters as a kid. Just for the racism component alone with Nick Nolte, I would say your parents made a dubious decision at best. Still one of my favorite films of all time just for James Horner's Ennio Morricone lite score alone, but that's not something you let your kid see.

    Re: Whitney

    I stated this in past and I saw Dolfan say the same thing recently: I don't want to see "Your Wikipedia Entry: The Movie". For me at least, I take most of these biopics with a grain of salt anyway especially now when it seems like the estates are heavily invested in the cash grab. I mean they've been working on a Richard Pryor biopic for at least 15 years after he passed away. Guess what? They made a biopic already. It was called Jo Jo Dancer: Your Life is Calling. That's his story and the most honest portrayal we're ever going to get. That doesn't mean Mike Epps or Marlon Wayans or whoever else was rumored to play him wouldn't have done an admirable job. However, no one is going to top Richard Pryor playing himself or Debbie Allen's brief but unforgettable cameo in the film. It won't happen. Films are made entirely different now.

    On top of that, it feels like people are trying to play it safe (with a few exceptions) instead of going the way of the 70s, 80s, and 90s by weaponizing biopics. If you're of a certain age, your only reference for Joan Crawford is Faye Dunaway in Mommie Dearest. If I didn't know better, I would think Laurence Fishburne IS Ike Turner. I mean 95% of black people seem to think he is. There are more pictures of Larry as Ike Turner than Ike Turner based on the memes. And that's sort of the issue of depicting folks as over the top cartoon characters instead of actual people. Fishburne did an AMAZING job, but now spousal abuse is a meme because he made some amazing faces with that ridiculous mod haircut wig. What should have been Tina telling her truth is now reduced to memes thirty years later because Hollywood got way too creative with the storytelling. A lot of that stuff didn't happen (matter of fact, a lot of the timelines don't add up as well). Based on what actually did happen, they could have made the same film with a more resounding effect especially for women who have been abused. On one hand, I don't want to see sequential events with some passable acting. On the other hand, I don't want to see real people made caricatures when the truth would have sufficed. 

    I saw 48 hours as a kid and it wasn’t till I saw it again as an adult that I noticed all the racism. Not trying to say when your a kid it all flies over your head but I was watching the movie for Eddie Murphy so Nolte was the secondary background character for me. 


  11. 23 hours ago, Technico Support said:

    It’s just amazing to me that Punk, who was always seen as anti-establishment, Indy first, DIY, blah blah blah, has become the same old carny shithead we’ve always seen throughout the history of wrestling, right down to the stupid belief that you haven’t done shit in this business unless you’ve made it in New York.  Who in the mid 2000s, watching Punk on the indies, would have been able to call that?  Who would have figured Punk for a “pull up the ladder” type?  Shit’s wild.


    Fuck this guy. Tried to go to UFC so he could get a Brock deal out of WWE. Did so well there he managed to get an appearance on “The Bump” out of it. 
    Now he thinks he’s Undertaker Jr. backstage in AEW. Why would I take advice from a guy who did a top rope elbow for like a decade plus that only got worse every time he tried it?

    • Like 1
  12. Feel like this sums up the reporting on this since this happened. 

    Tbf TK has gotten a lot of shit over this but he’s kept the details under wrap pretty tight. 

    -Nick Jackson got knocked out by a flying chair. 
    -Ace Steel bit Kenny Omega’s hair. 

    -People involved may be suspended or fired. 
    -Punk wants to settle this in wrestler’s court. 

    Ok I made the last one up ? 

    Kind of like I think reporters are just making up/guessing on the suspensions/firings based on “a melee”..

    • Like 4
  13. Been trying to wrap my head around the colt-mom bank account comment since I read it. The only not shitty thing I could get out of it was that Punk was inferring that the bank account made him aware Colt was actually loaded when it came to money from his family and his whole journeyman struggling studio apartment podcasting wrestler deal was bullshit he was keeping from his “best friend” whom he had made money from and was seeking money for legal troubles.  

    Either way what a miserable human being. Just won the world title and all he can do is piss and moan. 

  14. 16 hours ago, colonial said:

    Two movies originally set for HBO Max will get theater releases after all.

    LeBron James' "House Party" reboot opens Dec. 9

    "Evil Dead Rise" opens Apr. 21, 2023


    The HBO Max "Christmas Story" sequel, "A Christmas Story Christmas," premieres on the streamer Nov. 17.

    House Party? Leave the memories alone. 

    • Like 2
  15. 24 minutes ago, just drew said:

    Why would anyone try Eddie Kingston like that? I am 1000% sure he has watched other men take their last breaths because of something he did to them. I’m not saying he’s killed someone. But I’m also not not saying it.

    You do know Urban Wrestling Federation was a work right? 

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Krone Meltzer said:

    I thought the reason signs went away was because cell phones became popular and people can't hold a sign and a cell phone at the same time (I mean you could, but it may be a little difficult). Probably also coupled with the fact that wrestling isn't "pop culture cool" anymore so people don't think their buddy and their buddies buddy are all watching to see the sign.

    No that’s why lighters went away(along with less people smoking ofc).

    Signs stopped because average WWE fans just aren’t as passionate as they were back then. 

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