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Posts posted by ultimoDANK

  1. How did Varys point him to the Tower of the Hand? Sure he helped Jamie free Tyrion but I always assumed Tyrion was just familiar with the layout of the castle and knew he was under the Tower of the Hand. I can see a casual viewer being "Oh there just happens to be a secret door to Tywin's room?" Buuullshit.

  2. That's a good point about Tyrion not telling Jamie about Cersei fucking around with Lancel. They must be saving that for Lancel himself. Gotta think Lancel and Kevan Lannister return very early next season. Both are pretty important going forward. That reminds me of yet another new character they have to introduce, the new High Septon.

    There is going to be a massive amount of speculating during this GoT offseason.

  3. More thoughts. Jon Snow locking eyes with Melisandra over the flames was a cool moment. Stannis saving the day could have been a little more dramatic though.

    Ok the skeletons rising from the ground was looked good but the fireball throwing kid wasn't so great. Even the fireball sounds were terrible. As much money as this show is making HBO better not skimp on effects going forward.

  4. Well they nailed it. I was skeptical going in that they'd be able to hit everything but they proved my fears wrong.

    I think the Hound is dead. Sure we didn't see him die but he was super fucked up and in the middle of nowhere.

    Depending on how they go the cast could really ballon next season. Let's see...

    Prince Doran Martell

    Arianna Martell

    Aero Hotath

    Queyntn Martell and his 2 buddies.

    At least 3 Sand Snakes.

    Jon Connington and young Aegon

    Brown Ben Plumm

    Mance's wife and her sister

    2, maybe 3 Greyjoy brothers.

    Whoever Arya meets in Braavos.

    The Kettlebacks.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple more...

  5. I have thoughts but I'm tired. I gotta say though the beginning of that clip show freaked me out. The super close up of Snoo I'm sorry Nicole's face to open the show was frightening. Not that she was pretty before but now she's downright disturbing to look at.

    • Like 1
  6. Nobody on this past Mondays episode? That was a kickass episode of 24. I was liking this season so far but this is an episode that really justifies bringing it back from the dead. You can tell they spent some coin on this episode, another benefit of the format change. Looking back 24 episodes for this style of a show is absurd. I guess they and mostly Keifer Sutherland deserve some credit for keeping me interested 192 episodes and a TV movie into Jacks story.


    Lady Stark in an awesome villain.

  7. While I'm on this. Howard does no research for his interviews?? Almost every interview he knows something that makes the person being interviewed ask "How did you know that?"

    To be nitpicky, Jason and Will do all the research and give him a prep sheet with topics to bring up.

    That might be true when they have on like Steve Carrell but when he has on like ZZ Top or Stephen Stills I think Howard does a lot of his own research. Plus even if guys in the back office do the research Howard is still the one deciding how to ask a question, how to work an angle to get a better answer.

  8. To be honest since Reid died I think I'm happier he's nearer his daughter and his WWE family than anywhere else.

    Look at you with the emotions and the feelings.

    I to find it hard to see Flair getting booed.

    I can't even imagine functioning after what Ric's been through and I have no kids.

    He's had an insane life. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows.

  9. Am I mistaken, or is Ultimo Dank saying Mancow is funnier than O&A?

    I'm saying both are terrible.

    While I'm on this. Howard does no research for his interviews?? Almost every interview he knows something that makes the person being interviewed ask "How did you know that?"

    • Like 3
  10. I'm fine with the Order being RE 1886 if it plays well. I'm really into The Evil Within. Sure it looks like it contains many genre tropes but I don't care I like survival horror games.

    The new Arkham game looks amazing. I wonder though does Rocksteady just keep making these games? After this I think I'd like to see them try something else.

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