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Posts posted by RUkered

  1. Poor me and Stout with deathmatches.

    I have the patience of a toddler so I'm constantly running and gunning. I try to be better about it so I'm not 90% of the reason we lose.

    I need some classes at the J.T. School Of Tactical Combat.

    It's why I'll never understand why I love the Hitman series so much. I start out choking a guy out to steal his uniform, walk calmly, get discovered anyway, get frustrated, and it's "screw this - EVERYBODY DIES."

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  2. I've been starting to think if we have any multiplayer games that would be nice for a change of pace. Ones I have are Red Dead and Tomb Raider. That's... Kinda it.

    I've been meaning to say something similar. When the time eventually comes that we play this thing less, I hope we can group up on something else. I really enjoy playing with everyone.

    Maybe we could create a thread and call it the Night Shift Shenanigans Thread or whatever.

    And I have Red Dead for PS3, but I'd happily buy it for Xbox if people did decide to play it. I'll never get tired of that game.

    Melraz and I spent many a night clearing out gang hideouts and doing zombie overruns. Then when we've had too many "2 beer", we finish out the night with poker.

    Well, technically that's not the end because we inevitably spend 20 minutes trying to hit each other with throwing knives from 100 yards away. It's a shit show. Basically the old west equivalent of night crew hell raising.

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  3. Decided to fool around with singleplayer a little today. I haven't touched it since I beat it (turns out that was Oct 5th - wow). Apparently I spent 0 dollars on anyone's cars because within 2 minutes I ramped Franklin's Buffalo head on into a pole and bent the front axle. It took about 5 minutes to drive the half mile to the mod shop, going a top speed of 10 mph with tires squealing the whole way.

    The stats say I've done every mission, but I'm missing some Strangers & Freaks and hobbies stuff. I also know I haven't done the thing with Michael where you roam in the desert or whatever you guys were talking about a while back. I need to get on GTA forum and figure out how to trigger this stuff.

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  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys. And Nate - you'll be happy to know that between both mom and dad, they've posted 3-4 different birthday related things in an effort to spread the word so people will start blowing up my page. Dammit.



    Saints Row the Third - it's from 2011, so it'll look like a PlayStation 2 game, but I really enjoyed the fourth one and all the reviews said "it's not as good as the third." Plus the price is right.


    You should enjoy it man. Nate and I spent many a night on Playstation wearing that game out and raising hell in a jet while blasting Return of the Mack on the in-game radio.


    Yes - I even got his I-only-listen-to-Johnny-Cash ass singing Return of the Mack. We'll have to bust that out one night in GTA. Nothing beats Nate hitting the backup.




    Edit: Screw it - Return of the Mack for everybody.


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  5. Hell yeah Cris. I don't care that I have an Entity, Coquette, Akuma, etc. The dune buggy is my go-to for the foreseeable future.

    Nothing beats ramping off a mountaintop and watching that thing float.

    On another note, last night was my first time with Chicken Drifting. I bet y'all are probably sick of it already, but I loved it. It takes what you expect to always happen in 4 way madness and makes it happen for real - namely me and J.T. slamming each other head on repeatedly.

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  6. If there's a reward for least valuable player in a team DM win, I deserved it for misanthrope's created match. Kills - 0. Deaths - 0. Shots fired - 0. Number of enemy spotted - 0. I would've been just as helpful taking a ride on the ferris wheel, and I still got paid. Fortunately my teammates had their shit together.

    I still want to know how Chris (at least I think it was Chris) survived 2 heavy sniper rounds in a row before somebody else got him. I know I only winged him, but that was damned frustrating.

    Was that when I was running for my life out in the open trying like hell to take cover behind that massive tree? I just kept getting hit and hit and hit and I have no clue how I didn't die sooner.

    Sounds about right. You were getting shot at from multiple angles. I couldn't see whoever else was shooting at you - could just see the bullets wizzing by.
    For the first time ever, I can say that was probably me. Anytime somebody asks about deathmatches, I'll cite that one and neglect to mention the billion other times I've been the team albatross.

    I just managed to take a bike to the mountaintop and it kept spawning you guys in shitty locations. If I didn't see you actually spawn, I'd spot you running for cover at the tree or the blue container. If I weren't such a shit-awful sniper, I would have had more than just 6 kills. For every time I killed somebody, it was preceded by 4-5 missed shots.

    I was so far away I couldn't make out who was who. I just know I kept shooting at someone dressed in all black and someone who appeared to be wearing a blue blazer.

    Mel would love that map. I say we have a Mel/Rippa sniper-off while the rest of us toss some lawn chairs on the mountain and enjoy the show.

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    Also,  I think Rippa has fallen in love with his Heavy Sniper rifle.  He may give it a name..


    For the love of God, someone take it from him!!!


