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Posts posted by RUkered

  1. I'll go with ya Burke. We'll start up at trevors and take "shortcuts" the whole way down to the ferris wheel then we can get us some cotton candy hold hands and ride to the top of the world together.



    As long as this is playing while we let the cool summer breeze blow through our cowboy hats/hockey masks.





    Edit: I decided to actually watch this after I posted it because I'd never seen the video, and holy shit if this ain't the most 90's thing of all time. You've got horses running behind fire in slow motion, a denim shirt unbuttoned so far his dick may fall out, and him singing in a cardboard looking fake canyon. Pure gold.

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  2. I can't count the number of times I've been right behind him, flipping down the mountain when he says, "Shit if we'd have taken the road, we'd already be there."

    The best ones are when you rocket off the mountain and end up stuck in that amphitheater thing.

    Or when I sail Stout's latest million dollar car into the ocean.

    On an unrelated note, I keep forgetting to head down and ride the ferris wheel. Anybody done it? Worth my time?

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  3. Rockstar Games has recently issued a patch fixing online functions for Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3.


    So if you're interested in getting a Platinum and haven't gotten the multiplayer trophies yet, it's highly advisable that you do so.


    Am I misunderstanding you, or does the mean that they're shutting down online access for it? I've got that game on PS3, and I've logged more hours than I'd care to admit. I still revisit it sometimes.




    I can't wait for the November update. "Enjoy the exhilarating thrill of piloting an RC helicopter around sunny Los Santos!"

    Fixed that for you :-/




    Good call.


    On that note, I can't wait for the February 2015 update. "Enjoy the exhilarating thrill of the all new versus mode. One team defends a damn train while the other attempts to overtake it on Sanchez's."

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  4. In my defense I didn't know the poor sap was onna bicycle. I already had my rocket aimed at the ally we were in. A bike turned the corner and I didn't have time to swap guns. I probably wouldn't of anyhoo though. I really thought that youdda lived through it Burke my apologies. That mighta been my last run on the city for a couple of weeks unless I getta get on tonight. The boss lady works in the am then she's off a couple of weeks, we're going on vakacheeon the second week.


    Oh hell you know I don't care. It was my favorite moment of the whole night. I just picture the guy sitting there looking like a blown up Wile E. Coyote with his bike still smoking going, "SERIOUSLY?? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE???" and then rage-quitting.


    Edit - Melraz just sent me a screenshot of the board showing 9 of us reading this topic. With all of us here, what's the equivalent of a white dot around here that we can run off?

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    After Robert left, Mis and I found some poor kid and blew up his motorcycle five times between us - last night was horribly expensive even for an eccentric millionaire, between blowing up Zentornos and Adders and calling airstrikes (which work about 10 percent of the time, but when they work ...). Thank goodness motorcycles are cheap.




    Theme of the night for me was the old trick of killing a guy, sticky bombing his personal vehicle, and then taking him, and it, out when he came back to collect it.  I got at least 6 or 7 of those last night.  Two came right in a row on an Adder and a Zentorno.  Guy on an Akuma put a bounty on me after I interrupted his getaway attempt that way.



    Oh, how the days of us being so concerned about going to GTA jail have changed.


    It hadn't really hit me until I read these posts, but I realized it has actually become standard procedure to blow up not just the POV of the guy you just killed, but any POV you see.


    I laugh every time I hear something like this on the mic - "Hey...any of you guys have a blue Zentorno out right now? No? Bye bye Zentorno."

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  6. Last night was more of the usual, and it was awesome. I happened to sign on right as everyone was switching from missions to chaos. The theme of the night seemed to be explosions. It was like trying to snipe in the middle of an earthquake.


    I don't think anybody strayed too far from the action at any given point, because I'd look down at the mini-map and it was just green dots galore - so thick at times that I couldn't even see the white/red dots. Some poor sap would run into a fenced-in area or something similar, and we'd basically be climbing fences from all sides like a zombie movie.


    Pack of wolves, indeed. So much so that I just picture these people quoting the The Grey while they're frantically reloading their machine gun.


    "Once more into the fray.

    Into the last good fight I'll ever know.

    Live and die on this day.

    Live and die on th-"  CublombianRoast has killed Cheesus



    I favored the Allah Ahkbar most of the night, and managed to get one of my favorite kills with it. I drove up on a guy that had just started lifting off in a Maverick. Drove the car under it and detonated. The cherry on top was that another guy just happened to zoom up in a car and got caught in the blast.


    My favorite moment, though, had to be from melraz. He and I were in a narrow alley, and he warns me that a white dot is coming. The dude comes around the corner, and it's just an unarmed guy on a bike. Now, for some reason, despite all my bloodlust, I have these random moments of compassion.


    I start to say, "Oh nevermind, it's just some dude on a bike." I might have gotten three of those words out when I see a rocket whip into the wall.


    melraz09 has killed [bikedude]

    melraz09 has killed you

    melraz09 died


    Laughed my ass off. Nobody can ever accuse us of being innocent of overkill.

