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Posts posted by FourPostMassacre

  1. 17 hours ago, Gordlow said:

    I would, absolutely, stop watching if AEW split into WWE-esque "brands."

    Possibly, I would go back to only watching live shows (in Osaka), Secret Santo matches (matches I am given and matches I'm considering giving to others), and WK and select G1 shows on streaming services. Which is where I think I was before AEW started up. Maybe I wasn't doing Secret Santo then? But I still would have been watching semi-random weird matches on YouTube that were recommended by friends or that showed up in my feed. Which is pretty similar to Secret Santo, minus the mandatory write-ups.

    That would free up a lot of time every week, so once I got over the shattering disappointment over AEW turning into WWE I think I'd be able to spin it as being for the best.

    Edit: I will also stop watching if they do an AEW vs ROH PPV where wrestlers on either "brand" put aside their differences, don color-coordinated t-shirts, and battle to determine "brand supremacy."

    You mean you don’t want to see Rampage have “Brand Supremacy” over Dynamite?! You wouldn’t like it if the shows were color coded? 

    While I applaud the discussion this idea has created I am with the people that would hate this. 

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, just drew said:

    No report said that. Dax said they might want to take some time off. No one has even hinted at them leaving. Good God…

    Where have you been? The latest board spin from the gimmicks is that FTR are going back to Papa H because Tony Khan won’t put the AEW tag belts on them. 

    Yes I know they said they wanted to do an indy run for a year so they can work less and heal up and do dream matches. I am just letting you know how far this thing has been spun on here. TK didn’t just buy ROH. All the haters were included too. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 12 hours ago, tbarrie said:

    Not to take anything away from him as a wrestler, but given his physique I have to ask: did Trent Seven pick his ring name specifically to invite "Seven ate nine" jokes?

    Like: "What happened to all the doughnuts backstage?" "Well..."

    Just needs to tone it up a bit and be a bit less jiggly and he’d be a perfect BAH GAWD Hoss.


    My bigger issue was trying to find his neck but I finally realized his beard and hair were hiding it. 

    • Like 2
  4. 27 minutes ago, Dolphman 3000 said:

    AEW is structured as an LLC that Tony can walk away from if it goes tits up, as opposed to ROH which he personally owns

    Warner Bros. Discovery can't be happy that he's using their TV time to promote his pet project that they never signed up for

    Is this a gimmick? Cause your laying it on a bit too thick if so.. 😵💫

    • Like 3
  5. 3 minutes ago, porksweats said:

    That's okay, he can take the year off tv wrestling by remaining with ROH.

    Well played. I personally think Dax wants take a year off just to drink beer and turn in to a true BAH GAWD hoss. Did I say think? I meant hope. 

    • Like 4
  6. 7 hours ago, just drew said:

    Yeah, the leap in logic from “non wrestler wants to go work with his best friend who stuck by him through multiple bouts of drug addiction AND his son, who is a very promising prospect” to “Tony Khan is a moron and everyone wants to leave” is baffling. Truly breathtaking. AEW doesn’t really have a developmental program. Whether or not they need one is another discussion, but why make a guy do a job he doesn’t want to when the job he wants to do isn’t one your company offers?


    As far as Mox goes, it wouldn’t shock me if he’s one of the guys who told TK just to let Regal out of his deal. What actual

    harm can letting a 50+ year old non wrestler go do AEW?

    For real the guy just wants to be around his kid. Considering his past bouts with addiction he might not live till he’s 90 to watch his son wrestle. 

    If TK gave him the out then good on him. 

    • Like 5
  7. 19 minutes ago, Log said:

    Tony needs to go the Impact route of killing anyone leaving on-screen.

    MJF's contract is up and Mox snaps his neck on the next Dynamite.

    I like this idea though I think if you’re going to kill someone in wrestling you go big or go home. You’ve got to live up to Abby getting the electric chair, car bombs and drive by shootings among other things. 

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, For Great Justice said:

    I would pay a ridiculous sum of money for The Complete WCW Prime. The true hidden gem of the boom period. 

    If you’re not opposed to owning it physically the entire deal is on the Youtubes. 

    I went through a ton of them. Their’s one that is a bit weird that involves Cruise wearing a diaper and moving around in it very strangely as Dusty eyes him like a Thanksgiving turkey. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. On 10/26/2022 at 5:07 PM, Zimbra said:

    I like Gunn, but everything he's done has had a very specific tone, and I'm not sure if that tone will work for a whole universe instead of the sort of palate cleanser it is now.  You can't actually build the whole plane out of the black box, y'know?

    Whatever they do to get out of this bleak garbage universe we’re stuck in now. 
    It was ok when Nolan was doing it but Snyder is not a competent enough film maker to understand human emotions in a way that you can set a movie in a very dark tone and bleak setting BUT and this is the part Snyder has 0 insight on and that is a light at the end of that dark tunnel. 

  10. On 11/8/2022 at 11:38 AM, RIPPA said:

    The Whale

    Directed by Darren Aronofsky

    For those unaware - this is the movie with a lot of Oscar buzz including Brendan Fraser for Best Actor

    Looked like one of those trailers that should be in front of Tropic Thunder. 75% was just Brendan Frasier crying like he had to sit through Bedazzled for multiple viewings. 

  11. 4 hours ago, SirSmellingtonofCascadia said:
    • "Oh, you didn't know?
    • "Yo' ass better CALLLLL SOMEBODDDAYYYYY"
    • "It's me, it's me, it's that D-O-Double G!"

    What are the other two? And are we counting the first two listed there as a continuation of the same catchphrase, in which case we need three more?

    Sorry I was just riffing on the old Bret thing.

    On the Konnan thing I remember on his podcast him talking about all the stuff he would say at the start of his promos in WCW and how one of the lines he used he completely made up and just sounded bad and how that was the only one they ever actually asked him to stop using. 

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