    I don't remember which deathmatch it was, but he was absolutely raining hell down upon me. I would either be sitting out in the open like an idiot, or simply pop out of cover for a split second - didn't matter. I wouldn't even have the chance to zoom and I'd get popped right in the head.


    My favorite part though was him counting them off. I think he was counting off how many he killed without dying, but I had to be at least two of them.


    *Rippa has split open your skull*




    (Rukered sneaks up staircase, zooms in with sniper rifle, scans the horizon)


    *Rippa has crammed his sniper rifle so far up RUkered's ass he now has lead poisoning*



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    Had some kid named TrainingSkate bogart his way into our chat session after being shot by DVDR crew memebers a number of times.   We declared him off limits for a while, but then his screeching became unbearable and RUkered booted him from our chat.



    Yeah, apologies to everyone for that. I was at LSC and two people rolled up in the car. I had a random moment of kindness and decided to give them the benefit of the doubt (with my RPG out, just in case). TrainingSkate walked over and did the slow clap animation, so I saluted him and we got in a car. This is where I usually steer these kids towards another crew member and pretend I'm on their side while allowing others to wear them out. That was the plan. The plan backfired.


    The kid rolls up to a store and robs it. I did nothing but stand there, but while he's hiding from the cops, he splits half the take with me. So I immediately feel like a dick for planning to sabotage the guy. Meanwhile, Mel is on the headset going "Are you gonna kill him or am I gonna have to come down there???"


    We end up at the beach where the kid wants to race jet skis or something. True to his word, here comes Mel. Somewhere in the middle of this, the kid sends me a friend request. I think "what the hell" and accept it. Immediately, he bulldozes his way into the chat and it's immediately apparent we're dealing with a 10 year old. You can feel the wind suck out of the room as everybody goes silent in the chat. True to his word, Mel rolls up and snipes the kid repeatedly while I pretend I'm busy in the pause menu. I'm sitting there trying to figure out a way to covertly tell someone to boot the kid, meanwhile Mel is occasionally saying "Goddammit Burke" over the chat. I'm dying laughing.


    Long story short - I defriend the kid and check the party options. I don't know if I was running the party or what (don't know if it matters), but I had the option to boot the kid, so I did. He just would not shut the fuck up, and being that I was responsible for him bombarding his way into our lives, I felt that I should be the one to get him out of there.


    Although I'm kind of happy it happened, if only because we have yet another inside joke. Anytime one of us is sucking during a mission or race or whatever, we now know that all we need to do is yell "BUT I ONLY HAVE ONE HAND!!!"

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  9. Yeah Stout - that buddy he mentioned is the guy who hopped in the party. He ended up pulling them out to show them to me because the other guy you were playing with told me I had to hear his god-awful horns. And he wasn't joking. I haven't checked the new horns they added, so I don't know what he picked, but they were hilariously bad. I told him he had the "nails on a chalkboard of horns." As my mom used to say, every one of them sounded like a dying cat in a hail storm.


    Both those guys were in a crew together, but the second guy kept pulling out a Dinka motorcycle and pulling up beside the first guy laying on that terrible horn. Dude was going "I told you man, you blow that horn - I destroy the Dinka." Every time the guy blew the horn, he'd chase him down and keep running the bike over until it was smoking or exploded. It was hilarious. If they weren't in a crew already, I'd vote them both as good candidates for the DVDR. They had their shit together during missions and were both really friendly and helpful. They didn't even get upset when I blew their POVs up accidentally multiple times.


    In fairness, it was my first few times playing Rooftop Rumble where the 2 cars roll up on it. And my motto is "have grenade launcher, will panic shoot." Between Stout's water-logged Zentorno and the ones the guy used in Rooftop, I must have spent 30 grand on blown up whack-a-mole vehicles.


    And I have to give special props to Stout for his Zentorno decorating skills. That thing looks like we could have an egg-frying party on it if it sits out in the sun for a few minutes.

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  10. RUkered, how long did you stay in that room with those dudes? I thought that one guy was pretty cool. I had to split post-haste, I was running behind. We were having an good old fashioned car geekout, including you spending $9,000 on my Zentorno after water-logging it. Those are fun cars. I was hooking that one dude up with a Hearse, and it requires someone with a Hearse to spawn another one for whoever's wanting one.


    I liked that Karin Sultan he let me drive. Fully modded, it's like a slower version of the Elegy. Only costs $150 to replace if you water-log it. 


    And as I get ready to order up another Merriweather chopper 'cause I'm too lazy to drive across the map, I think I should've gotten that garage near the airport, but I'm staying put. I still think mine's better, overall, and me being the Donald Trump of GTA, I can afford to treat myself to a chopper flight. Speaking of which, it's about that time...