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  7. Also, man, do I ever hate Arlo. What a cocksucker that guy is.

    Originally just came in here to say that I'm really enjoying watching someone fall in love with the show, and you guys are reminding me of so much awesome stuff.

    But if you hate Arlo now, just wait. That thing he did during the Quarles season - hoo boy. That's all I'll say - don't want to spoil anything, nor tempt anyone with spoiler tags.

  8. I completely forgot about tag teaming him with the fire trucks. I was cackling like a madman. If I were Catholic, I'd be in confession today.

    "Father forgive me, for I have sinned. I sticky-bombed a level 16 and then ran him over and took the hose to him when he was in passive."

    "Son...just...just leave and never speak of this again."

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  9. Apparently I'm Johnny Nostalgia lately. I was trying to dig back in my post history and find a particular post (which I didn't find) and found this, which cracked me up. At the risk of coming off like a huge douche, I'll quote myself.



    The first thing that made me laugh is that this is old enough that Melraz wasn't a board member and was referred to as "my buddy." I think he's more or less a legend roun' these here parts now.


    The second thing that made me laugh was how incompetent we were back then, yet we already had the "screw this, let's do something crazy" mentality.


    Lastly, I really want to try Death From Above with you guys again now that we're seasoned.



    Jstout and I were on and off most of the day, and he helped me get through some missions (big thanks for helping me FINALLY beat Death From Above) and we did some random voting screen missions. Sorry for picking that new survival. I couldn't get backed out of it in time.


    And before I forget, my buddy wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf. While you and I were completing Death From Above, he was trying to take a shortcut through the mountains and ended up dying in a fireball while tumbling down the hillside. When he respawned, he got run over on the highway. He figured you'd think he was actively trying to sabotage the thing.




    There's too many people around the mansion, and then boom, here come the cops with helicopters. It paid well, but how we made it through it is a mystery to me.


    Pure, sheer luck is how we made it - not because of any skill on my part. I noticed the first time that going around the right side of the mansion -  I managed to shoot the target, but died before I could get a picture of him. I've never even gotten close to him before. So I figured if I could just kill enough people and survive long enough to take the picture of him that it wouldn't matter if I then died. One of us would still be alive to go to Madrazzo's house. Either way, I finally completed it and I'll never do it again if I can help it.


    I got some of the details wrong about my buddy. What actually happened is even more hilarious to me. The first time he died, it was because he flew over a ridge and didn't realize a cliff was on the other side. He was afraid the car would explode, so he jumped out and parachuted - only he was basically 4 inches off the ground when the chute opened. When he respawned, he was back on top of the mountain, so he thought - screw it - I'll just parachute down. What he didn't realize is that he no longer had a parachute. So he more or less just dove off a mountain to his death.


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  10. I got the shoot 'em before they shoot you habit from Moongirl because players she beat in races would always try to get revenge for their humiliating defeat by spawn killing her, so she got into the habit of shotgunning them first at close range and then changing sessions.

    This right here...this warms my black heart.

    The Annie Oakley of GTA.

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  11. I will definitely be a Titan. Fits my play style really well. I know why it doesn't, but I wish it charged a little faster.

    Reminds me a lot of playing as Krieg in Borderlands 2.

    "Oh there's a pile of 5 enemies over there??"

    *dives right in the middle of them*

    And a big thanks to Mis who got me leveled up in just a few hours.

  12. You couldn't join their game through "recently met"? Thought you could. I thought I was gonna bop in on one guy but never got around to it. Never paid attention to it.

    Phil's was crazy close to the site of the whole thing, but their Facebook page doesn't say anything about damage. Good BBQ, but no fries. I understand why, it's a small place, but BBQ without fries to drench in BBQ sauce doesn't seem right. You been to Ridgewood? That's the real deal.

    Oh man I forgot all about Ridgewood. I've only been once, and it was years and years ago. I'm craving it badly now.

    And thanks J.T. I checked his name a few times, but that option never showed up. He may have turned the whole thing off.

    Either way, good to know it's possible. I'm sure I'll angrily chase someone else before too long.

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  13. Speaking of looking for assholes, is there any way to chase someone from room to room? I really wanted to keep after the guy I mentioned. I didn't see any option on the menu. I did find his name through the "recently met" (or whatever it's called) Xbox menu, but all I could do was send a friend request, invite, etc.

    Edit: Stout, you almost gave me a heart attack. When I saw "Phil's Dream Pit," I thought for sure you were going to say it got leveled. I would have shed several pulled pork tears.

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  14. Freakin' tornado came right up Mel's ass, right in his section of town. I think it didn't get his exact area. Friend of mine lives near him and reported no damage.

    One dude moved his four cars into his barn to keep them from being damaged by hail. The tornado flattened the barn.

