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Red is Dead

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Posts posted by Red is Dead

  1. Top 10.


    Asuka - NO ONE was ready for how well she transitioned from her independent career to her NXT career. She worked perfectly.

    Bo - he just worked perfectly - he viewed himself as a white hat while viewers saw him as a black hat. His obliviousness added to the charm.

    Enzo and Cass. They (alright, Enzo) just had charisma - in spaaaaaaaaades. They weren't the best when it came to actual wrestling, but people believed in them (well, Cass) as a dominant team (individual) and it worked.

    Bayley - character progression, the look, the appeal to younger audiences, she has it. 

    Sami - everyone wanted him to be generico, but he took his own character and soared with it. I loved the El Generico character - I fucking adore Sami Zayn.

    Revival. old school is cool. Nuff said.

    Elias. Admittedly, the rumble was the first exposure I've had to watching Elias live - but Jesus that dude was over with the philly crowd.

    Charlotte - arguably has had more character progression in NXT than Sasha. 

    Aleister Black - 2019 post mania raw (cos Almas has to go up in the post Nawlins mania raw, right?) is going to explode, when he rises up from the side of the stage. This guy will be huge.

    Velveteen Dream - if he can tailor his dress/look/package to each opponent in takeover matches, he'll be a made man. It's about innovation, standing out. And Dream has it oozing out of every pore.


    Honorable mention.

    Corey Graves. As good as these people are in the ring, they've been ably helped by the hardest working man in the company at the moment. Who'd have thought that sterling fucking james keenan would be the most used prospect to come out of NXT? How does he hold in his piss for four/five hours at a time during big ppvs?

  2. 19 minutes ago, RIPPA said:

    I was thinking about this the other day so I figured it out (why I don't know)

    Carmella has held the briefcase for 215 days (that is starting from the 1st MITB win. Subtract 2 days if you only want to count from the 2nd win)

    She is currently the 4th longest to wait to cash in

    Edge - 280

    Rollins - 273

    Ziggler - 267

    If she doesn't cash in until Fastlane that is 256 days. If she waits to Mania, that is 277.

    She technically can do her cash in at the next MITB and still be within her year since MITB is on 6/17/18 and last year's MITB was 6/17/17 (and she gets two more days if you count from the 2nd win)

    I have this sinking feeling that ronda vs charlotte will happen at WM, a knock down drag out affair, with someone just winning - both down on the canvas, and Carmella cashes in. Give her that moment, at least, as the first winner of the briefcase. start the tradition off right...

  3. Baszler, for being green as all hell, scares the crap outta me.

    She gets the whole heel thing, gets the bully tactic, gets her role in the division. Her vs Asuka, when it happens will be a main event ppv match, definite show closer.

    The crowd's surprise at Dream "KO'ing" Ohno at 24 seconds? Brilliance - they ate that shit up and asked for seconds...

    "n"thing the love for Almas Gargano. I am totally sold on Sombra now - he was pure stale in some previous takeover matches; saturday night he made a believer outta me. Cant wait for black to kick his face off.

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