    I hung with them at least a couple more hours, if not more. Both of them seemed like good dudes. We ended up grinding Rooftop Rumble a lot. The second guy that came on had a good strategy for it. He'd hang back while me and the other guy chased down the guy fleeing with the documents. We'd go back to freemode at the voting screen, and then the guy that hung back at the garage would start the mission so we'd spawn right at the garage again. It made everything go very quickly.


    And yeah, I was holding onto my cash like Scrooge until I hopped on with you guys yesterday. I should have learned by now to not take the most expensive cars in the game up mountains at 150 mph. Stout let me try out the Zentorno, and I was in it maybe a total of 5 minutes before I rocketed over a cliff and spun out straight into a lake. Goodbye, 9 grand.


    Then I ended up buying the 10-car garage by the airport. Then Stout's buddy let me drive his BF Dune Buggy around. I owned one long ago, but you couldn't mod it at all other than the tracker and insurance. It wasn't worth it because someone would immediately shoot out the tires and it was undriveable. But now that you can fully mod it, that will be my go-to vehicle for the foreseeable future.


    Then those guys clued me in that the topless Coquette was now available. Here's the worst part of it all. I hadn't bothered to go back and put 100% armor on most of my vehicles since I unlocked it. So I decided to take some time and make sure everything I owned was fully upgraded. I had literally just driven out of LSC, spending about 100 grand on my Coquette when the guy mentioned the topless version was available. *sigh* So I drove it back in, sold it, ordered the convertible, and modded it up. Still, I think after I earned money doing Rooftop Rumble so much, I'm only down about a half million. I'm not up in the penthouse with all the hookers and cocaine like Stout, but I still have a couple mil to my name.

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  11. Nah - they went the soft route and closed with "Would You Lay With Me (In A Field Of Stone)". Side note - sing one line of that on party chat one night and I'll bet my next paycheck Mel will finish through at least the first chorus.



    Oh, and we've all spent several days shopping like old ladies on an outlet store trip, it's been hilarious. "What do you think of this paint job, Mildred?"


    It just hit me that Rockstar missed the boat with this new update. They already have Steve Winwood's "Higher Love" in the game. They should have "Back In The High Life Again" pumping over the speakers of Binco while y'all try on your suits and dresses.

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  12. Since I'm the asshole who got the ball rolling, I'll be serious for a second and say happy birthday Mel. My gift is a short recording from the Alic......uhhh....David Allan Coe concert I went to last night.





    I really should stop coming on this board while I'm unable to access GTA. It's a love/hate thing - I love reading about everybody's adventures, but it's killing me to not be able to play - especially since some of these missions sound hard enough to shake things up.


    When I get back to my house on Saturday, I'll probably go on a GTA bender until somebody stages an intervention.


    And Stout, next time we're on together, I want to do that race with the upside-down-ramp you mentioned. For that matter, I'd like to do all the jump races you bookmarked. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing too.


    I think I'm going to spend a little time in the creator on Saturday. I'm not even going to attempt a deathmatch - I know already I'd suck at that. Since offroading is my number one real life pastime, I think I might do okay creating an offroad race. I raced a user-created one once that followed (and crossed at a few points) the river. It was really fun and I'd like to do something similar. Maybe something up Mt. Chiliad - I don't know. Didn't you mention liking offroad stuff too Stout? I seem to remember somebody mentioning that once.


    I almost joined a secondary crew that meets to do nothing but offroad stuff. I decided against it - felt too much like cheating on a spouse.


    *channels Melraz*


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  13. -Players will no longer receive reminder phone calls for player abilities once they have used that ability. (Which should mean no more nagging phone calls from Simeon, etc., while playing the game)

    -So long as a player has enough Cash in their Wallet or Bank, they will now be able to purchase items without having to move Cash around. (No more withdrawing cash from the bank to pay your impound fee or for a mugger)

    I'm more excited for these than just about anything listed in the release. I can't count the number of times I've accidentally answered the phone when I was trying to do something else - and having to make myself vulnerable so I could pull up the bank site and move cash around to call a mugger was maddening.

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  14. Hell I might be able to get back on one of these days. I'm dog sitting for a buddy all week at his parents' huge house, yet they have no internet. And on the very week new content is released too. Ehhhhhhhhhhh.

    On the bright side, I get to see Alice In Chains on Wednesday. Mel is going to be very proud of me.

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  15. I don't think I've had an apartment invite since the night we were in Bane's. "YOU GENTLEMEN ARE FINE FOES!!!"

    Agreed on a crew clubhouse. I would enjoy gathering around a TV to watch ridiculousness go on outside.

    Edit: And now I'm laughing all over again about Mis constantly telling Bane "You need to fucking run your gimmick by creative again buddy" and randomly blasting him with a shotgun in the middle of our massive fistfight where he was obviously cheating his ass off.

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