    Nothing happened in the middle of town. It's raining harder now than it rained during the tornado. Fun watching the TV station freak the fuck out.

    Spoke with my parents last night and mom goes, "I bet poor Dave Dierks has been on his feet for 3 hours now."

    I hopped on for a while yesterday out of boredom and managed to further cement our rep as the Allah Akbar boys.

    Had some guy camping the apartment that killed me when I left the garage. I stickied a car up, called Lester to hide my blip, and you know how the rest goes.

    And put DreadLockShoota on your shit lists. He kicked in the door to a clothing shop and gunned me down. I thought that was patched, or was he cheating? He's a level 300, but I hesitate to call him a cheater because our fine, upstanding Stout is 300+ and it's all legitimate.

    Anyway, I chased him all the way up to Blaine County as he was chasing someone else. He's up on the hill sniping. I do the same routine and take off up the hill in a car that can barely make it. I didn't think it would work because NPC's don't just stroll up a mountain straight at you, but he was so focused on the other guy that I was able to take him and his car out.

    I then sniped him as he tried to Mary Lou down the mountain with a carbine. After that, he kicked my ass three times in a row and then took off toward his garage. I lined the exit with stickies and blocked the door with a car. I sat there stubbornly for 10 minutes, knowing full well he was watching me on Weasel. It was a test of wills, and he finally left the room. I'll consider it a victory.

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  15. Night before last, it must have been GTA night at the Short Bus Depot. I'm sure I went on about it way too much, but it was just too surreal. I don't recall a single person not playing like an absolute moron.


    I'd see a white dot looking my direction on the mini-map. Usually, that means my head is split clean open before I can even pull up my sights. Instead, I'd scan the street and spot the guy. He'd be looking straight at me with his sniper. I'd take my time lining up the shot and blow him away. This happened repeatedly. These were new guys either - levels of 50+, 70+, even some 100+ people.


    One guy in particular was my favorite. I kept sniping him across some parking lot. He'd respawn, run across the middle of the lot with no cover. If I didn't get him while he ran, he'd post up behind the same tree and pop out on the left every. single. time. It was like bad CPU A.I. I must have killed him 6 times in a row when here comes Mel and someone else (I can't remember). I'm like "Hey guys, this dude is an absolute moron." Queue them raining rockets and grenade launcher rounds. The screen was shaking like an earthquake. I was dying laughing.





    EDIT: Jeez, me and Melraz and RUkered were up WAY too late last night putting boots up asses. Even at freakin' 5:30, I was raining death on poor bastards on Vespucci Beach with my sniper rifle on Del Perro Pier. The one guy we ran into who was any sort of a vague problem was doing some cheating with a jet. We ran into a cluster of him and about 6 of his buddies and had them cleared out in about 5 minutes. We held off a massive cluster outside Fort Zancudo in a spot where you were lucky to find a tree for cover.


    Mel had the sniper rifle workin' OT, killing two dudes with one shot. I was absolutely kicking one guy's ass when here came Mel and RUkered to completely complicate his life further. We'd ride up and they'd run off. It was one of those unfortunately too rare nights where all of us, including me, were the hammer, and everyone else got nailed.


    I found out last night that I may be more stubborn in this game than I am in real life. One guy whose ass we were kicking bitched out and got a tank. We couldn't escape him for a while. Despite tanks being nerfed, he survived because we were getting spawned in bad places. I finally say "screw this" and call in a tank. By the time I picked it up, the guy was way down south in the city, bullying someone else. He was about 2+ miles away from me. I almost abandoned the plan because I knew it would take forever to get down there, but this guy had pissed me off too much. I don't know how long it took me to catch up to him, but it felt like forever. I rounded the corner and blew him up. He immediately left the room. I hate when people take their ball and go home.


    Stick aroun-I say, stick around and let the DVDR teach you some lessons, boy.

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  16. I may be on tonight or at various point this weekend if any of you guys are on. I'm dog sitting for a buddy who coincidentally is also in the crew - he just hasn't played in months.


    I'm going to look around online to confirm this, but I'm pretty sure I can just log into my Live account on his Xbox. I'm thinking all my character-related stuff is all on the cloud, so it shouldn't matter that my save data won't be on his hard drive. I don't know for sure though.


    If not, I'll just play as his character and remember what it's like get the shit kicked out of you as a level 60-something.

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  17. One last thing I just remembered and I'll shut up for the day. I almost dropped the controller from laughing.


    I think the rest of you guys were up around Trevor's airfield fighting some guys. Mis and I went to the heli-tours place down South to chopper up there. We each get in our own Annihilators and take off. A few seconds go by and Mis goes, "Dammit Burke, you're gonna have to come pick me up. I accidentally dove out of the chopper and it crashed."


    So I go pick him up and climb a little bit. I might have made it two city blocks when I see his body tumble out the passenger side.


    Click it or ticket, Mis.

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